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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

2024 Election: The Nation As I See It!

First they fascinate the fools, and they muzzle the intelligent - Bertrand Russell

By Rich Kozlovich

I hate quoting Russell since I think he was a disaster, married four times and telling the world how to live.  He bounced back and forth politically, and was considered brilliant by academics.  Well, that alone should call who and what he was into question.  But if he did say anything worth repeating, that was it.  

Michael Hurd has called the government a "bunch of unaccountable mobsters." They've perverted the election process and they've perverted the rule of law in order to become felonious tyrants with unlimited power with no accountability. And call that protecting "our democracy".

If you've been paying attention to what the politicians have wrought in America you kinda have to conclude, both major parties have squandered the right to govern, and here the author shows why the Democrats are the Party of Treason and the Republicans are the Stupid Party.  

While it's now starting to change, the Republican leadership just sat and watched a former President of the United States being sued and charged with crimes that aren't crimes, by corrupt prosecutors, and judged by a stunningly corrupt judiciary, and that corruption isn't isolated to New York.  In California Trump has been sued over 100 times and the Connecticut Bar Association has warned their members about criticizing the Bragg/Merchan Nazi show trial decision against Trump.  I'll be addressing that more thoroughly later.

Victor Davis Hanson has called this political hysteria, i.e. planned political hysteria saying:

In 2016, then-President Donald Trump was declared Hitler-like and an existential threat to democracy. Amid this derangement syndrome, any means necessary to stop him were justified: the Russian collusion hoax, impeachment over a phone call, or the Hunter laptop disinformation farce. Eventually, the left sought to normalize the once unthinkable: removing the leading presidential candidate from state ballots and indicting him in state and local courts. Nothing was off limits -- not forging a federal court document, calling for a military coup, rioting on Inauguration Day, or radically changing the way Americans voted in presidential elections.

How Are America’s Divisions Repairable?  "Everyone has to agree on just one thing: Politically, and in many other ways too, the United States is now in perpetual conflict. What does reconciliation look like? How will we know when things are better? Democrats say more spending, more government, more controls, and enforcement of woke ideology by any means necessary. Trump and various other dissidents say very different things. The point is: These differences cannot be reconciled. Freedom, individual rights, private property, the right to bear arms — they are on one side. Leftists say other priorities matter more."

The problem with hysterical politics promoted by leftist misfits is you start to get hysterical solutions, and as always, mixed in with sound solutions.  In this article, Five Perpetual Resolutions For America, by the author insists all voters must have, and show, a legal ID in order to vote, we need to believe in the American way, and "In God We Trust" should be more than a slogan.  None of that would offend conservatives.  Then he goes over the cliff and insists the nation should be ruled by one party, and the president should rule as a dictator for America.  There's a lot there to offend all conservatives.  

In Machiavelli's book The Prince he demonstrates the only things society in general is interested in is security.  People want to believe they can live in their communities without fear of being robbed, beaten, raped, or murdered.  People want to be able to feed, clothe, and house their families.  Based on that historical truth, here are the practical applications conservative politicians need to embrace to attain that.

  1. End all this defund police insanity.  Prosecute judges and prosecutors who abuse the system and refuse to obey the law, and pass legislation that penalizes frivolous lawfare practices.
  2. End all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, (DEI) programs, of any kind, in government, and prosecute all public owned corporations who embrace DEI and/or ESG (environmental, social, and governance) schemes that are in violation of federal law and their fiduciary responsibilities.
  3. Stop illegal immigration, and deport all illegal aliens in America now, and put a hold on legal immigration until that's completed. 
  4. Stop spending and borrowing to control inflation and reduce the cost of living.
  5. Renew our energy independence, reducing the cost of energy.
  6. Fix public education and put the power back in the hands of parents, defund all higher education. 
  7. Support the second amendment. 
We have entered an era of fascism in western civilization we thought was destroyed at the end of WWII.   The fascist thinking and actions were seeing wasn't introduced by Donald Trump, who is constantly vilified as a racist, a fascist, and how a Mussolini like dictator will emerge if re-elected.  I keep asking for those who make those claims to name one thing he did to justify those claims.  Crickets, or a long list of red herrings, cherry picked data, and outright lies.
Hysterical cries from Hollywood nitwits saying Trump will come after them if elected, as if they really matter, and halfwit politicians like Mad Maxine claiming that he will stir up violence and blood will flow all over the nation, the kind of violence she's promoted in the past. Yet all the riots where destruction of property, rapes, violence, and murder was caused by corrupt leftist movements like Antifa and BLM, and tacitly supported by government officials along with the media.  All of which were complicit claiming those riots were "mostly peaceful".  

January 6 is called an insurrection, of those who died four were Trump supporters, including an unarmed woman murdered by a DC cop, who has not been prosecuted.   No buildings were burned down, little property damage, no violent beatings by the mob, and no rapes.   Of all the people arrested how many guns were confiscated?  While that's been in question but when  FBI assistant director for counterterrorism Jill Sanborn was questioned about how many guns were confiscated her answer was:
To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point. But I don’t want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol Police. But to my knowledge, none. 
How many shots were fired, her comment was:   
I believe the only shots that were fired were the ones that results in the death of the one lady.
That's not much of an insurrection, and yet there are many of those who were just standing around doing nothing who've been illegally imprisoned since then.  Their Constitutional rights have been totally ignored, they've been imprisoned in squalor and abused.  Many of them innocent of any crime but pleading guilty to just get out of prison, or have short sentences imposed in order to go on with their lives.   
Those Nazi like prosecutors and judges responsible for all that need to be investigated, arrested, tried, found guilty, and sent to prison.  That deep state cabal has been working to destroy the Constitution for decades, but finally Obama was able to thoroughly corrupt the bureaucracy and the judiciary.  That was the true insurrection.

The left's choice?  A corrupt crime family boss who's a mentally challenged old pervert who has betrayed the military, America's allies, imposed political prosecutions against Trump and all of his supporters, including his attorneys in order to try and stop attorneys from representing him. 
He's wrecking the economy, he's deliberately, and provably, ignoring America laws on immigration allowing millions of illegal immigrants to sweep across the border, many of them part of the drug cartels, Muslim terrorists, and even young military age Chinese men, potentially to act as agents of their government.  What could possibly go wrong?
He destroyed our energy independence, he's illegally passed laws without ever going to the Congress via executive order.  Why isn't this being called what it is, treason!  And yet Trump is the fascist.
The left will not cede power easily, or peacefully. “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” said Mao Tse Tung.  That's what the left believes, and that's what the left practices and that's what the left will act on. 

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