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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

2024 Election: The Insanity Is Unending

"It doesn’t frighten me that Joe Biden is mentally unfit. What frightens me is that millions know this and will still vote for him.” — Robin Itzler  

By Rich Kozlovich

I bought breakfast for a friend and myself this week.  I had a three egg mushroom omelet with three slices of tomato, my friend had an order of toast, and we both had coffee,  I paid 13 dollars and a five dollar tip.   Almost double of what it was four years ago.  But
CNN insists the economy is doing great, and by all measures,
but the Republicans won't give Biden the credit he deserves.  Joe's building bridges and roads.  So why isn't everyone happy?  Prices are high, and all these foolish people think because they can't afford to buy things because prices have skyrocketed over the last three and a half years of Bidenomics that means the economy isn't all that great.   Imagine that.  

And Biden's staff says the media isn't being fair to poor ole Joe.  They're "aggressively pushed back against the videos, calling them disrespectful and “cheap fakes.” “They are done in bad faith,” “false” and “purposely being altered".   Like this one maybe

Now that's creepy, and not one human being on the planet can show how that was "purposely altered", a "cheap fake", "false, "done in bad faith", or "disrespectful".   They just filmed what happened.  That's not disrespect, that's reporting the news on a man who sits behind the most powerful desk in the world and insists he's mentally sharp, insightful, decisive, and qualified for another four year term, and the Hollywood nitwits apparently agree having raised 30 million dollars for Ole Joe.  Now just because Obama had to lead him off that stage isn't important. Because you see while it looks as if he froze, that not what really happened.

According to the media.  He was merely taking in the applause.  Of that's really true, that can leave us with only one conclusion.  Obama was jealous of all that applause Joe Biden was getting and basking in all that glory, so he forced him off stage.   Does that sound like a rational explanation? Do I understand that correctly?  Nah, that's just more media corruption and propaganda.  

"The truth hurts,.....When is confronted with that cold, hard reality, they offer ridiculous claims that anyone who clearly sees Biden acting like a brain-dead dope is part of some media-wide conspiracy,”......“That’s what happens when you have junior staffers and interns running Biden’s campaign strategy for a candidate who can barely walk and talk at the same time...."

Obama is the ultimate hypocrite.  He's trying to claim Biden has it all together, and yet in the past Obama reportedly told Biden to quit the race back in January because it was clear he was unfit.  And we're to believe almost six months later he all better now?

Then we have a host of egocentric nitwits like Chrissy Teigen who is in fear that if Trump is elected he's going to come after her.   Really?  She's that dangerous and that important?  Where do these dimwits get the idea they're so important they're on Trump's radar?  Who cares what they think, what they say, and for the most part what they do, which is generally has the intellectual depth of a puddle of cat urine on a sidewalk, and substantially low on the totem pole for class.  

Well, here's what I'm really upset about.  All these nitwit celebrities who absolutely swore they were going to leave the country if Trump was elected in 2016 and yet failed to keep their promise.  Which was another demonstration of egos out of control and compounded with non existent intelligence.   They apparently believed such a threat would get people to vote against Trump.  Imagine that!  

Well, I hope they start all that again, because that's an excellent reason to vote for Trump, only this time offer them a massive monetary reward for leaving.  Provided they move to one of the following nations.  Iran, Mexico, Haiti, Venezuela, China, N. Korea, Nigeria, South Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Russia.  Then let's watch them protest against the leaders there.   And even better yet, we'll liquidate all their assets and wire transfer all their wealth to the national bank of the nation of their choice.  That should make them feel happy, safe, and comfortable. Don't you think?

Nah, there's a reason why so many celebrities are wanting to leave the leftist paradise called California.   California is the Democrat's huckleberry, and yet it turns out that mess with all the chaos, homelessness, filth in the streets, closed businesses, rampant drug use, crime, violence, illegal immigrant invasion, illegal executive orders, economic incompetence, judicial corruption, and disgust at Newsome's failed administration, corruption and the collapse of all of America's major cities that are being destroyed by Democrats has taken it's toll on them, and they're leaving. Yet all that is exactly what these nitwit celebrities are promoting for the rest of the nation, claiming that  “democracy and our children’s future” are at risk if former President Donald Trump re-takes the White House in November." 

There's a reason why Hollywood is called the "dream factory".  It's a nightmare.   The Nitwit Brigade on parade.


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