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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Changes to Joe Biden's Campaign

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

On the DEMOCRAT side, everyone but “doctor” Jill Biden knows, or maybe she does know, Joe Biden is the poster boy for dementia. Yet here we are in mid-2024 and this guy remains the “leader” of the free world. Biden can’t even walk off a small stage without someone helping him! Of course, that explains why the free world is perilously close to disappearing. Here are changes being made to try and hide (although it won’t work) Joe Biden’s mental acuity issues:

  • Joey no longer walks alone to from the White House to Marine One (helicopter). He now always has others walking with him so that his pronounced halting and stiff gait won’t be so apparent. 
  • This follows an earlier decision to have Biden walk up the REAR Air Force One stairs to minimize his chances of falling. 
  • Joey’s handler(s) who walk with him to Marine One are on the side closest to reporters. This is aimed at preventing Biden from walking over to reporters who are shouting questions. If Joey can’t answer questions, he can’t give incoherent gaffe-filled answers. 
  • Joey rarely mentions the failed Bidenomics since it’s obvious it’s not working—unless you are an illegal alien invader. 
  • Joey has asked Mexico to reduce illegal alien invaders at least until the election. (Should we add: When he hopes fraud installs him for another term?) 
  •  Joey continues trying to please both the pro-Hamas wing and the pro-Israel wing of the Democrat party—and probably fails miserably. 
  • Joey gives shorter speeches in the hopes he won’t go off script, which is when he makes the least sense. And we were so looking forward to hearing more about his uncle being eaten by cannibals, or how he marched with Dr. King during the civil rights movement or visited Nelson Mandela in prison! 
  • Joey keeps making lawfare attacks on Donald Trump even though multiple polls show Americans do not like an obvious two-tier justice system.

On the DEMOCRAT side, Joe Biden really said on CNN that Trump “never succeeded” and that “I’ve never lied.”  The dementia in chief also said, “I’ve never failed! I’ve created over 15 million jobs!” ROFL—that’s jobs people returned to following the “scamdemic.”

On the REPUBLICAN side, the entire goal of the Biden team is for Americans to find Donald Trump offensive. That is why the White House is (directly or indirectly) connected to all the “lawfare” suits. HOWEVER, as the lawsuits fall apart and the one in New York City is insanity on steroids, many Americans are finding what Biden is doing to Trump as offensive.

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