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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Cultural Elite Are in Trouble

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

With our prayers and involvement, we must have hope of saving our republic. Let’s look at some recent wins that show the tide might be turning in the direction of Conservative Judeo-Christian values. However, we need Republican leadership,  which seems to be in short supply.

The Washington Post which has been "The Newspaper of Record for Putting out Crap", is in serious financial trouble, and now employees wonder why it’s in such dire financial straits. 

Maybe the answer is to hire conservative reporters to balance out leftist reporting?

Consider that during a recent employee meeting, new CEO Will Lewis told the staff that over the last few years revenue had plummeted and traffic to the website was down by 50 percent.  In 2023, The Washington Post lost an astounding $77 MILLION. So, what do you think the staff was focused on after hearing these dismal numbers? They were upset that the new management team didn’t check off boxes. They were focused on DEI!  

See! That’s the real reason they’re losing readership.  It's not their content, that’s perfect!  The real reason is there are just too darn many white people in power.  Keep this in mind when you read (and laugh) about future Post layoffs. 

Coach Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers directed his team NOT to get involved with or participate in pride month activities. Tomlin said: “We are here to play football not to participate in social or political moments and it has no place in our group activities.” 

South Carolina Republican Governor Henry McMaster signed the state’s “Help Not Harm” law that will now protect children and teenagers from risky transgender medical procedures. South Carolina children are now protected from hormones, drugs, surgeries and other irreversible “treatments.” If they grow to adults and then want to chop off their penis or breasts, they will be free to destroy their lives. But as children, we will protect them. 

To share your thoughts with Gov. McMaster: Click here to e-mail South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster. -Phone: 803-734-2100 -  Write: 1100 Gervais Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201 

Has Spain opened the door to national suicide? Spain wasn’t the only European nation that came out supporting the asinine Middle East “two-state solution,” which would result in the destruction of Israel. In the process Spain might have opened the door to destroying its own country! By calling for a two-state solution, Spain clearly stated that it believes there is a “genocide.” 

For instance, its Minister of Defense Margarita Robles, said, “What is happening in Gaza is a real genocide.” Oops! According to the Spanish news website OK Diario, by Spain calling it a genocide, now Spain is "obligated" to allow in all those wonderful, Hamas terrorist-loving Palestinians from Gaza. Thanks to Spain’s 2009 Asylum Law and a 2020 Spanish Supreme Court case ruling that ANYONE fleeing an “extermination” must be granted asylum in Spain. Just think, thousands (maybe millions) of Hamas terrorist-loving Palestinians can now move to Spain and do to that country what they’ve been doing elsewhere in Europe.

But as the reality of who and what these people really are has finally set in, these elitist "leaders" are getting kick back.  Europeans are not only starting to resist, they're working to reverse this insanity.  In Ireland anti-immigration candidates won various races throughout the nation on June 10. This includes Glen Moore of the Irish Freedom Party (IFP) who was elected to the Dublin City Council. 

In the rest of Europe that's becoming the pattern as anti-immigration, pro-conservative candidates won throughout Europe in the EU’s June 9 vote.  Read “Europe’s Left is Rattled” by Rich Kozlovich.

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