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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, April 22, 2022

People Will Always be People: Why is That So Hard to Get?

By Rich Kozlovich

On August 30, 2022 Craig Bannister posted this piece, Actor James Woods Slams CDC Speech Police: ‘You Nitwits Don’t Have Better Things to Do in the Middle of a Pandemic??!!’.  So what prompted this outburst?

The CDC asked Americans “Are you using #inclusive language” and directed them to a webpage titled, “Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities.”

All in the middle of the crisis they created.  It’s not surprising he called them nitwits.  Think about these silly little issues facing the nation:

  • When you defund the police, crime rises.
  • When you spend like crazy, inflation soars.
  • When you pay people not to work, unemployment goes up.
  • When you open the border, illegal immigration increases.
  • When you rely on the Taliban, Afghanistan falls.

And the CDC is worried about the sensitivity of snowflakes?  Some of words the CDC wants shunned, and their CDC-approved substitutes, include:

  • Replace “inmate” with “People/Persons who are incarcerated or detained,”
  • Replace “Convict/Ex-Convict” with “People who were formerly incarcerated,”
  • Replace “Drug-Users” with “Persons who use drugs/people who inject drugs,”
  • Replace “Alcoholics” with “Persons with Alcohol use disorder,”
  • Replace “Homeless people/The Homeless” with ‘Persons experiencing unstable housing/housing insecurity/persons who are not securely housed,”
  • Replace “The poor/Poor people” with “People who self-reported income in the lowest income bracket (if income brackets are defined),”
  • Replace “High-risk population” with “People who live/work in setting that put them at increased/higher risk of becoming infected or exposed to hazards,”
  • Replace gendered pronouns (He or She) with “they or their”
And now these "nitwits" are asking the justice department to appeal the ruling from a federal judge the masking requirement by the CDC is beyond their constitutional authority. It's time to purge these agencies and eliminate a lot of them. It's either the Constitution is the law that governs the law, or it's the Fourth Branch of government not listed in the Constitution. The bureaucracy.

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