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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Gazette: Christian Persecution, Part IV

When someone tells you they hate you and want to kill you, believe them.

By Rich Kozlovich

(Christian Persecution: Part One, Part Two, Part III, and My Gazette: Christian Heresy)

 As we watch these halfwits protesting against Israel over Gaza in favor of Hamas, claiming Israel is committing genocide, when in reality it's Hamas that's put the civilian population in jeopardy, because if it bleeds it leads, and they want as much civilian blood shed as possibly, including children, or they wouldn't hide in their midst.   All the while Muslims around the world really are committing acts of genocide against Christians, and the protestors are silent.  Why?  Because genocide isn't the issue.  Their goal is the destruction of western civilization, and what's amazing is if they succeed, they'll be among the first to be killed by these monsters.

  • Radical Muslims Burn Down Christian's Homes in Egypt - A group of Muslim extremists on April 23 reportedly set fire to several Coptic Orthodox Christians’ homes in southern Egypt while the residents were still inside.  The extremists also set fire to several shops owned by Christians in the same village as their homes, in Egypt’s southern Minya province.  According to International Christian Concern, “As the flames grew, the extremists attempted to prevent Christians from leaving their burning homes. However, authorities reported that there were no fatalities.” An anonymous source from Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Church told news outlet the New Arab, “The attacks are believed to have been triggered by an attempt to build a new church in Al-Fawakher village in Minya met by the violent rejection of their Muslim neighbours.”  The source continued, “When religious fanatics failed to expel Christians from their homes as a form of punishment, the extremists [reportedly] burned down their houses while they were still inside.”.......
  •  Why The FBI’s Assault On Catholics Threatens All Christians - By Kyle SeraphinIn light of the FBI’s anti-Catholic ‘Richmond memo,’ the true new resistance is everyday churchgoing folks with families. Betrayal. If I could sum it all up in one word, it would have to be “betrayal.” “This is what being stabbed in the back feels like,” I thought to myself on that winter day when I first laid eyes on the FBI’s anti-Catholic “Richmond memo.”  My reaction was predictable. I am Catholic, and I thought it was appalling, plain and simple.  Of all the groups our top federal law enforcement agency would write an 11-page document targeting, they picked us. With all of the crime going on in the country, especially in the last few years, the FBI decided we Catholics were the problem.    “Radical-traditionalist,” I thought, trying to make sense of the term the FBI used more than 40 times throughout the memo. It was certainly not a term I had ever heard before in the counterterrorism space.   Who is a “radical-traditionalist Catholic?”......Pro-lifers, liking the Latin Mass.....“fringe Catholicism,” as a means to go after Christians in general and declare them to be the real “threats” and “potential terrorists” in the country.............
  • Supreme Court to put politician on trial for Christianity a THIRD time  Twice courts already have cleared her of hate charges By Bob Unruh April 19, 2024 Twice already, courts in Finland have cleared politician Paivi Rasanen of hate speech charges for simply posting a Bible verse.  That's not good enough for the prosecutor, who insisted he would take his efforts to punish her for her biblical views to the nation's Supreme Court.   That's not good enough for the prosecutor, who insisted he would take his efforts to punish her for her biblical views to the nation's Supreme Court. And now that body has agreed to review the claims.
  • Rob Reiner makes it clear that leftists are coming for Christianity - February 14, 2024 by Andrea Widburg - During the Super Bowl, a very well-funded group ran an ad showing conservatives abasing themselves before leftist victim classes, with the tagline “He gets us,” with the “He” referring to Jesus. The message was clear: Whatever traditionalists say about Christ’s teachings is wrong. Leftists are morally and doctrinally correct, and it’s time for Christianity to get with the program. That’s not the only assault 2024 has on traditional Christian beliefs. Rob Reiner has a movie coming out challenging so-called “Christian Nationalism” and substituting leftism in its place......
  • Constitution Does Not Dictate That Satanic Displays Must Get Equal Time in Public Square - In the very tiresome battles over whether one religious element can be in the public realm without being accompanied by other “religious” elements that someone, somewhere, claims to value, a simple point is missed: We do have the right to freedom of religion. But this does not equate to the right to equal government showcasing of religion. The issue at hand is that cultural devolutionaries have for years now applied a religion-focused Cloward-Piven strategy, through which they seek to eliminate all public-square religious expression by inundating the system with equal-time requests for “religious” expression ranging from the evil to the asinine.
  • White Christian Nationalism: Threat or mirage? April 18, 2024 by John Horvat II - In the eyes of liberals, there is only one thing worse than Christian nationalism. It is White Christian nationalism. The addition of the adjective “White” supercharges the expression with vitriol and power, turning its followers (especially if they are male) into something everyone should love to hate. Judging from the liberal media uproar, the dangers of White Christian Nationalism (WCN) are immense. It is systemic, found everywhere inside the culture and governing structures of American society. Should something like this triumph, it will be the end of American democracy. People would think that this White Christian Nationalism, being such a broad and imminent threat, must have many ways of expressing itself and exerting its enormous influence over the population. It must have an articulate doctrine and a means of diffusing itself into every sector of society. It must have books, publications, think-tanks and political organizations building its cause -- a power base proportional to this overwhelming influence...........However, no vast network of influence exists...........
  • Haiti Devours White Missionaries (Video)
  • Gunman Opens Fire on Synagogues In Russia, Killing Priest and Several Others - Sarah Arnold -  A gunman opened fire on two synagogues, two Orthodox churches, and a police post in Derbent, Russia— home to a Jewish community— on Sunday.   According to the state-sponsored TASS news agency, the Chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission of Dagestan Shamil Khadulaev confirmed that a 66-year-old priest was found dead with his throat slashed at one of the Orthodox churches. ......Islamist terror attack in Dagestan, Russia against a synagogue and a church. At least 5 police officers k*lled and 1 priest beheaded. The bearded terrorists are all dressed in black and are shouting “Allahu Akbar”.....
  • The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party - David R. Carlin -Watching a cable TV network the other day (I think it was CNN), I saw a brief discussion between a liberal and one of CNN’s token conservatives regarding the question of whether or not the Democrat party is hostile to religion.  In the discussion, the word “religion” obviously had reference above all to Christianity.  Nobody was talking about Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism, and probably not even Judaism.  The conservative asserted that the Democrat party is hostile to religion.  The liberal denied this.  To prove his point, the liberal reminded listeners that blacks are a major fraction of the Democrat party and that these same blacks are almost all of them Christian believers.  How absurd, then, to say that the party is anti-religious.  Also the other day (whether on CNN or MSNBC I cannot remember), somebody attempted to refute the “slander” that the Democrat party is anti-religious by asserting that Joe Biden, head of the Democrat party, is the “most religious” president of the USA that we have had for a long, long time. 
  • Religious leaders push to kill pro-life law, judge issues stunning ruling - A judge in St. Louis, Missouri, has dismissed a lawsuit from a group of clergy members who contended that the state’s pro-life protections violate the separation of church and state. The 14 clergy members, among them Christian, Jewish, and Unitarian Universalist leaders who support abortion, filed their lawsuit last year against the state’s law that protects nearly all preborn children from abortion. In their complaint, the plaintiffs took issue with the portion of the state law that says “life begins at conception,” arguing that through this claim, lawmakers had “weaponized their religious beliefs.” The group had asked for an injunction against the pro-life law due to this claim.......
  • Dagestan attack - Multiple gunmen launched concurrent attacks in two cities in Dagestan, a mostly Muslim Russian republic in the North Caucasus. The Sunday evening attacks targeted two Orthodox churches, a synagogue and a traffic police post in Makhachkala, the capital, and Derbent. Among the dead are at least 15 police officers, six suspected gunmen and four civilians. Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the neighboring Chechen Republic and close ally of President Vladimir Putin, said the attackers intended to sow religious discord......
  • LGBTQ Activists Erupt In Fury After ‘Homophobic’ Christian Korbin Albert Makes U.S. Olympic Women’s Soccer Team - Radical gay activists have erupted in anger after the U.S. Olympics selected the openly Christian Korbin Albert for the U.S. women’s soccer team. On Wednesday, the U.S. National Women’s Team head coach Emma Hayes announced the 18-player roster of players heading to Paris...... 
  • A Judge Weaponizes Religion As Biden’s DOJ pits Catholic against Catholic.   At what point do pro-choice narratives become so encoded in a federal judge’s head that when it comes time to sentence an anti-abortion protester to prison — in this case, an ailing 75-year-old woman who expressed doubts about surviving prison life — that same judge will quip, “Make an effort to remain alive because that’s a “tenet of your religion.” The sentencing of Paulette Harlow, 75, a Catholic, by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly — a graduate of the Catholic University of America and presumably a Catholic, albeit of the cafeteria variety — to two years in prison for violating the Face Act, was an act of judicial cruelty..............

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