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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, June 21, 2024

Debanking is Political and Religious Discrimination, and Someone Needs to Be Punished

By Rich Kozlovich 

On Monday, July 31, 2023 I posted this article, Leftists Love Blacklists. Whodathunkit, and started out by quoting Senator Ron Paul saying:

“Americans are free people and we do not take infringements upon our liberties lightly. The time has come for resistance and to reclaim our God-given right to free expression. Under my Free Speech Protection Act the government will no longer be able to cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of Americans.”

I went on to discuss the Hollywood blacklisting issue, and then addressed what I really wanted to talk about.   Nigel Farage was "debanked" by NatWest bank, and the bank even passed Farage's private information, apparently about his banking practices, to the BBC.  After their excuses flopped, they eventually had to admit their actions were politically motivated. 

Farage made a huge public issue of this stating 

“It’s not the job of banks to tell us what to think or what political party we should support. The Government’s been extremely clear on this in a democracy that relies upon freedom of expression, and freedom of thought." “That isn’t a legitimate thing for a bank to remove someone’s access to a bank account – a really important building block of society today and that’s what I made clear in the meeting that I held with top bank bosses and the heads of building society’s this morning.”

It's apparent he wasn't the only one this happened to and as the facts became clear this was a ..... watch out now here it comes...... "a planned, organized and implemented conspiracy among Britain's banking industry to censor and punish political speech, association, and views they disprove of." Documents showed they didn't like his ties to Donald Trump, and they didn't like his conservative views, so they decided he (and others) had to be punished, and they had the right to punish him for "wrong thinking", and so they did.   There are some people that it just doesn't pay to tick off, and Farage is one of them  

This was a conspiracy in which there must have been a lot of communication between the officers of the banks who were debanking clients.  In America that would make it a criminal conspiracy, and a RICO violation.  The article goes on to point out banks aren't like ordinary businesses, and especially one such as  NatWest in England, as "it is still almost 40 per cent owned by the UK taxpayer, and the political and regulatory ramifications of this episode are likely to ripple out for months to come.” 

This isn't just an issue in England.  It's a worldwide effort that can't be called anything less than an organized worldwide conspiracy, as Der Fuhrer Klaus Schwab and his WEF wants to weaponize banking along political lines worldwide attempting to force the world to accept every leftist insanity they're promoting.  Economic weapons for the mass destruction of freedom and individual rights.  

It's happening right now, and right here in America, and if you doubt the Biden administration isn't in on this "economic" warfare against America, here was Biden's pick in 2021 to be head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, who wanted to "end banking as we know it” 'by replacing all private bank deposits with central bank accounts."'....and wants to bankrupt the energy companies to save the world from climate change, and admires the Russian economy and got her B.A in the Soviet Union.  

She thinks America should emulate the Soviet Union, which went bankrupt, and it apparently doesn't bother her that there also was no bread available and their super markets shelves were largely empty, except for the ruling elite, who all had special markets where only party members could shop and they could get what they wanted.  

And that's the example she wanted America to follow.  Remarkable!  If the soviet system was so wonderful, why did she leave?  Then when she was allegedly shocked at finding that so much about America is so bad, why didn't she go back?  Fortunately, she didn't get the job as the Senate hearings crushed her, but the problem isn't just one person, it's ubiquitous. 

Milt Harris posted this piece, Second Largest American Bank Targets Pro-Life Conservatives, saying:

The woke radical infiltration of leftist ideals is a disease and should be treated as a social pandemic.  Bank of America is the second largest bank in the country, trailing only J.P. Morgan. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, the bank has a large national presence with 3,800 financial centers and 15,000 ATMs. It also boasts $2.4 trillion in total assets. It’s common knowledge that under the Biden administration, conservatives and Christian values are under constant attack. Now, corporations are also targeting conservatives, particularly pro-life advocates, by denying them services. 

He went on to say:

While radical leftist groups are free to puke racism, antisemitism, and anti-American rhetoric, not to mention riot, burn, and loot legitimate businesses and even college campuses, Conservatives are punished for only speaking their minds.  The censorship started with known left-leaning corporations like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Apple. Then, it quickly spread to other places such as Starbucks, Netflix, Ralph Lauren, and many more.  The fact that these corporations have chosen to back LGBTQ and pro-abortion causes while punishing conservatives and free speech is against everything America stands for. 

So, are these actions illegal?  Well, this is in effect discrimination, political and/or religious, and that's illegal.  

This should be dealt with just as Nigel Farage dealt with it in England, take them to court, sue the pants off them, and now that Farage is clearly going to be elected to the Parliament, we can be assured he's not going to forget about this.  And here's the topping on the cake.  Since the current ruling party, the Tories,  are crashing in the polls, the Labour Party will most like be the ruling party in their upcoming election, and Farage's party will be the Opposition Party, and that will make them part of the Shadow Cabinet.  Don't ask, their system is screwy, but in England that's a big deal.   

As for America, all this corruption isn't just about banking.

If the Republicans hold the House, take over the Senate, and win the White House, are we going to see all this leftist corruption of America's institutions redressed?  Hopefully, but as the journalist in Charlie Wilson's War said at the end of the movie:  We'll See!


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