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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, June 24, 2024

Archbishop Vigano: Is a Schism on the Horizon?

By Rich Kozlovich

Recently I've published a great deal of material about the persecution of Christians all over the world, mostly by Muslims in four gazettes, Christian Persecution: Part I , Part II, Part III, and Part IV, and My Gazette: Christian Heresy.

There's been an ongoing genocidal exercise of Christians being practiced by Muslims in Nigeria, the world’s most dangerous place to be Christian, more here, here, and here, and yet western civilization has been largely silent, especially those at the UN, and the media are complicit.    There are more outrages listed in my gazettes about Nigeria and it includes outrages in the rest of of Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, South America, and even in North America.   

To see just how vast a problem this is I recommend viewing my entire

But what happens when heresy and persecution of Christians is being conducted by the leadership of "Christian" churches, and this is being done across the board.    Nigel Farage "a key figure in the Brexit movement and founder of Reform UK, announced that he no longer attends church due to what he perceives as the Church of England's capitulation to the so-called 'woke' agenda."  The United Church of Christ says abortion is okay because it's healthcare.  

What triggered this article was this piece, Archbishop Viganò faces off with the Pope, on June 21, 2024 by Victoria White saying:

As some Catholics know, Archbishop Viganò is a hero in the eyes of many who do not enjoy the spectacle of Pope Francis’ continual and seemingly ongoing reversal of Catholic teaching and law. The hyperpolitical, leftist Pope has been, by his own words, engaged in irreversibly (he hopes) and increasingly modifying (according to his own predilections) the Catholic Church since he took papal office. Sound like anybody you know 

Viganò has been consistently faithful to Canon Law and to the established teachings of the Church, his warnings falling against a wall of thunderous silence from most of the Western bishops (some in America have supported him) and various dogbodies who tend to the administrative bidding of the Vatican rather than to follow the clear teachings of Jesus and his apostolic instructions. Viganò’s positions are therefore judged by Pope Francis and his like as those of a conservative and faithful priest -- not a globalist or environmentalist or an advocate of a post-national, socialist world.

Since I posted this piece in 2021 by Ray DiLorezo,  Archbishop Vigano Calls For Action, I've tried to follow Archbishop Vigano.  DiLorezo quotes Vigano  saying:  

"If the attack is global, the defense must also be global."   DiLorezo went on to report on Vigano's message saying: .....the world is under attack. It is not by aliens, it is not by any single or group of foreign governments. The world is under siege by an anti-God, globalist alliance of public and private institutions, foreign leaders, bankers, politicians and religious leaders. This is spiritual warfare, against an evil conspiracy without equal in human history. It will affect almost every living person on this planet with the potential to kill billions. 

Well, apparently his message, repeated regularly and emphatically, wasn't liked by the Vatican as now Archbishop Vigano has been summoned, under threat of excommunication, to appear at the Vatican to face charges of ...... heresy! 

Archbishop Viganò is a hero in the eyes of many who do not enjoy the spectacle of Pope Francis’ continual and seemingly ongoing reversal of Catholic teaching and law. The hyperpolitical, leftist Pope has been, by his own words, engaged in irreversibly (he hopes) and increasingly modifying (according to his own predilections) the Catholic Church since he took papal office.

The Vatican is a bit thin skinned when it comes to criticism.   An Italian journalist critical of the Pope is being charged with criminal ‘Defamation’ of the Pope, and allegedly divulging confidential documents.  Now, ya just gotta see the sick humor in that as we take a look at those who are not being charged with heresy or facing excommunication for their actions.

  1. More than half of Jesuit Catholic universities promote 'Pride Month'
  2. Archdiocese of Chicago priest blesses same-sex couple, asks if they ‘recommit’ themselves ‘as holy spouses’
  3. Vatican Apologizes for Catholic Missionaries in China, Calls on Communist “Bishops” to Rule the Chinese Church 
  4. Sacred Heart University Set to Host Pro-Abortion Nun as Commencement Speaker
  5. Jesuit University to Host Annual ‘Drag’ Show Friday
  6. Pope Francis Names 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office
  7. Jesuit Father James Martin: Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests

Here's the one that says more than the Pope intended, but I think insightful.  Pope Francis Laments ‘Mother Earth Violated and Devastated’.  Mother Earth?  Really?  He's a Jesuit, so he must know this "Mother Earth" clabber is right out of pagan mythology:

".......the Creatress of all life. She is associated with the full moon and stars, the Earth, and the sea. In Wicca, the Earth Goddess is sometimes called Gaia. The name of the mother goddess varies depending on the Wiccan tradition."

The green/left movement he's embraced is an atheistic neo-pagan secular religion,  and global warming scare mongering is a tenet of that religion meant to replace God with Government as the sole authority on morality.  All of that represents serious abandonment of Christian principles, and violations of Church law, and yet nothing is being done to correct this activity, or punish those promoting it.  But Vigano is a heretic who must face trial for his "heresy" according to the Vatican.  What we've seen is the total infiltration of leftist dogma replacing traditional Christian teachings, and this is happening in all the mainstream Christian and Jewish organizations.    
Well, I gotta tell ya, I give Archbishop Vigano a ton of credit, as he's told them to shove it, and will not attend his "Schism Trial" calling it a '“show trial” orchestrated by those he accuses of “heresy, treason, and abuse of power.”'...... "Vigano said, “evidence” is considered superfluous, and the procedure is deliberately simplified in order to reach a conviction as soon as possible".

The article concludes saying:

Many Catholics feel schism is possible but that it is due to Pope Francis and his supporters, not Archbishop Vigano. They see the Pope as a Marxist politician more than a religious leader. The church survived the Inquisition and molesters, and it can survive this.

Will he be excommunicated?  Will this lead to a schism?  What will his future be if excommunicated?  I don't know, but as the journalist in the movie Charlie Wilson's war said:  We'll see!

As my final thought, I would like for you to review my January 6, 2021 article, Heretics Leave a Moral Foundation of Quicksand, and its more profound now than it was three and a half years ago, and particularly applicable to this account. 

Update, 6/27/24: There's a lot here worth viewing - SSPX Supports Vatican Charge that Archbishop Viganò is “Schismatic”

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