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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Media People are Arrogant, Overpaid, and Under Smart

By Rich Kozlovich 

When you read articles dealing with how much these news media talking heads are paid it just boggles my mind. Take Chris Wallace for instance. Talk about overpaid!

Chris Wallace left Fox News in a huff and signed a contract with CNN to be the point man on the cable network’s streaming service, CNN+. That venture lasted only days before the new owners pulled the plug, leaving the network stuck with finding some use for its expensive (“more than $6 million a year”) new employee. They came up with a Sunday evening interview program, titled Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace.”  As Radar Online reports, the results are dismal:.........

I don't know what his status is now, he might not be there any longer, but I stopped listening to him while he was still at Fox.  Here were my views at the time.  

The fact is Chris Wallace is a loser because I think he's a duplicitous arrogant snot.  His salary is a loser because he's not drawing an audience of any size.  CNN is a loser because the new owners aren't aggressive enough in changing the direction of the network because I think they're not conservatives, they're liberals in sheep's clothing.  Otherwise they'd have come out and emphatically said the network was corrupted with leftist ideologues that were dishonest in their representation of the news and fired each and every one of their talking heads, along with the management people.  They didn't.  If this continues, and I think it will, CNN will be sold, at a bargain price, if it can be sold at all. 

Companies that deliver "news" have nothing to sell except their access to an audience, and they're fast running out of that asset.  Schadenfreude!
I would think they could get anyone to report over and over again leftist lies of omission, lies of commission, misdirection, obfuscation of facts, cherry picked facts, and logical fallacies pushed out of the myth making propaganda factories of the Democrat party, and for a lot less money. 
Recently a CNN Host cut off a Trump supporter because she didn't like the truth about Jack Tapper, and then self-righteously declared on her show no one can criticize her colleagues.  Well, Jake Tapper isn't all that fond of the truth either,  as  Jake Tapper Also Pulled the Plug Mid-Interview With a Trump Official at CNN

CNN’s Jake Tapper, who was conducting the interview with White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller, cut the conversation off after 12 and a half minutes, telling Miller he was spewing rhetoric solely to gain approval from the President. “There’s one viewer that you care about right now and you’re being obsequious in order to please him,” Tapper said. “I think I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time.” 
Now, I think this is worth thinking about.   What if Ole Jake, who has a Trump hating history, decides during the debate Trump has wasted enough of the viewers time and cuts off his mic?
Well, they may be able to cut off anyone they wish on their shows, and spew out their hate for Trump, including ridiculous claims and outrageous lies, but the world is evaluating and criticizing the nitwits at CNN and as a result they're losing audience (here, here, here), massively, and at the rate they're they're going I think they'll be out of business soon, and then we will see just how much they're going to be worth in the unemployment line.   It would be interesting if their conduct during the debate exacerbates those losses. 
This isn't just a problem in the electronic media.  The Washington Post is having an ongoing a cry baby hissy fit crisis, for which America can be grateful.  They went on strike.  This is a paper that's had to lay off 240 people in 2023, because they're losing subscribers like water through a sieve, and it gets better all the time. 
Recently it was announced WaPo lost 77 million dollars, and changes were going to be made.  Of course the reason they losing money is because, according the the employees, there are too many white people in charge.  Not their work, like the lies listed in this article.  And they revolted over the pick of Rob Winnett....a white man.... and won.
Steven Hayward posted this piece, Media Free-Fall Continues saying:

The news over the weekend that Washington Post editor-designate Rob Winnett will not assume the job after a staff revolt inside the money- and reader-losing paper ratifies Andrew Sullivan’s famous thesis from a few years ago that “we all live on campus now.” Media organizations now resemble self-governing college faculties, with the same result.

I got to thinking how little I use my online Washington Post subscription any more, even for opposition research (which is why I still subscribe to the NY Times online), so I canceled it this morning. It is not even worth reading to keep up with leading leftist opinion and fake news coverage.  And so the collapse of media institutions continues:

This is a paper that lost 77 million dollars last year, and the management is intimidated by the employees.  Imagine that.  Do they really want CNN and WaPo fixed?  Forget it, you can't fix stupid, especially when stupid is compounded by invertebracy. 

There was a time when Walter Cronkite would declare, "And that's the way it is", and the world accepted that.  No longer, and as time is the great leveler of truth,  we now know Walter Cronkite was a fraud, just like Dan Rather, Mike Wallace, Tom Brokaw and the rest of that media cabal.   

History is everything, and we've come to a fork in the road and it's time to ask yourself, who do you think really represents a stable society? Who do you think represents an organized society? Who do you think represents policies for long term stable economics? Who do you think defends real personal freedoms? Who do you think represents law and order? Who do you think represents tyrannical government control over everyone's lives?  

Finally....who do you identify with, and who do you trust with the news?  Nuf Ced?

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