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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 14, 2023

Islam is a Religion of Genocide, Part IV

“Europe had not learned its lessons about jihad and refuses to examine the teachings of Islam” - Robert Spence

By Rich Kozlovich 

Part I, Part II, Part III,

The Swedish government has imposed a heavy burden on the people of Sweden, which I discuss at length in These Muslim immigrants have behaved like ravenous wolves perpetrating every vile crime imaginable, and this was in a nation that was well noted for it's lack of crime before Muslims started migrating there.  

In point of fact, Sweden is now one of the leading nations in Europe, and the world, for rape. Rape of Swedish women by Muslims.  A pattern playing out throughout Western Europe.  Yet those in responsible positions refuse to take responsibly for the welfare of the innocent victims of these ravenous wolves, as they refuse to apply appropriate punishment to these criminals.  That's a mark of cultural decadence, not civilization.

And they're now willing to destroy free speech in Sweden regarding the truth about Islam in order to win the approval of Turkey in order to join NATO, but Turkey is a financial mess, so, they've decided to allow Sweden in if they bring Turkey into the EU, which will totally open their borders with all the EU nations flooding Europe with Muslim immigrants.  That's a poison pill. 

How about this as a solution?  They kick Turkey out of NATO.   

With all the rioting, burning, looting, mayhem in France caused by Middle Eastern, Asian, and African Muslims it's causing quite a stir through out Europe, but are they getting the right message, and are they offering the right answers?  Apparently not.  

Diversity is not what makes for happiness.  Homogeneity is!  These so-called "asylum seekers" are not fleeing persecution.  They're coming to the western nations to eat up the benefits, and destroy Western civilization, and are making "demands" of the host nations as if these host nations are obligated to cater to them, "including, but not limited to, free or highly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, unemployment benefits (even without having any previous work history), family allowances, and more."

The end result is Europe's demographics has become dangerous.  It's now a hot bed of Muslim criminal activity.   Rape, murder, thievery, and general mayhem, is making Europe so dangerous many Europeans are afraid to go out of their homes, and not only at night.  

What's the answer by the UN Human Rights Council?  They approved a motion by Pakistan to condemn religious hatred, but it's clear that only applies to Islam.  Muslims can still hate, murder, rape, rob, and harass Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and every other non-Islamic religious group in the world, including Muslims other Muslims consider heretics, or converts away from Islam, which the Koran demands their death.  And all that's just fine and dandy. But what would you expect from this "Human Rights Council".  Look at the current members sitting on that council.  Some of the worst abusers of human rights on the planet, and that's been the pattern forever. 

These migrants do not consider themselves European, nor do they want to be European.  And why not?  Because they are Muslims, the world's "best people", and everyone else is an infidel, making them "the most vile of crated beings." 

Let's try and get this right, just once, please.  Islam isn't a religion.  It's a criminal, political, terrorist movement masquerading as a religion.  Once that's accepted everything they do is made clear. 

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Pakistan: Islamic group demands that the government declare war on Sweden over Qur’an burning  -   By How long will the mainstream media ignore the true significance of Islamic blasphemy laws and their encroachment upon the freedom of expression? While MILLIONS are protesting  in Pakistan against a Qur’an burning, they support the persecution of religious minorities. Just weeks ago, Pakistan “signed a twelve-point agreement with the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Party (TLP) Pakistan and agreed […]
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US and EU vote no as UNHCR approves Pakistan’s resolution against ‘religious hatred’ - By The outrage over a Qur’an burning in Sweden by an Iraqi man is increasing. The UN Human Rights Council has now “approved a resolution, introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, on religious hatred in the wake of the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden.” It’s a harsh and threatening […]
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