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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Alan Caruba Died on June 15, 2015, Age 77.

By Rich Kozlovich 

Alan was one of the first writers to allow me to publish his work, and was an unending encouragement to me to keep going and expanding my focus.  My friend Alan Caruba died nine years ago on June 15, 2015, at the age of 77.   As I've said, Alan allowed me to publish his articles, many of which can be found here.  Alan's articles had a timeless about them, so I've republished many of them over the years, all in order to keep his work alive.  The characters many change but the underlying facts and logic remain.   . 

While excoriated by left wing publications, he was respected by those who dared challenge the left/green cabal.   Here's the obituary from the Heartland Institute.

Alan Caruba (1938-2015) Founder, The National Anxiety Center Alan Caruba  was a writer by profession and host of several Web sites and blogs, including Warning Signs, The National Anxiety Center, Caruba Editorial Services, and Bookviews by Alan Caruba. His daily column, “Warning Signs“, is disseminated on many Internet news and opinion websites, as well as blogs. The National Anxiety Center is a clearinghouse for information about scare campaigns such as “global warming” designed to influence public opinion and policies.

If you wish, you may like to view his blog, Warming Signs, which is still up, and still being hit.  He would be pleased. 

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