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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, June 28, 2024

Joe Biden: Do You Hear a Flushing Sound?

By Rich Kozlovich

I would like to start by saying, I don't watch debates, and the reason why is they're not real debates, they're three ring circuses with leftist nitwits playing "gotcha" games.  John Droz, published this piece yesterday, My Assessment of the Debate A Non-Political Perspective!, saying:

I started to watch last night’s (6-27-24) Presidential debate but had to turn it off after 40 minutes. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Paul Revere was anxiously riding through the countryside, trying to wake us up…

Well, I don't watch SOTU addresses, and speeches at the conventions, and for the same reason.  They're all clown shows. 

There was a lot of talk about why Trump agreed to all the conditions imposed by CNN, and it was clear he understood Biden would collapse, lie, babble, and look sick.  From what I can tell from the news the CNN staff didn't play any games, which must have been the dictate from on high and they must have been gagging the whole time internally.  Trump defeated Biden on all taking points, and it was a victory at the first half.  

Monica Showalter stated the debate was a train wreck for Biden and she has no mercy for him saying:

There are those who pitied Joe Biden for his wretched debate performance, burbling gibberish and badly outmatched by his energetic and articulate opponent, President Trump. I wasn't one of them. He's still the creep who opened the border, brought us inflation, fired no one after Afghanistan, peddled influence with his son and sold the country out, and went the full Hugo Chavez on his political opponent, attempting to imprison him. No pity whatsoever for this sputtering puddle of ooze.

All Trump had to do was be there, answer directly and sit patiently watching a man intellectually pour gasoline over himself and set it on fire, and the blatantly obvious and easily refutable lies was the match.  

The question is why did Biden and his team go for this?  First, as I remember this, it was Biden who threw out the challenge, clearly without his handlers consent, so they were stuck with it.  But, why did the Democrats go for this?   To justify dumping Biden at the convention?  Well, I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that, but the party had no say in all this, and have adamantly defended him in spite of the fact no one could be around him for more that a second without knowing his brain is a bowl of oatmeal.  

Andrea goes on to say:

All that Democrats can do is hustle around to find another candidate. And while JR Dunn is absolutely right that they have some huge hurdles to make that happen, most notably their own rules, I can already hear them in my head snarling, “Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules.” It’s an almost-certainty that someone—whether Kamala (if they can’t avoid it), Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Hillary Clinton, or Michelle Obama—will head the ticket come November.

Then we have Lewis Dovland who asks, Where do the Democrats go from here?, saying:

I thought I was reasonably savvy and attuned to how the Democrats play the long game. But the debates turned that on its head.............Because Biden controls the Democrat delegates, only he can remove himself from the race at this stage...............It’s unclear what, if anything, the Democrats can offer her to make Biden voluntarily go away. Democrats, having long ago boxed themselves into a situation where they had no other candidates to step in if he’s unable or unwilling to run in 2024, might have hoped that Biden’s inevitable collapse on the stage would finally force Biden out...............Even steps seen as mistakes are orchestrated. It is all lining up. The only question is, who will replace him? 

Marcus Ebenhack is agreement saying:

It is just so unnatural for a panel of CNN media flacks to speak ill of ANY Democrat, much less the president they worked so hard to install in the White House.  To my mind this makes it official.  Biden is out, the only remaining question is who will replace him.  I expect the betting odds would be on Gavin Newsom (when we turn the rest of the country into California, where will productive citizens flee to?)  There has been talk of Michelle Obama, too, and Hillary Clinton is always lurking in the woodwork.............Stay tuned, this is about to get interesting.

So, what now?  There's all this talk about alternatives like Gavin Newsom, an blatant disaster for California.  Gretchen Whitmer, a blatant disaster for Michigan. Hillary Clinton, a blatant disaster as a human being, Elizabeth Warren, a laughing stock.  Kamala Harris, ya gotta be kidden me.  AOC?  Now there's an interesting choice.  Finally, Michelle Obama who has said in the past she has no interest in running, and the fact is she's done nothing substantive except spend millions of tax payer dollars to travel around the world with her family as First Lady. 

The truth is the Democrats have no one but Victoria White Berger thinks it's Michelle and explains why, and she may be right, but I have doubts, since Michelle has no desire to work, and even if it's just front work while her husband is the de facto President in the background,  she has no desire to work.  

And Biden's not going to drop out

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