18-month, data-driven probe concludes 2020 election was stolen
Smartphone pings, video reveal at least 4.8 million fraudulent votes
By Art Moore April 15, 2022
Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips have been engaged in the battle for election integrity for more than a decade, and the day after the contested November 2020 vote, they made a pact. "Catherine looked at me and said, 'What are we going to do?'" Phillips recounted in an in-depth video interview with Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. "I said, Let’s go," Phillips recalled. "She said, Let's go all in." They eventually hired a dozen people who have put in 16-hour days for 15 months, combing tediously through cellphone geolocation data, surveillance videos and documents to see if the evidence supports their hypothesis.........They say that have the hard evidence to back their finding that there were 4.8 million fraudulent votes in the states they targeted – including Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia – but they've been shunned by authorities, and media won't touch it.............To Read More....
- The 2020 Election Requires Believing the Unbelievable
- Church of Wokeness and Voter Fraud (Multiple links)
- P&D Today: Voter Fraud and Abounding Corruption Everywhere. (December 2021 of 2021 with 66 links showing voter fraud.)
- Voter Fraud and the Media
- Texas: The Eyes of the World Are Upon You!
- What Americans Are Up Against? Dolchstosslegende, American Style!
- Election Fraud Happened! If Proven it Happened, It's a Constitutional Crisis
- Texas: A Tale of Two Planets
- Republicans are Shocked, Shocked I Tell You!
- Biden and Harris Have Much to be Grateful For!
- The Five American Heroes From Ohio and the Boyd Principle!
- The Vote, The Fraud, The Consequence! Part II
- Republican Leaders Really Are Oblivious to the Obvious! (Multiple Links)
- Voter Fraud and the Media
- The Vote, The Fraud, The Consequence! (Multiple Links)
- Voter Fraud: The Continuing Saga (Many Links)
- Voter Fraud: The Continuing Saga Update (243 Links)
- This Election Really is Shaping Up to be a Nightmare.
- SCOTUS Has Failed. That Failure May Be An Opportunity!
- Scotus: The Eyes of Justice Were Upon You. And You Failed!
However, time and truth are on the same side. Here are all the Voter Fraud posts on P&D from the beginning. So when anyone says there's no evidence of voter fraud, or evidence of those who promote it, now you know they're lying. Not just wrong, they're deliberately lying. The evidence of voter fraud, the promotion of voter fraud and the consequences of voter is massive. It's there! It's available for anyone to see who wishes to see.
And now, no one can say they weren't told.
- Arizona Attorney General Brnovich Announces Prosecutions After Reviewing Maricopa County Ballot Audit, as Kari Lake Calls to Decertify Election
- Voter Fraud and Media Corruption is The Real Enemy
- Pennsylvania Video Shows Ballot Trafficker Dumping Handfuls of Ballots into Ballot Drop Box in Montgomery County – Video Shows More than 100 People Dropping More than 1 Ballot into Drop Box in Just a Few Hours (VIDEO)
- Michigan failed to properly update voting rolls prior to 2020 election, audit finds
- Here it is! 'Widespread election fraud' revealed in report
- Wisconsin Election Audit Results: Email Contents by State Officials and Leftist Activists Are Truly Stunning — Even for Democrats
- Why We Must Keep Discussing the Stolen 2020 Election
- New Book by Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward Provides Insider Perspective of Maricopa County Audit
- BIG NEWS: Justice Michael Gableman Will Release Results from Wisconsin Election Investigation Today — Findings Explosive! Expected Allegations of Criminality
- BREAKING: Wisconsin Republican Leaders Call for Emergency Meeting with All County GOP Leaders Following Explosive Report by Justice Gableman Calling for Decertification of 2020 Election Results
- Redemption: The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Steve Bannon Discuss EXPLOSIVE Wisconsin Hearing on Wisconsin Election Fraud (VIDEO)
- DIRECT HIT: Special Counsel Michael Gableman Cites Gateway Pundit’s Exclusive ERIC Investigation in Election Fraud Probe (VIDEO)
- BREAKING: Wisconsin Special Counsel Michael Gableman Calls for Decertification of Wisconsin 2020 Election Results (VIDEO)
- BOOM! Wisconsin Special Counsel Implicates Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe and ERIC’s David Becker in Wisconsin Election Fraud Investigation.
- EXPLOSIVE: Justice Gableman Reveals MASSIVE Voter Fraud in Wisconsin Nursing Homes — 100% Turnout in Zuckerberg-Funded Wisconsin Cities! – SHOCKING VIDEO
- Zuckerbucks declared 'bribery' by special counsel in Wisconsin
- Wisconsin special counsel bombshell: 91 nursing homes had 95-100% voter turnout in 2020 Election - Election integrity watchdog Phill Kline said
- Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg's Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws
- Mo Brooks: ‘Power Grab’ Democrats Using Non-Citizen Voting to Alter American Electorate in Their Favor
- WI Speaker Vos Says Justice Gableman Will Turn in Status Report on Election Fraud Investigation by End of Month – Says Overturning 2020 Election Impossible and Unconstitutional
- IT’S TRUE! Missouri GOP Lawmakers Sell Their Souls for ‘Ranked Choice Voting’ that Ensures Democrats Win Future Elections in a Trump +15 State
- Tom Fitton: Judicial Watch Settles North Carolina Voter Roll Lawsuit After State Removes Over 430,000 Inactive Names From Rolls
- 1,500 Volunteers Investigate Wisconsin Election: The WEC Is a Member of the ERIC System – They Are Deliberately Not Cleaning the Voter Rolls (VIDEO)
- In Texas, New Law Is Stopping the Steal
- Pennsylvania Mail-In Voting Law Suffers Another Defeat in Court
- Currently Over 5 Million Questionable, Unlawful or Spurious Ballots Identified in 2020 Election in PA, GA and AZ - Will Republican Party Do Anything or Will They Allow this to Continue?
- Exclusive: Systemic Voting Issues In Pennsylvania County Even More Extensive Than Previously Known
- Michigan secretary of state requests inquiry into possible voting equipment breach
- After New Texas Law Requiring ID Information on Absentee Ballots – 28% of Mail-In Ballots in Primary Rejected
- Washington Post's Fairy Tale on Pennsylvania Voter Fraud
- Group Sues Louisiana for Denying Access to Voter Files After State Rebukes Democrat-Dominated Data Service
- HUGE: Maricopa County – Investigation Finds Additional 740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain Of Custody
- Bad News for Soros-Backed Secretary of State Jena Griswold — Second County Clerk Steps Forward with Devastating Evidence in Colorado Lawsuit
- WTH? Wisconsin Election Commission Enacts Rule that Enables Local Officials to Fill in Missing Info on Ballot Envelopes
- President Trump: Why Isn’t Unselect Committee Investigating the Massive Ballot Harvesting Operation that Has Just Been Irrefutably Reported?
- “When You’re Lying to the People and You’re the Media, It’s a Bad Business Model” — MUST SEE: AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS ABC Rookie Reporter in Attempted Hit Job (VIDEO)
- Election Law That Helped Make Joe Biden President Struck Down as Unconstitutional
- Pennsylvania Court Finds State’s Mail-in Voting Law Unconstitutional By Debra Heine
- EXCLUSIVE: Last Week’s Court Ruling in Pennsylvania Means 40% of 2020 Ballots Unconstitutional — Without These Ballots President Trump Crushed Biden by a 2 to 1 Ratio in the State
- SHOCKING TESTIMONY Reveals Democrats Were Stealing Overseas and Military Ballots from Michigan, Georgia and Now Arizona Too (VIDEO)
- Federal Prosecutors Probing False Electoral College Submissions in Several States
- Pennsylvania Court Strikes Down ‘No-Excuse’ Mail-In Voting Law
- Georgia Secretary of State Calls for Release of ‘Secret Report’ on Dominion Voting Machines
- Why The Wall Street Journal Is Wrong About The 2020 Election
- Is the second American Civil War nearing its conclusion
- Tribal Morality: The Difference Between Election Fraud And Voter Suppression
- There’s a reason why Democrats have long controlled poll places
- (Editor's Note: Another reason the Republicans are called the Stupid Party. RK)
- Voters Oppose 'Transformative' Policies, Want Reform of Dysfunctional Bureaucracies
- Democrats’ Hypocrisy on Voting Rights Advances the Cause of Political Slavery
- January 6 Fraud: Even When RINO's Are Right, They're Still Wrong
- **HUGE BREAKING NEWS** — Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes — VIDEO
- BREAKING BIG: Wisconsin Appeals Court Sides with Waukesha Judge in Banning Absentee Ballot Boxes — Wisconsin Election Commission Abruptly Cancels Emergency Meeting
- Breaking: Georgia Officials Tampered With and Deleted Hours of Ballot Box Video Before It Was Released to Investigators
- President Trump Releases a Second Statement Regarding Georgia DA’s Decision to Ignore Election Crimes and Investigate the President’s Call J
- BREAKING: Corrupt Fulton County DA Ignores Election Fraud, Instead Calls for Grand Jury to Investigate President Trump
- President Trump Responds to Fulton County DA and Political Hack Who Ignores Election Fraud to Dig Into President’s Phone Call
- BREAKING: Voter GA Confirms Over 100,000 Ballots in Georgia 2020 Election Missing Valid Chain of Custody Documentation, Additionally Drop Box Videos Have Been Destroyed
- Did over 100,000 people older than 124 years vote in Wisconsin?
- As Georgia ballot harvesting probe starts, some election evidence has vanished already
- Huge! Georgia Ballot Trafficking Whistleblower Admits to Making $45,000 forStuffing Ballot Boxes "Just One of 242 Traffickers" Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballots! (Video)
- An Indictment of 2021:Can We Come to Any Conclusions
- Meet the Technology That's Uncovering 2020's Voter Fraud
- Watchdog group says 2020 ballot images destroyed in 74 Georgia counties
- UPDATE: Racine County Sheriff Refers Criminal Charges Against Five Top Wisconsin Elections Commissioners in Nursing Home Voting Scam
- Formal Complaint Filed Against Green Bay Mayor for Turning 2020 Elections Over to Far Left Operative, Including Secret Access to Internet and Ballot Warehouse
- New York Poll Worker Claims Ballots Came in That Were Already Pre-Stamped with Candidate’s Name in Wrong Box
- Buffalo Poll Worker Admits Pre-stamping Ballots with Byron Brown’s Name During Write-in Campaign
- Steve Sweeney Won’t Concede to Truck Driver; Claims 12,000 ‘Found’ Ballots
- Not Suspicious at All: Top NJ Democrat Says They 'Recently Found' 12,000 Ballots
- GOP Poll Worker in 2020 Detroit: 'They Treated Me Like a Criminal!'
- The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged
- Wisconsin's Racine County GOP Finds 23,000 Voters with the Same Phone Number and 4,000 Voters Registered on 1/1/1918 (Biden Awarded State by 20,000 Votes)
- Wisconsin Elections Commission ‘Shattered’ Laws By Telling Nursing Home Staffers To Illegally Cast Ballots For Residents
- 7 Insane Things I Just Learned About How U.S. Elections Are Rigged
- Wisconsin Elections Commission Holds Emergency Meeting After Racine County Sheriff’s Dept. Accuses WEC of Class I Felony Fraud in Nursing Home Scandal
- 2021 Open Letter From Retired Generals and Admirals
- Nearly 150 legislators from over three dozen states call for countrywide audit of 2020 election
- Republican Lawmakers Demolish Democrats "Big Lie" That Arizona Audit Proved Biden Won the Election
- BREAKING: 92 Senators & Reps Sign Letter Demanding Decertification, 50-State Election Audit
- Suicidal or Homicidal?
- The Great Coup of 2020 and the New American State
- The 2020 Election: What Really Happened?
- Election Officials Don’t Know What Happened to 15 Million Mail Ballots in 2020 Election
- Chris Wallace is a Disgrace.
- BREAKING – HUGE: Results of Canvassing in Arizona Released – ELECTION STEAL IS NOW CONFIRMED
- 15 Million Votes in 2020 Election Not Accounted For, Report Finds
- AP Exam Requires Students To Choose Answers Indicating Voting Laws Are Racially Biased
- Here's What We Know About California's "Print-at-Home Ballot" Recall Election Scheme
- WE CAUGHT THEM: Fulton County GA Caught In Another Lie “Claim Only 5,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated in the 2020 Election“ Previously Claimed Over 100,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated
- BREAKING: Another State Finds Serious Anomalies in Four Counties
- Gen. Flynn: 10 INDISPUTABLE FACTS on the 2020 Election That Argue for Audits
- DOJ fires warning shot against 'unusual' post-election ballot reviews
- Voting machines in Pennsylvania's Fulton County decertified after audit
- Progressivism’s Collapse and Why it Matters
- After Fulton County "Bombshell," Georgia Election Auditors Find Discrepancies in Other Counties May Be "Worse"
- How Democrats could steal the midterms
- The Democrats Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste.
- Texas Election Reform Bill Passes Senate Despite Fleeing Dems, ‘Chaos’ in House as Arrest Warrants Await
- Biden Turns Entire Government Into a Democrat Voter Machine
- Core Constitutional Rights Under Threat From ‘Quasi-Totalitarian Movement’: Constitutional Scholar
- Arizona Audit Finds Massive Irregularities, Including More Than 74,000 Mail-In Ballots Counted Than Mailed Out
- Maricopa County Auditors Seek Ballot Envelope Images, Splunk Logs After Discovering Discrepancies
- ‘There Was No Victory’ for Biden, Trump Says in Wake of Arizona Election Audit Hearing
- Stunning report: Vote recount in 1 county had 60% error rate
- Ariz. state Sen. Rogers: Audit numbers don’t match 2020 election results
- 'No business doing that': Wis. official says Zuckerberg-funded group seized control of 2020 election
- Tucker Carlson Says He Will Reveal “New” Evidence of Voter Fraud in Fulton County, Georgia
- The 2020 Election Requires Believing the Unbelievable
- Michigan Attorney General is Now Using State Police to Go After Those Who Allege Election Fraud in 2020
- Georgia Election Investigators Find Enough Illegal Votes to Potentially Tip 2020 Race
- Looks like Dems are panicking over the planned forensic audit of the Pennsylvania 2020 presidential election
- Definite sign of panic: Pennsylvania acting Secretary of State issues illegal orders to obstruct audit of 2020 election
- Houston Man Praised by Fake News Media for Waiting Hours To Vote In Dem Primary — Is Arrested for Illegal Voting
- The End of America?
- Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano Initiates Forensic Investigation of 2020 Election
- Arizona Audit War Room Points Out Possible Crimes Committed by Maricopa County Officials
- I particularly like this piece of smarminess.
- Chris Matthews: Trump Supporters Do Not ‘Understand Democracy’
- The Genesis of Our American Collective Meltdown
- Inside William Barr's Breakup With Trump
- Church of Wokeness and Voter Fraud
- Georgia audit documents expose significant election failures in state's largest county
- In Maricopa County, are missing ballots the smoking guns?
- Election Fraud is an Issue that Will Not Go Away
- Want to End Electoral Fraud? Light Up the Infrastructure!
- BREAKING! Massive Lawsuit Announced Against Dominion! Wait Until You Hear Who Is On Board
- Election Assessment in Pennsylvania County Uncovers Five ‘Issues of Note’
- What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump's Way?
- Garland threatens states' efforts to assure voting integrity
- Ken Cuccinelli: Democrats' election takeover – here's what's at stake for every state
- Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: Pristine Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed
- Huge rally in Michigan for the most unexpected cause
- America the Outlier
- Texas: A Tale of Two Planets
- Joe Scarborough’s insane rant proves he’s just a histrionic blowhard
- Dominion Refuses to Hand Over Ballot Tabulator Passwords to Arizona Audit, Worries It Would Cause 'Irreparable Damage' to the Company
- No, ‘Purity Of The Ballot Box’ Is Not Racist Election Law Terminology. It’s Historically Accurate
- I guess we know who cheated now
- Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election
- Critical Race Theory Illuminates Democrats’ Master Plan To End Honest Elections In America
- Democrats Can’t Quash the ‘Big Lie’
- Needed: A National Election Fraud Database
- Election Integrity: Recommendations Report.
- The Resistance Begins
- Blame It on Richard Nixon
- Free States Must Strengthen Their Election Laws Despite the Works of the Woke
- Heh: Georgia Republican Introduces 'Voter Suppression' Bill to Adopt Election Laws from Joe Biden's Delaware
- Vast Majority Of U.S. Firms Failed To Sign Voting Statement
- Get Ready to Rumble With Big Business
- For Years, The New York Times Reported Absentee Voting Boosts Fraud — Until Donald Trump Agreed
- 'Political unrest is bad for business': Starbucks chair encourages 100 corporate leaders on Zoom call to fight to stop voting laws being changed across the US as heads of PayPal, Pepsi and other major firms agree to speak out
- Sorting Fact From Fiction in the Georgia Voting Law Debate
- Civil Rights Groups Sue Georgia Over Election Reform Bill
- How Georgia's new voting law compares to other states
- Five Months Since the Election, Georgia Still Lacks Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation on 355,000 Votes (Most All Likely for Joe Biden)
- Democrats in Arizona Are Petrified – They’re Bringing in Marc Elias’s Perkins Coie to Make Threats and Make the Maricopa County Audit Go Away
- Ga. Gov.: MLB Moved All-Star Game to Colorado, WhichHas Voter ID; Biden Did NCAA Championship Pregame in Indiana – Birthplace of Voter ID
- Hollywood celebrities call for boycott of Southwest Airlines if it doesn't condemn Texas voting law
- United's 'Fly the Woke Skies' Nosedive
- MLB Falls Silent On Voter Suppression In China, Say, or Cuba
- Nolte: Woke Gestapo at Coke and Delta Wage War Against Voter Integrity Laws (Multiple links)
- Kentucky lawmakers strike down veto, pass voter ID law
- Georgia’s New Election Law Suppresses Fraud,Not Voter Access
- The Truth Nobody Tells About Our Voting Rules
- Sex, Lies and the Destruction of America
- Media’s Entire Georgia Narrative Is Fraudulent, Not Just The Fabricated Trump Quotes
- Long before Trump, bipartisan group of elder statesmen flagged mail ballot fraud risks
- Profiles In Cowardice: A Court No Longer Supreme
- Woke Politics: The Democrats’ Plan for a Permanent Majority
- Video of the Day: Larry Elder Debunks 2020 Election Integrity
- Trump’s Hundreds Of Miles Away Victory Against The Democrats
- Aim of Trump Impeachment Is to ‘Chill and Criminalize Speech’ that Opposes Leftist Agenda: Tom Fitton
- No retreat, no surrender to the real mob
- Want to Guess How Close Trump and the GOP Came to Winning...Everything in 2020?
- Breaking: US Supreme Court Schedules Pennsylvania Election Case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan Case and Lin Wood’s Georgia Case for Feb 19 Conference
- Mike Lindell posts 'Absolute Proof' documentary on 2020 election
- Biden and Harris Have Much to be Grateful For!
- Vote Integrity: AWED Special Report
- 2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits — the Facts
- GOP Election Fraud Deniers Face Reckoning
- Shocking U.S. bill would allow Dems 'to steal elections forever'
- Democratic Ohio House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes Tweets ‘No, Thank You’ to Senator Rand Paul’s Call for Election Integrity
- You Know There Was Industrial-Scale Election Fraud. What Can Be Done?
- Election Lawsuits Move Forward Despite Silencing Crusade
- Commentary: Now That Democrats Have Successfully Pulled Off Their ‘Decapitation’ Strategy, Will Americans Reward or Punish Them?
- Did Biden voters knowingly vote for the radical leftist agenda?
- Causes of the Great Rejection by Commoners
- Oblivious Biden
- No, Joe! It Just Can’t Be Done
- SCOTUS shirks its responsibility when needed most
- I stand with President Trump! As do 74 million Americans
- Ballot Harvesting Arrested for Fraud
- The Vote, The Fraud, The Consequence! Part II
- Had enough yet?
- Mark Levin: This Is a Constitutional Crisis
- Welcome to a Wilderness of Lie
- As the last line of defense of the Republic seems to be crumbling…
- The vanishing vote problem may have struck again in Georgia
- Republican Leaders Really Are Oblivious to the Obvious! (Multiple Links)
- A parade of Republican losers and traitors advances
- There’s No Moving Forward From This
- What are the new SCOTUS justices thinking?
- Enemies of the country
- No, it's not time for a ‘Congressional Hail Mary’
- A Christmas Message for President Trump: You Must Win Now. You Can't Win in 2024
- What Denying Election Fraud Accomplishes
- McCarthy Misses the Point in the Michigan Election Audit
- What Americans Are Up Against? Dolchstosslegende, American Style!
- All I Want for Christmas Is Some Sanity
- Quote of the Day
- Peter Navarro’s report is must-reading to understand the election
- Executive Order 13848 and the Stolen Election
- The Institutionalization of Election Fraud
- Fighting Biden
- Dominion Whistleblower Accuses CEO of Lying During Michigan Hearing
- Redacted Information in Dominion Audit Report Shows Races Were Flipped
- Is Trump winning the fraud argument?
- Would a Senate Vote on the Electoral Count Be So ‘Terrible’?
- Irregularities: ‘The Emperor, In the Election, Has No Clothes’
- Is the whole government in on this fraudulent election?
- Morning Greatness: Fraud-Heavy States Ready Alternative Electors for Certification
- Sidney Powell is building a RICO case against Dominion and Smartmatic
- The Serbian Connection
- Here's What We Know! (Multiple Links)
- Here's What We Know: Part II
- Dominion Software Intentionally Designed to Influence Election Results: Forensics Report
- The Dems Had No Choice BUT to Rig the Election
- Texas: The Eyes of the World Are Upon You!
- P&D Today: Voter Fraud and Abounding Corruption Everywhere. (66 Links)
- This Is a Time for Fighting, Not for “Healing"
- Texas Social Worker Busted Illegally Registering 67 Nursing Home Residents to Vote
- Extortion Day How the Democratic Party and its allies used the threat of violence as a campaign tactic
- Bozell to Levin: Survey Shows 4.6% of Democrats Would Not Have Voted for Joe Biden Had They Known Hunter Biden Story
- It's possible that 2020's election fraud is way bigger than we thought
- More Democrat Corruption – Swing States Show Biden Votes Suspiciously Far Exceeding Democrat Down-Ticket Votes — Statistically Improbable
- PROOF OF FRAUD? Republicans Won 28 of 29 Most Competitive House Seats, Added 3 State Legislatures, Did Not Lose a Single House Race — But Joe Biden Won!!?!
- "It Defies Logic": Scientist Finds Telltale Signs Of Election Fraud After Analyzing Mail-In Ballot Data
- The Greatest Threat Ever to Our Liberty
- The Darkness Where Democracy Dies
- Voter Fraud and the Media
- Big Data to the Rescue: The Electoral College Meets Data Pattern Science
- The Founders Outsmarted the Presidential Election Fraudsters
- Soros-linked firm used in Venezuela supplied voting machines to 16 states in 2016 (Multiple Links)
- Do Trump-Supporters Live in an Alternate Universe?
- Pennsylvania Voter Fraud: Trump Tweets: Dominion Deleted 2.7 Million Trump Votes Nationwide, Data Analysis Finds 221,000 PA Votes Switched From Trump To Biden (Multiple Links)
- Pollster: It's Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City...Except These Four.
- Breaking Down the Greatest Electoral Heist In American History
- The Founding Fathers Vested State Legislatures With Authority to Decide Presidential Electors for Good Reason
- Why Republicans Are Losing Their Message
- How spineless and traitorous are most of the GOP?
- The Supreme Court and the Electoral Coup
- An ‘Enigma’ Theme Runs Through The 2020 Election
- How Trump Gets Justice for Election Irregularities
- The Media Corruption, Voter Fraud and Insurrection
- Voter Fraud Deniers Contradict Themselves
- Rudy to the Rescue Going Scorched Earth in Search of the Truth
- Don't Despair, Fight
- Flyover Folks Aren’t Fooled by Election Day ‘Miracles’
- Fake Polls, Fake Votes, and a Real Coup
- The Underdog Election
- Shock Video: Detroit Election Workers Trained To Kick Out Poll Watchers, Count Challenged Ballots, Throw Out Provisional Ballots
- Michigan Court of Appeals: Ballots Must Arrive by Election Day; 14-Day Extension Overturned
- Report: Mail-in Ballots Stolen from Mailboxes in Colorado Springs
- Pennsylvania: Nearly 60,000 Mail Ballots Unaccounted for in Trump-Heavy County
- Ballot Fraud, Felonies, and Theft – But Mail-In Voting is Safe?
- Planning something sinister? Twitter shuts down Ric Grenell for tweet demonstrating ballot fraud
- Ohio’s Franklin County Says Nearly 50,000 Voters Got Wrong Absentee Ballots
- Another appellate court backs away from the abyss
- Wisconsin: Court Blocks Extension of Absentee Ballot Deadline
- Big Tech’s Backing of the ‘Transition Integrity Project’ Lacks Integrity
- Montana Supreme Court rules ballots must be received by 8 pm on Election Day to count
- This Election Really is Shaping Up to be a Nightmare.
- SCOTUS Has Failed. That Failure May Be An Opportunity!
- SCOTUS: The Eyes of Justice Were Upon You. And You Failed!
There is no question the 2020 election was fraudulent and stolen from President Trump. The real question is will those responsible be punished and how do we prevent a repeat