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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Are These "Vaccinations" Our Thalidomide Era?

By Rich Kozlovich

Hat trick to Tom Harris Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition for sending me this April 26, 2022 piece, Canadian Triple Vaxxed have higher Covid Death-Rate than Unvaxxed,  which appeared on Principia Scientific International saying: 

Proponents of vaccination will be deeply gratified to note that at first glance the unvaccinated appear to be taking a beating. Graphs show the unvaccinated outnumber the vaccinated, for cases, hospitalisation, and death........In summary, for the period 21st February to 13th March 2022 The Expose found that the triple vaccinated are currently the most likely to catch Covid, be hospitalized, and die............The virus has mutated to prefer to infect the vaccinated....The immune system of the vaccinated is being compromised by repeated injections.  Both are probably happening.

For some time I've been saying this is our Thalidomide era.  For those too young to remember:

"Thalidomide was a widely used drug in the late 1950s and early 1960s for the treatment of nausea in pregnant women. It became apparent in the 1960s that thalidomide treatment resulted in severe birth defects in thousands of children."

But no one had to take that drug.  I was recommended, but not required.  The long term consequences of forcing people to get these treatments is going to haunt the world for years, and I believe will be far more devastating than was Thalidomide, which outraged the public. 

Let me make it clear once again.  I remember the Asian flu of 57 and 58, and the Hong Kong flu of 68 and the fact of the matter is they were most likely worse than Covid 19.  No one knows for sure because they didn't go around testing everyone, and when people died from those infections, they recorded those deaths truthfully.  The data on this coronavirus has been shown to be inflating the numbers. 

In those more sane times it was understood people would get infected, people would go to the hospital and people would die.  Just as it happens every year, year in and year out with seasonal flu, except for the last two years where it appears seasonal flu has been conquered.  Yes, that's right, conquered, since incredibly, it's now vanished.  So it must have been conquered, right?   

Here's the amazing thing. It was all done without a vaccination that prevents all the various seasonal flu's that can infect humanity.  Imagine that!  I think that's just remarkable.  So, can we conclude this remarkable feat was the result of herd immunity?  Or perhaps we should conclude the data is fraudulent? 

There's a big difference from that era and now.  There was no massive testing, and if there was there would have been untold numbers who tested positive.  So what?  Were they sick?  Are all those who test positive now sick?  No, they're not. 

If we're going to test for this virus, then why not test for every virus that's attacked humanity for the last 75 years?  Because if they did they'd find out massive numbers of perfectly healthy people will test positive for those viruses. But they know that, and if they did that and published the results it would detract from their narrative of hysteria.  Taking something like this seriously is one thing.  Promoting mass hysteria is another. 

There was no mandate for masks, which don't work, social distancing, which doesn't work, or lockdowns which destroyed people's lives and has put the education of children in seriously trouble.   

There was no forced  

Typically the rule you hear is correlation isn't causation.  Actually the rule is correlation isn't "necessarily" causation.   I think they're fast running out of excuses, and I think it's past time we declare the negative vaccine data is showing correlation really is causation.  These fake vaccines are dangerous and deadly, and someone needs to be held accountable. 

Personally, I don't care if someone wants to wear a mask to feel safe.  I don't care if someone wants to social distance and lock themselves down o feel safe.  I don't care if someone wants to take all these shots to feel healthy.  That's their business.  I'm more than happy to just smile, role my eyes and move on.   But when I'm told I must do it also or else in order to make those people feel all better about themselves, I now have a big objection to that. 

Before this fake pandemic and the politicized corruption of science a vaccination was required to prevent infection and prevent transmission to be called a vaccine.  These shots do neither.

I'm not a anti-vax lunatic.  I've always been a pro-vaccination guy, and published articles defended vaccinations over and over again against people who unscientifically claimed vaccinations caused autism.    I'm almost 76, overweight, out of shape with an underlying condition.  That puts me in the most critical group.  I don't mask, I don't social distance, I don't lock down and I absolutely will not under any circumstance get these fake vaccinations. 

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