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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Europe's Left is Rattled

In 2024, the “year of elections,” half the world’s population will vote......what could be considered “a perfect storm” to test elections and democratic institutions globally. - John K. Glenn

By Rich Kozlovich 


For a long time I've been saying the EU is doomed, and so too is Europe.  Well, they've just had an election that shocked Europe's globalists/elitist/Church of Wokeness left with Europe choosing what the media calls "far right conservatives" for their new governments.   So, who knows, that prediction may turn out to be wrong.  If this trend continues.  But it will take more than one election and a lot of promises. 

So, what's all this mean? 

Europe’s right wing isn’t like American conservatives.  We shouldn’t confuse the two, and if Europe’s “right wing” are more like the RINO’s who took control of the Congress and the White House with their conservative promises and leftist practices, then this all means nothing.    Since I think that's who and what they are, then that prediction will still be accurate.  

Let's take a look at the news over this election, starting with the announcement that Belgium’s Anti-Trump Prime Minister Resigns After Suffering Right Wing Election Victory saying:

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo will resign, he said, reflecting on the poor performance of his governing coalition in the country’s ‘Super Sunday’ election which saw residents vote for their new parliament as well as regional representatives, and for their new members of the European Parliament......De Croo may not have been a household name in Europe outside of his native Belgium, but he made ripples at times, particularly in his occasional forays into American politics. As previously reported, he particularly stood out for his belligerent rhetoric on former U.S. President Trump, warning earlier this year “If 2024 brings us ‘America First’ again, it will be more than ever ‘Europe on its own’.”

Wow!  So, if Trump is elected he will put America first and Europe on it's own.  And that's a bad thing why?   Remember this is the guy whose government's policies were so destructive to the nation's agriculture the farmers revolted, not to mention his nightmare energy polices.   His government promoted famine, cultural and economic destruction, and he's telling the Dutch that Trump is their biggest concern?


Then we find the French chose Le Pen’s Populists over Macron, so in a desperation move Macron decided to dissolve the government and called for fresh elections hoping this election can be overturned by another in a few weeks, which seems unlikely.  His move may actually put the populists in power.   

(To the right is the map accompanying Monica Showalter's article.  The brown represents the "far-right" parties.)

Monica Showalter in her article, Wipeout in Europe: Conservative parties run away with big wins in EU parliamentary elections, called this a "trend", and a "warning shot", and I agree, at least for the time being.  She noted:

When Geert Wilders's party won in the Netherlands election a few months ago, after many years of trying, some thought it was just an anomaly. Actually, it was a warning shot.  Europe's EU parliamentary elections since yielded big gains for conservatives in major countries, dubbed "the far right" by the leftist press -- in France, Germany, Belgium and beyond.

Why are these leftist nitwits shocked?  They're shocked because they live in an echo chamber of self important head nodders who either don't understand what's going on with their societies, or don't care because they like what's happening.   They have the intellectual depth of a puddle of cat urine on the sidewalk.

They certainly don't care what the "populists", aka, ordinary people think.  And what they think is they're sick and tired of all the irrational, misanthropic, and morally defective policies impose on them by their governments.

  1. The cost and availability of energy over fraudulent climate change claims.
  2. The destruction of rural life and agriculture.
  3. The huge immigrant population that's out of control raping, murdering, stealing, and doing so with tacit support of these administration.  
  4. The destruction of Judaic/Christian values, which is destroying the nuclear family.  
  5. The incredibly insane support of all these international western organizations (UN, WHO, EU, and all these western NGO's),  all filled with insane leftists promoting western civilization's suicide by supporting these Palestinian terrorists, along with their nuclear policies that are actually helping Iran get a nuclear bomb.    

It appears Europeans know it and are acting accordingly, which shocks me since I didn't think they had it in them.   In  'Dawning of a New Era': Right-Wing Parties Emerge Victorious in European Elections the author notes: 

Over the weekend, leftist politicians, parties, and policies were dealt a major blow as right-wing parties emerged victorious in European elections. While the media points to a victory for the "far-right," it's more so that there's a desire a return to normalcy after being governed by far-left policies that bring mass illegal migration, high taxes, and heavy regulation.  

Nigel Farage finally decided to run in England, and has an agenda that resonates.   While it appears the Labour Party will win, his party is going to crush the Tories, England's RINO's, and his party will become the opposition party. Which if I understand their system correctly, that makes his party the opposition party, and as the opposition party they'll be represented in the Shadow Cabinet, not the Tories.  The Tories are facing a "total wipeout'.  

Allegedly the Tories have a "conservative manifesto" they're going to release, but the English may just view this as just another round of promises to get elected, and then ignored, since that's their history, much like the Republicans have done over the last 20 years.  In the past under the Tories "the tax burden has risen to its highest level in decades during 14 years of Tory rule."  Why didn't they fix taxes before this?  Because they're Brit RINO's, who are really good at talking the talk, but total failures at walking the talk.

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