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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 31, 2023

Leftists Love Blacklists. Whodathunkit!

“Americans are free people and we do not take infringements upon our liberties lightly. The time has come for resistance and to reclaim our God-given right to free expression. Under my Free Speech Protection Act the government will no longer be able to cloak itself in secrecy to undermine the First Amendment rights of Americans.”  Senator Ron Paul.

By Rich Kozlovich

The term blacklisting was popularized going back to the days when the House on Un-American Activities Committee created a list of Hollywood notables who refused to testify at the hearings to expose communists in Hollywood.   The Hollywood moguls refuse to hire any of them, and others they believed were communists, or supporters of the communist party.   

From the infamous Hollywood ten, the blacklist grew to about 150 and combined with the "graylist" of suspected communists it encompassed around 500 people.  While that clearly got out of hand, the fact is a great many of them really were communists, and all communists were expected to be agents of the party in support of the Soviet Union, and all those who refused to testify knew the communist party, and it's members, were actively working to destroy America.  There's no such thing as an innocent communist! 

“Communism is not an alternative way of thinking.  It’s the world’s deadliest ideology.”  Jonathon P. Myers,

We now know that's true from the release of the VENONA intercepts in 1996.  Oh, by the way, McCarthy didn't have a thing to do with the Hollywood crowd, he was in the Senate and they went after the communists that infiltrated the federal government, and there were a ton of them.  It's been claimed the FDR administration was the most heavily infiltrated government in the history of the world.  It was the House on Un-American Activity Committee (HUAC), run by the Democrats, that went after Hollywood.  The Democrat party of today isn't the Democrat party of your grandfather.  

While many of the Hollywood crowd refused to cooperate with HUAC, they railed against blacklisting, but had no problem ostracizing those who did cooperate with the committee and who testified about those they knew were communists.  I think you can reasonably call that blacklisting.  

Yet, these were the same people who supported Stalin and the communists of the USSR who were among the greatest "blacklisters" of all time, which taking the concept of blacklisting to it's extreme, included murdering and starving to death millions of Soviet citizens, imprisoning millions more in gulags, and millions more who were exiled to remote and hostile regions of  Soviet Russia.  They didn't just lose their jobs, they lost their lives in one way or another.   And the Hollywood crowd who were outraged at the blacklist never uttered a peep in protest.  In fact, the New York Times, through Walter Duranty, claimed none of that was happening, while in fact, they knew it was happening, and that Walter Duranty was a degenerate and a liar.  As we read this keep that in mind.

Most aren't old enough to remember those days of Hollywood blacklisting.  Days the current crop of Hollywood elites rail against unendingly.   But, did you know big corporations have black lists?  Did you know the left wants those blacklists?  Did you know the left love these corporations for it? Let's explore this.

On July 23, 2023 Kurt Zindulka published this piece, Nigel Farage Ups the Ante: Bank Faces £17.5 Million Fine as ‘Mr Brexit’ Files Complaint over Passing Info to BBC saying:

Brexit leader Nigel Farage has filed an official complaint against the NatWest, accusing the bank of passing his information to the BBC, which initially claimed that he lost his account with Coutts for financial reasons before backtracking to acknowledge that the decision was made in part due to political reasons.........

They claimed he was "debanked" because his account dropped below a certain amount, yet when this went public others came forward to say their accounts were below that number and they weren't debanked.  We now know their claimed reason was a lie.  

He was debanked for his political views, because those views "violated their values", secret values, just like the secret "community standards"  the social media subscribe to when they delete posts and ban people from their sites.

It also appears this must have been a national corporate conspiracy to violate British law, how else can anyone explain how this bank not only cancelled his account, ten others also refused to accept him as a customer?

This bodes some important questions.  

  1. How many others has this happened to?  
  2. Who decided banks should be investigating the political views of customers and determining if those views are in harmony with their political views?
  3. Who at these banks initiated that policy?
  4. Would this have become exposed if he hadn't been such a prominent person?  
  5. Who leaked this information to the BBC?

That's what needs to be investigated.  As you read this it must become apparent there's a gigantic danger to freedom being put into place.   Bankers it seems decided they were going to be the primary tool to whip humanity into obedience.....or else!  And anyone resisting their efforts to silence opponents would have to suffer.  Apparently that's the message the British government is also getting, and in spite of their leftist approach to reality, they don't like it either. 

Kurt Zindulka

Top executives in the British banking sector were “read the riot act” by the government over the politically inspired debanking of Brexit leader Nigel Farage as Downing Street prepares new legislation to protect freedom of speech from activist financiers.  The fallout of Nigel ‘Mr Brexit’ Farage having his account shut down over expressing his political views, his friendships, and even his Twitter use and the subsequent leaks to the BBC from since departed NatWest banking group Dame Alison Rose continues to intensify, with potentially major ramifications on the future of banking in Britain.

Farage is now intending to make this a massive public, political, and moral issue to challenge Big Corporate tyranny and corruption, and the Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister Andrew Griffith agrees stating:

“It’s not the job of banks to tell us what to think or what political party we should support. The Government’s been extremely clear on this in a democracy that relies upon freedom of expression, and freedom of thought." “That isn’t a legitimate thing for a bank to remove someone’s access to a bank account – a really important building block of society today and that’s what I made clear in the meeting that I held with top bank bosses and the heads of building society’s this morning.”

So, from that meeting alone it's clear this was a planned, organized and implemented conspiracy among Britain's banking industry to censor and punish political speech, association, and views they disprove of.   A conspiracy in which there clearly must have been a lot of communication between the officers of these banks.  In America that would make it a criminal conspiracy, and a RICO violation.  The article goes on to point out banks aren't like ordinary businesses, and especially one such as  NatWest, as "it is still almost 40 per cent owned by the UK taxpayer, and the political and regulatory ramifications of this episode are likely to ripple out for months to come.”

What is the position of the leftist Labour Party?  I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.  It turns out they like blacklists after all.  Imagine that!  They believe banks have every right to censor society.  Of course that's only as long as they're censoring those who oppose them, because:  “In its heart Labour is with the new establishment that likes to tell you what you can do and think.” 
 But this can't happen in America!
Actually, not only can it happen in America, it's happening in America.  We see this same pattern of thinking, especially in the entertainment, social media, and corporate structures of America promoting whatever is the leftist swill of the moment.  Well, it's happening with banks in America also.   
At the same time, private mega-corporations friendly to leftist social engineering, like Chase Bank, are implementing their own "social credit" systems by which they cancel and punish individuals and groups that dissent from various woke agendas, from climate change to LGBTQ to anti-gun activism.........
Yet, all the while these World Economic Forum economic catspaws have ignored the human misery, suffering, injustice, and crimes against humanity China's totalitarian government has heaped on their society.  A country that's playing an extremely dangerous game with biological organisms that could potentially wipe out tens of millions of people, and they're doing it right here in America.
"Excusing China's totalitarianism and handing the communist nation the keys to enriching itself from lucrative global markets may well prove to have been the most consequential foreign policy error in centuries."

President Trump has had a lot of ups and downs in his real estate career, which means his relations with banks and credit can be pretty dicey. The matter was made worse for him in the wake of the January 6 protests, where wokester banks outright cut him off.  His Trump Organization financial operation however did find a bank that would loan to his organization, a relatively small bank in San Diego called Axos Bank. and that set the Washington Post scrambling to look for some seedy Biden-style corruption.  They found nothing.

Since it turns out Wokester banks don't want to do business with Trump, they tried to imply this was a political deal, but couldn't find one iota of evidence to show that.  This isn't a bank that plays politics.   

The bank researched the loans to see if they really could be repaid, and to avoid any claims of favoritism, the Trump organization was required to submit more documentation than usual.  The owner,  a Republican, who refuses to put political terms on his loans, makes it clear:

“It wouldn’t matter if I was friends with someone, I’m not going to make a loan that’s no good,”......... “I don’t like anyone that much."

Let's never fail to understand this.  Leftism has no borders, no boundaries, no moral parameters that will not be violated.  In fact, leftism has no moral foundational other than doing whatever it takes to attain enough power to take total control over humanity, with the theme, "you will eat bugs, you have nothing, and you will like it".   

Now that the corruption of these banks has been exposed, they're scrambling like the cockroaches claiming they'll fix this and they're so sorry, it won't happen again, please forgive us.  Baloney!  This has been an insidious criminal scheme that needs prosecuted.  The CEO of NatWest has resigned, but the CEO's and the entire board of directors of this bank and each and every bank that's participated in this conspiracy needs to be investigated, fined, sued personally, and prosecuted for the deliberate criminal violation his rights, and the rights of all the others they've violated.  
As the EPA used to say, there's no training as good as a good civil penalty.   Well, criminal penalties will double down on that, and that's a lesson that needs to reverberate throughout Leftdom. 
Americans have been giving up our Constitutionally guaranteed rights going back to the FDR administration.  Americans are failing to acknowledge our liberties are dying, and the  Constitution is in dire need of protection:

That greed and lust for power is the defining characteristic of what we call the Swamp. And it was enabled by a plethora of acts that strengthened and emboldened the apparatchiks who man it. These included Executive Orders by JFK and Nixon giving federal employees powers or “protections” they’d never previously had, as well as a 1984 Supreme Court case that required courts to defer to federal agencies as it relates to rule-making when there is ambiguity in the legislation.

Western civilization is at that proverbial fork in the road, and is going to have to decide which way it will go. Tyranny or freedom?  I'm not optimistic.  

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