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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Leftist Insanity Equals National, Economic, and Cultural Suicide!

“The barbarians are not at the gate. They are inside the gates, and have academic tenure, judicial appointments, government grants, and control of the movies, TV, and other media.” — Thomas Sowell economist, social philosopher, and political commentator 

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK


Good news if you’re illegal/foreign born There’s good news for foreign born (and that includes illegal alien migrant invaders). According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 637,000 foreign-born workers joined the U.S. labor market in the last year. For native-born Americans, the news stinks! The same report shows that 300,000 native-born Americans disappeared from the workforce.

(Press 1 to hear this in Spanish, Press 2 to hear this in Chinese, Press 3 to hear this in Arabic ….) 

Following the release of this data, Heritage Foundation economist E.J. Antoni tweeted: “No wonder Americans view the economy so terribly: they aren’t the ones [with] the jobs; native-born employment is not only millions below pre-pandemic trend, but even below pre-pandemic level, while millions more foreign workers are employed today than Feb ’20, and back to trend.” 

Most Americans are not into mental illness a.k.a. woke pride, but companies shove it down our throats any-way. However, out of respect for cultures that abhor woke pride, many of these same companies won’t promote pride to their Middle East customers. 

At least BMW admitted it in a tweet: This is an established practice at the BMW Group, which also takes into consideration market-specific legal regulations and country-specific cultural aspects You can see how these logos do not change to pride for the Middle East. If these companies—and there are many others—can respect foreign customers who find pride crap abhorrent, why can’t they respect American  customers? 

As to BMW, the company has a long history of placating to different markets. How fast can you say, “BMW and Nazis?” 

In March 2016, when the company celebrated BMW’s first century, BMW apologized for working with the Nazi Third Reich—picture from BMW’s Nazi era. As reported in British Daily Mail: German car giant BMW used its 100th centenary celebrations today to apologize for its Nazi past. The apology and statement of ‘profound regret’ for its role in using forced labor to supply armaments and aero engines to Hitler’s Third Reich was made as it unveiled a vision of its next chapter of car development. It said it was ‘explicitly facing up to this dark chapter of its past’ in the city where the Nazi party had its origins. 

However, this company put safety ahead of profits.  You probably use this item every day and don’t realize that the company that invented this safety feature refused to patent it to allow other companies throughout the world to use it on their merchandise. The corporation wasn’t interested in making money. Their focus was on saving lives. What company put safety ahead of profits?

In 1885, Edward J. Claghorn devised the first U.S.-patented seat belt that went across the lap to help keep occupants from being thrown from cars. You’d think that all car manufacturers would have included the safety feature, but that wasn’t the case. While some states mandated seatbelts, others didn’t. It wasn’t until 1966 that the federal government passed a law requiring all new cars beginning with the 1968 model to include seatbelts. However, at the time there was no law requiring drivers and occupants to use seatbelts. That came later. 

Miss Woke:  

Beauty is in the eye of the wokesters There are thousands of beauty pageants held throughout the United States.   The judges in the Miss Maryland USA pageant ignored all the attractive, intelligent and charming female entrants and selected Bailey Anne Kennedy, a biological male.  Why didn’t the female contestants refuse to be in the pageant with a male?  This is another example where women can do something to stop this insanity, but they don’t.

Are We Now A Radical Socialist Nation?

Unless the rigged trial in New York City is quickly overturned, the answer is yes, we are a radical socialist nation with a two-tiered justice system. Some other recent events that make us wonder if the republic can be saved. 

  • If you’re a woman who would like to be in a locker room with a male, you will be pleased that a 24 Hour Fitness internal memo says members and employees must go by the person’s preferred gender. As if that isn’t enough, the company’s policy is that the American flag and U.S. logos are only allowed to be worn on holidays. However, the BLM and pride symbols can always be worn every day. Facing backlash once the memo became public, 24 Hour Fitness announced that employees could wear American flag pins every day. To share your thoughts with 24 Hour Fitness CEO Karl Sanft: Email -Phone: 800-432-6348 - Write: 1265 Laurel Tree Lane, Ste 200. Carlsbad, CA 92011
  • A 37-page report by Policy Horizons Canada, a Canadian government agency, discussed all current world issues that could directly affect the nation. Included was a hypothetical about what Canada should/should not do if there is a civil war in the United States. From the report: “U.S. ideological divisions, democratic erosion, and domestic unrest escalate, plunging the country into civil war.”  

Some Points to Ponder:  

This is no longer right vs left. It’s good vs. evil. When you are considered an extremist for flying the American flag, you know who America’s enemies truly are.  We're being told that Joe Biden is right on top of his game and he'll always go with his core values.  Okay, and we trust those values why?  Here are some things I'm willing to trust more than Joe Biden. 

A brownie from Snoop Dog, gas station sushi, Casey Anthony running a daycare, cocktails with Bill Cosby, a barbecue with Jeffrey Dahmer, a road trip with Brian Laundrie, and stock advice from Martha Stewart.

Joe Biden says "My policies are working fine"! Well, perhaps his touchstone for being successful is based on when Trump was in office, our car’s gas tank could only hold $35. Now thanks to Joe Biden, it can hold $90. 

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