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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, June 29, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum (Everything is to be questioned)

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By Rich Kozlovich 

Another week has flown by and this week there's a lot news for celebration, contemplation, and understating, which starts with definition.  And the left isn't liking this idea of defining reality as it truly is rather than the myths they've been turning out, and getting away with it.


There's been a lot written about the Trump/Biden debate, and what a disaster it was for Biden.  Olivia Murray had an excellent piece stating what sane people have always known about Biden.  He's a wreck, and has always been a wreck. She went on to note there's a battle in the upper echelons of the Democrat party, and they all want power, including Biden's machine.  No one will give up.   Jill likes being First Lady, and if Biden isn't President the "de facto immunity" he has over his criminal activity will disappear, and she might even be implicated.   

This is going to go down ugly.  Chip Roy Files Resolution Calling on Chlamydia Harris to Invoke the 25th Amendment, that must really excite the Democrat hierarchy since she's disliked even more than Biden, and believe it or not, may even be dumber than Biden.  At least Biden has an excuse now, he's lost his mind.  What's her excuse?  

What I really find exciting is Biden's staff has declares war in the press.  The press the author is talking about here are the press that grovelled, pandered, lied, and twisted reality to accommodate the Democrats and Joe Biden.  The author calls them the "traveling press pool". 

A better definition would be the "traveling cesspool"!   Schadenfreude, the left always eat their own. 

But the real issues facing the nation is posed by Victor Davis Hanson  saying the madness of Biden’s agendas may have fundamentally changed America for decades. Unhinged immigration, massive spending adding to the national debt, with interest payments to hit one trillion dollars a year very soon..... let's say that again.  One Trillion Dollars in interest payments on the horizon.  This is a must read article!  

There's a lot here about economics, and today I received John Mauldin's weekly report (subscribe, it's free, and I think worth your time) entitled, Debtors and Creditors.  I'm going to have to cogitate on this before I can originate an article of my own.  This lends some clarity on who owns our debt, and what I think is are complicated borrowing schemes.  It also seems to me that if an individual perpetrated this kind of financing they'd end up in prison.  It also lends some clarity on BRICS.

There's an inevitably factor here when reality reaches it's apex, and that reality will not be ignored by rhetoric.   Passionately claiming there were no American tanks rolling through the streets of Baghdad didn't make it so. 

Then there's the Israel/Hamas war.  There is a legion of writers who just know how the create peace between Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and for that matter all of "radical" Islam.  Some are good hearted, like this man, but, some are blatantly stupid because here's the harsh truth about Hamas, and Islam, as stated by Andrea Widburg.  “A rabbit cannot force a fox to be a vegetarian!”

There can be no peace between Islam and the world let alone Islam and Israel, because Islam practiced as preached by Mohammad forbids it.  It's called jihad, which is incumbent on all Muslims.   

Finally some of the tin hat members of the Supreme Court were finally able to take off their tin hats and actually render some excellent decisions, especially ending the disaster that was the Chevron ruling.  They've also ruled to free "unjustly imprisoned J6ers, and civilize America’s cities".   

The three far left nitwits remained nitwits demonstrating their total lack of understanding of the law and the courts position in that system, and Amy Barrett joined them in one of the decisions.  What a disappointment she has been, even worse than Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch.  All of the tree nitwits, and the four halfwits will be there for years.

Here are this week's offerings.  Six of my own, and twenty four excellent posts by others.  Let's  start out with the Cartoon of the Day and John Droz, Jr's The Media Balance Newsletter: 6/24/24


My Commentaries 

  1. Joe Biden: Do You Hear a Flushing Sound?
  2. Points to Ponder
  3. 2024 Election: The Nation As I See It!
  4. Media People are Arrogant, Overpaid, and Under Smart
  5. Archbishop Vigano: Is a Schism on the Horizon?
  6. My Gazette: Christian Persecution, Part IV


  1. Open Borders America: DACA Arrest Records By Kelli Ballard
  2. The Election and Terrorist Events: A Where and When Assessment By Tom Budds
  3. Thinking Critically and Joe Biden By Common Sense
  4. Shocker: Progressive Women Angry and Obsessed Over Republican Gals Leesa K. Donner
  5. My Assessment of the Debate A Non-Political Perspective! By John Droz, Jr.
  6. What's the Opposite of Critical Thinking?By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism By Daniel Greenfield
  8. What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. First Muslim Senator Keeps California a Sexual Abuse Sanctuary State  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Is the Tide Turning to Freedom By Robin Itzler
  11. When Polling Was Private By Robin Itzler
  12. On The Democrat Side By Robin Itzler
  13. Can the Damage the Left and Joe Biden Are Doing to the Nation Be Fixed?  By Robin Itzler
  14. Debate, Two Presidents With Two Different Views of America  By Robin Itzler
  15. Industry Fraud Brings Down Boeing Planes By John Klar
  16. This Energy Transition Thing Really Is Not Happening By Francis Menton
  17. New York's Energy Transition Guru Responds To Basic Questions By Francis Menton
  18. The Looming Fiscal Crisis By Francis Menton
  19. The OECD’s Tax-and-Spend Agenda for the United States By Dan Mitchell
  20. Foreign Aid and Conditionality By Dan Mitchell
  21. Europe’s Economic Woes: Right Description, Wrong Prescription By Dan Mitchell
  22. CBO Data Confirms America’s Fiscal Problem Is Excessive Spending By Dan Mitchell
  23. The New York Times Grades Biden’s Economy on a Curve By Dan Mitchell
  24. DOD’s Innovative Micro-Reactor Tied Up and Down in Red Tape By Dave Patterson

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor 

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