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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Crime is Not Down, and Christians and Jews Are Under Attack

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK


Did you know that the New York City and Los Angeles police departments are among the approximate 40% of law enforcement agencies nationwide NOT sharing their crime data with the FBI? Keep that in mind when the FBI reports that crime is down. 

Also keep in mind George Orwell’s “1984.” 

You might wonder why cities don’t share their crime statistics. They used to. However, the FBI needed a more comprehensive data system and in 2021, introduced its advanced National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Cities could no longer submit their crime data through the older Summary Reporting System. Many cities stopped sending the FBI crime data as they lacked the technology for the new NIBRS system. 

But the FBI doesn’t make this known when it releases its crime statistics. Many people will erroneously assume the FBI’s data is from most major police departments. In short, if you believe the FBI report that crime is down, you probably also believe that Joe Biden received 81 million votes in 2020 and is mentally fit to be president. 

Even The Epoch Times omitted this important information in their June 11 article.  

(Robin Itzler sent a letter to Siyamak Khorrami, Chief Editor of Epoch Times, about this omission.  While costs may have been the original factor in stopping their reporting, now events are unfolding that makes it even less desirable to report what's going on.)

Christians and Jews Are Under Attack

In New York America is repeating the history of Germany in the 1930s. Today’s Kristallnacht is directed at Christians and Jews, whereas in Germany it was primarily Jews.


The February 2024 edition of Family Research Council’s “Hostility Against Churches” report “identified 436 hostility incidents in 2023 – more than double the number identified in 2022 and more than eight times the number identified in 2018, the first year Family Research Council collected data.”

In New York City, home to 2.8 MILLION Catholics and 1.6 MILLION Jews, consider these recent incidents that occurred solely because of faith. Ask yourself what the MSM response would have been had these attacks happened to mosques and Muslims.

On June 10, Randy Maldonado Avila went into a Brooklyn Catholic Church and using a hammer, destroyed statues of Mother Teresa and Pope John XXIII along with the church’s glass doors. Police arrested Avila, but you would go blind looking for “hate crime” in the indictment for the 12 crimes listed.

What if Avila had done this in a mosque? We all know the answer!


On the evening of June 10 there was another pro-Hamas rally in New York City. And where did they hold this pro-terrorist demonstration? At an exhibit honoring the fallen in the October 7 Hamas murderous rampage. To make certain everyone knew they were rallying FOR terrorism, signs included: “Long live the intifada!” “Long live October 7!” “The Zionists are not Jews & not humans. They are the evil of the world!”

What if a sign read “Muslim are not humans?” We all know the answer!

On June 11, the Director of the Brooklyn Museum along with several Jewish board members had their homes vandalized with disgusting anti-Semitic graffiti.

What if this happened to Muslims? We all know the answer!

Where the hell is New York City Mayor Adams? Why isn’t the mayor standing up for Christians and Jews who are under attack? Adams is probably busy giving out government freebies to illegal alien migrant invaders! 

These attacks against Christians and Jews are happening because of Joe Biden and his Marxist Democrat party. As to the Hamas terrorist supporters in the Big Apple, if they can make it there, they can make it anywhere.

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