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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Let Me Tell You About the Boy Who Cried Wolf

By Rich Kozlovich

I know most have heard Aesop's fable about the boy who cried wolf, whose job it was to watch over the village sheep.  Apparently he found it boring.  So he thought it would  amusing to get everyone all excited and cried out,"Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" That of course got the villagers all worked up and they all ran up the hill only to find out...there was no wolf.....which amused the boy immensely.  

They warned him not to cry wolf when there's no wolf.  Which he ignored.  He was warned again and he ignored them again, and again until his cries became meaningless to the villagers, then a real wolf really did appeared and guess what?  It killed the sheep!   

What's the object of this story? 

Well, if your a conservative the object of that story is, no one believes a liar, even when they're telling the truth.   If you're a leftist the object of that story is, never tell the same lie twice. Leftists sort of take the view telling the truth is an excuse for a lack of imagination. 

And that's the crux of the matter, leftist keep telling the same lie over and over again, and darn few realize it. But understand this:  It really is a "singular lie".  In spite of that, and in spite of the fact everything they promote and everything they implement, mostly referred to as alternatives, ends up being disastrous society never seems to see, "the lie". 

  • Green energy, a blatant failure, not to mention environmentally disastrous.   
  • Electric cars, a blatant failure, not to mention environmentally disastrous.  
  • Organic agriculture, a blatant failure, not to mention environmentally damaging. 

All predicated on Chicken Little claims of disaster. 

  • Fifty years ago we were heading into a new massive Ice Age, and we all froze or starved to death.  Did you miss that?
  • Fifty years ago Malthusians predicted our demise to starvation because we couldn't grow enough food for a growing world population.  And in 1970 it was claimed it was too late to fix it.  You missed that one also I assume.  And if we had adopted their "organic only" as the solution, the world would have starved.
  • Of course, global warming has already destroyed the world.  Oh yes, that is if we were to believe what they said 25 years ago....we're all dead.  Oh, maybe you missed that too?  
  • Then there was the claim we're running out of fossil fuels and need to go back to nature for the sake of future generations.  Well, every so often they come up with estimations of how much oil is left on the planet, and if we believed what they said in 1950 we ran out of oil over 60 years ago.  Did you miss that? 
    • In reality we found and used billion of gallons more oil than they claimed we had and all the new estimations are much higher now than they predicted then.  And these new estimations will be wrong also.

These misfits have "cried wolf" over and over again, and yet, unlike the villagers in Aesop's fable, the world keeps falling for "the lie".  


It's simple, the villagers were educated.  They knew the kid was a liar.  Today, we've been "educated" by a corrupt media, and corrupt government officials to believe these liars are telling the truth.  Many of whom tout PhD's, or have important positions in academia, industry, commence, industry trade associations and even the military.  Whether it's about the environment, the economy, public policy and even public health.  Even when there's more than enough evidence to show they're liars, con artists and charlatans, society falls for "the lie".


That's simple also.  Unless you've actually followed these misfits claims over the years, it doesn't appear they're telling the same lie over and over again, as a result society fails to see the pattern.  Fails to actually see there really is a "singular lie" being told.   So what's that "singular lie" everyone's missing and everyone absolutely needs to understand?  

"Give up your freedom, your land, your money, your families and give us the power to control every aspect of your life or you're doomed."

The specifics, the subjects and details are all immaterial.  Everything they say, everything they promote, everything they're trying to achieve is predicated on that one singular lie.  We really do need to get that.

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