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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Rowing Against the Tide Makes You Stronger

By Rich Kozlovich

I'm a great admirer of those who deliberately make themselves rocks in the current, rowing against the tide being prepared to stand and defend all that's right and true against all comers.  That was John Boyd.  Whether it is in the government, military, academia or business this was his view, and is something we need to learn, repeat, retain and practice:

"To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That's when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?" - Col. John Boyd

That's foundational to this article, so please bear with me on this piece.  This is what I call a coherence through connectives article, which means; "coherence through connectives implies a connection from beginning to end. Then make the end tie into the beginning creating coherence from beginning to end and tying them together",  reflecting on previously noted comments and issues in order to draw a clear picture in time.  All in order to draw correct conclusions. 

One of the things I've said so often is the patterns of life keep repeating over and over again.  The names and faces may change, but the patterns remain much the same, and people aren't really as complicated as they think they are.  There really isn't anything new under the sun, but you really do have to pay attention, and that can't be done unless we read history books.

If you haven't read Amity Schlaes book Coolidge, I recommend it.  As Paul Volcker noted:

“Amity Shlaes’s new biography carries a different and highly relevant message. . .Read Coolidge, and better understand the forces bearing on the President and Congress almost a century later.”

Coolidge was in my opinion the best President America had in the 20th century, with Reagan coming in a close second.   Coolidge had as his party antagonist Henry Cabot Lodge.  Trump's Lodge was John McCain, who's been reprised by Mitt Romney.   I was looking over P&D articles that were the top 25 all time hit articles, and this July 23, 2019 article, Mitt Romney: John McCain reprised, by Richard Jack Rail, came up number 19, which caught my attention regarding patterns and coherent connectives.    Rail states:

In a tweet, President Trump famously said that if Ilhan Omar doesn't like America, she can go back where she came from.  Followers immediately started chanting, "Send her back!" in the way they once chanted, "Lock her up!" about another vicious, ugly female lefty officeholder.

Send her back where she came from, viscous, ugly.  Wow, now that's a bit harsh isn't it?  Well, let's review her positions on things.  

She's blatantly antisemitic, even wanting to rid the Democrat party of Jews, not to mention Oman never saw an issue she couldn't blame on Jews. When evidence came out she gamed the system to enter this country by marrying her own brother, what did she do?  Blamed the Jews.  It was a Zionist conspiracy. 

She thinks July 4th should be replaced with a Muslim Heritage month, a month mind you, and equates the vile terrorist movements Hamas and the Taliban with Israel and the United States.   The United States?  Really?  The United States,  you know the country that houses her, feeds her, and elected her to Congress.  You know, the one to whom she swore allegiance and to uphold and protect.  Yes that one.  

Demands censorship of anything that exposes Islam as the criminal, political, terrorist movement masquerading as a religion that it is.  Wants to free child molesting sex offenders if they're obese.  As Andrea Widburg observed:

The problem with having Omar in Congress isn't just her socialism, no matter how terrible an idea socialism is.  Instead, it's her blatant, unrelenting hatred for America and American values.

And America's Jews still vote Democrat overwhelmingly.   Imagine that. 

As Daniel Greenfield notes, the Squad’s antisemitism problem is ideological, and the work of systemic antisemitism is being carried on by the left today, and it's clear this mentality isn't exclusive to "The Squad".   The actions of Biden and his administration and party leaders have clearly shown an antisemite mentality over and over again, and no matter how they try to hedge on what's going on, that's simply a PR dodge.  

In spite of all that, the left came unglued at Trump's comments and the crowd's reaction, and guess who joined them?  Mitt Romney!  Yes, Mitt found the chant offensive, and guess what?  He immediately blamed Donald Trump.  It appears Mitty didn't find a thing offensive in anything Ilhan Omar has said or done, so we have to assume he finds nothing objectionable in her character either. Unlike his views on Trump's character.  Imagine that.   We'll come back to that.  Rail goes on to note:

Making ordinary sense of Mitt Romney is a fool's errand.  Nobody can make sense of Mitt Romney.  He interviewed to be Donald Trump's secretary of state, then promptly went to Europe and spoke ill of the president.  He published a scathing editorial about Trump in the Wall Street Journal.  He claims to be Republican but has done his best to obstruct the Trump agenda......he's shown no spirit of generosity, no manly sense of put-it-behind-us or graciousness toward a president who gave him a chance after all the mutual slashes and cuts during the 2016 primaries.  Mitt seems unaware that his own actions have repeatedly revealed him to be petty and spiteful.

History is making a hash of the media's Kennedy Camelot narrative, and that includes the rest of the Kennedy clan, especially Teddy.  The media is still trying to twist that history in his favor, which time has made that an impossible dream.  

Worse yet for the Kennedy mob, time is against them.  Time, history, and truth are on the same side, and history will destroy McCain, because he just couldn't stop being the vile and vindictive creature he was right up until his death. 

And then there's Romney.  History will not be kind to him either.  History and reality will end Romney's influence as more and more information becomes available about RINO's in American politics.  Much of which seems to almost make them Machiavellian schemers, liars, deceivers, all claiming to be conservatives, yet all the while working what is obscene in the background.

I'm convinced McCain had a screw loose, and I think there's something seriously wrong with the mind of Mitt Romney.  We know the character of McCain and the Kennedy's has been far from exemplary, and one might easily say, flawed, seriously flawed, especially Teddy.  And I really agree with the author when he says, " Making ordinary sense of Mitt Romney is a fool's errand."

So, where have I been going with all this?  Well, here's where the connectives leads to coherence.

Romney isn't alone in that room full of intellectually bankrupt Republican party elites.   The same is true for John Kasich.  Both of whom claim to be conservatives, and religious ones at that.  Kasich's view about conservatism is he "can define conservatism as he sees fit", which in his case was a lot like leftism.   There has to be something wrong with their minds.  I've met Kasich, and I can say this with absolute certainty; he suffers from a serious case of weird compounded by a massive infection of hubris. 

Romney may be better mannered than Kasich, which doesn't require a whole lot of work or effort, but he's clearly weird, and he must be arrogant to the point of lunacy, otherwise he wouldn't be acting the way he does.  Okay, that's some past history, but as we look at current events we find these same patterns repeating, so let's connect all this.  

The goings on of the California Republican Party is in my opinion represents perfect example of just how flawed the Republican leadership is in America, because they're probably the worst.  It appears the Chairman of the California Republican Party, Jessica Patterson, and anti-Trumper, is attempting to do an end run around the membership to change how delegates are chosen for their convention.   All this triggered some questions, and observations, from some members.  

As an example, why now instead of last March when the entire membership met?  They didn't see the need just five months ago, so why is it now an emergency?   Since any changes must be submitted by October 1, 2023 why can't this be presented to the membership at the membership meeting on September 29th.  Why should only 7% of the membership be allowed to vote on this, instead of the entire membership?  

It appears to me this is an effort to make sure the California Republican party delegates do not support Donald Trump.  While California is decidedly Democrat, the Republican base are overwhelmingly Trump supporters, unlike California's Republican leadership that's a RINO infected minority cabal.

This RINO infection among Republican leaders is the pattern in many states, and while nowhere near as bad as California, Ohio's Republican leaders suffer from the same infection, a contamination that was spread by John Kasich. Which in my opinion is why DeWine was re-elected, and why Sherrod Brown, a far left wing Democrat, will probably be re-elected. 

This, article, Senate Republicans Despise Their Voters, appeared today on American Thinker by J.B. Shurk showing just how corrupted is the Republican leadership elite.  He uses Lisa Murkowski as the example saying, "she and other backstabbing Senate Republicans (think John Cornyn, Mitt Romney, John Thune, etc.) got together to do their version of Festivus in July, during which they told The Hill how much they absolutely loathe normal Republican voters."

That's the Republican leadership, nationwide, and now it's become obvious to the base that's who they are and what they truly represent. 

"One day you will come to a fork in the road. And you're going to have to make a decision about what direction you want to go..........To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That's when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?" - Col. John Boyd

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