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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Points to Ponder

By Rich Kozlovich


Gary Varvel for Aug 12, 2022

The world is moving in so many odd directions that creates some static electricity.  And, I've find there are those who have some interesting humorous responses to the static, which appeared in Robin Itzler's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors.   E-mail her to get on her list, it's free, at 

I've taken some of those comments and expanded on them with my own take on it all, including adding some cartoons to really get a feel of the insanity going on.  

First, an easy way for the FBI to label you an extremist is go to church, and more so if you're Catholic who prefers the mass in Latin.  A place where a President pretending to be Catholic, along with a former Speaker of the House who pretends to be Catholic, who can both meet a Pope pretending to be Catholic.   You just gotta hand it to those FBI boys, they know extremism when they see it?

Getting old has some universality.  As an example, what inspires me to get out of bed every morning most of the time is my bladder. Usually twice more before it's time to actually get up.   Also, as you retire, and you age, you're no longer interacting very much with people you've known for many years of your life.  So, at times you may feel like no one is there for you.   But you know who’s always there for you?  Paying bills, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes, cutting the grass, and laundry.  Laundry will always be there for you, right along with the urinal.  Oh yeah,  and gardens.   That may not sound like much, but there's an upside to that.  You can talk to yourself while attending to all that and never hear a discouraging word. 

Gary Varvel | Facebook
We keep seeing people holding Biden's arm keeping him from going off to......wellll....who knows where he thinks he's going!  But just once, can’t someone let Joe Biden wander off? 

The Democrats are really hot about all this gun violence and want it stopped, so then why don't Democrats stop shooting people?  If Democrats stop shooting people, gun violence would drop by 90%. 


Cutting off your penis doesn’t make you a woman. It just makes you a guy who has irreparably mutilated himself by cutting off his penis.   There’s not a wide range of genders. There are TWO genders and a wide range of mental illness disorders. 

Does anyone ever ask why is it drag queens only read books to little children?  And why don’t they read to seniors in nursing homes?

Only Democrats believe that electricity used for air conditioning harms the planet, but electricity used for a Tesla does not, and that men can get pregnant.  Especially Biden appointees to the federal judiciary.   Does anyone think that's just a bit odd? 

Two Harvard graduates were sitting on a bench talking one early evening while holding their pro-Hamas signs. “Which do you think is farther away, Florida or the moon?” The other quickly answered, “Of course Florida is farthest away. We can see the moon from here, but we can’t see Florida!”

Did anyone really say that?  Normally I would scoff and say no!  But if they graduated from Harvard, maybe we shouldn't scoff so easily. 

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