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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Can Israel Win?

“A rabbit cannot force a fox to be a vegetarian.” Andrea Widburg

By Rich Kozlovich

Recently an Israeli general claimed they can't beat Hamas because Hamas isn't a country, it's an idea.  I've been following this newest's not really new, just a new proponent, and the problem with these people is they have no alternative. 

Lernaean Hydra >
While it’s true Hamas is an idea not a nation, but that’s true because it’s nothing more than an arm of Islam, and it’s murderous, vile moral structure of hate, greed, envy, lust and violence. Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic State, it doesn’t matter, it’s all Islam, a many headed hydra of evil.

So, in light of that what should Israel do to protect Israel?  Apparently there are two alternatives.  Defeat them as best they can, or do nothing.   So, I can only assume the naysayers solution is to do nothing?  After all, war is never necessary.  All one side has to do is surrender, and be killed.  Why isn't that the solution for Hamas? 

Because Islam is a criminal political movement masquerading as a religion that requires adherents to kill, rape, rob, and defeat anyone who isn't a Muslim.  It's called Jihad!  There can never be peace between Islam and the rest of the world, and that includes the different sects of Islam, each considering the other heretics.   The Koran demands heretics be killed. 

Well, here's my solution.

The way I view this is to take this one step at a time. Prioritize. Define their tasks and immediate goals an act on them. Otherwise, they’ll be dancing around like a bunch of chickens being attacked by a fox in the hen house. Here’s a ten point plan, with short term, intermediate, and long range planning and goals.

  1. Defeat the enemy in front of them, and do it decisively, and do it now.
  2. Attack and defeat any allies involved, especially Hezbollah in Lebanon with support from the Lebanese Christians and other Muslims in Lebanon who are sick of Hezbollah. It’s claimed those groups can mount an army of 20,000 experienced personnel.  Also, find ways of attacking Iran directly, and do it in such a way to support the resistance movement in Iran.
  3. Organize Gaza to Israel’s benefit, never allowing them to be autonomous ever again. My personal preference is to totally take over Gaza, kick out all Palestinians and send them back to Jordan and the other Muslim countries that kicked them out in the first place, and I include the PA in the West Bank, then start a massive buildup of settlements, all armed.
  4. Arm the entire Israeli population and provide training in arms and personal combat.
  5. Defeat the Islamic appeasing left in Israel, and do it with prejudice, charging them with treason when applicable, and make it easy to find applicability.
  6. Abandon their current “Operational Constitution” and create a real Constitution giving the Knesset the power to determine the jurisdiction of the Israeli judiciary.
  7. Get the anti-Iran Muslim nations on board with destroying the entire Middle East cabal of terrorist movements.
  8. Create a coalition of Mediterranean and European nations to crush the antisemitic cabal in the UN, WHO, WEF, and all other corrupt international organizations. That will require a dedicated and concerted effort.
  9. Further enhance their national defense industrial initiatives.
  10. Tell the Democrats and leftist Jews in America and Israel to shove it, declaring them enemies of Israel, and I’m betting they’d get a ton of support from the rest of America.

However, given that Israel has umpteen political parties with some really odd views, all of them in conflict, that presents a problem.  Take the partisan views between the Democrats and the Republicans and multiply it by ten.  That's Israeli politics.  So, I don't see any of this being done except defeating Hamas.  Which brings us back to "step one", but at least that's doable!

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