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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Breaking: US Supreme Court Schedules Pennsylvania Election Case, Sidney Powell’s Michigan Case and Lin Wood’s Georgia Case for Feb 19 Conference

By Jim Hoft 5, 2021 1361 Comments

The Supreme Court on Friday listed several high-profile election lawsuits for consideration at its mid-February conference. The cases include challenges to the 2020 election from Trump-aligned lawyers Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, as well as Republican Rep. Mike Kelly’s Pennsylvania lawsuit. Nearly every lawsuit takes issue with the expanded use of mail-in ballots by many states..........To Read More...

My Take - As one commenter stated:  A lot good it will do now.  Of course my question is what happens if they do find all the claims of massive voter fraud to be valid?  Can SCOTUS order Biden out?  Can they order a new election?  

Here's more stuff from the comments section:

SCOTUS could have already tossed these cases based upon mootness. I find it interesting they are still going to hear these cases either because the subject matter is something that could rear its ugly head again in the future, and/or they are not as stupid as the public thinks. Holding for the appellants in these cases would be doing their job of upholding Constitutional principles, plus avoiding the politics involved, and at the same time providing a pathway through Quo Warranto for President Trump to oust the de facto usurper Biden to re-take possession of the Office of President, and reverse all the Executive Orders Biden has signed. Stand by and watch. This is a sure legal pathway.
I doubt that. I would love for you to be right. But I'm hopeful that at least these election rule changes can be thrown out for 2022. And more importantly the SCOTUS can demand that executives and state judges stay out of election law changes. The constitution clearly states that the state legislatures hold authority alone in election laws. Time, manner and place. If they don't, we're in for some violence like this country has not seen in 150 yrs.
I was personally involved in a Quo Warranto case on the county level for Sheriff, so I completely understand all that is involved. It is law that originated under English Common Law, but has been enacted statutorily. If the evidence of a fraudulent election is as solid as claimed, then these cases should be successful. If that happens, a case, if brought by President Trump, would almost certainly be successful. I perceive this is what is going on, because it kept SCOTUS totally out of the political fray, and puts them in a position to do what they are supposed to do, determine what is Constitutional, and what isn't. A Quo Warranto case would be initiated in the D.C. District Court, and if necessary, appealed to SCOTUS. I doubt it would go that far if the evidence is as solid as claimed.
The SCOTUS would have to find that the electors were fraudulently appointed and or counted. If all they do is to say that the laws used were unconstitutional and they throw out votes, then the state legislatures would have to act. Can they pull back the electors sent to congress at this point? Do they have the authority to appoint republican electors? Would the DOJ assist in filing charges against anyone? Would the democrat led federal legislatures and whitehouse allow any of that? Too many moving parts. Again, I'd love to be wrong but I believe we're stuck with china joe and the ho. At the very least I'm hoping they (SCOTUS) stipulate election law reform

You have presented a lot of thoughtful procedural questions that I definitely cannot answer. I am not cognizant of the issues in each case that are presented for adjudication. That being said, if a determination is made that only LEGAL votes cast are valid, and the ILLEGALLY cast ones are NOT to be counted, and the resultant tally clearly shows that President Trump prevailed, I assume that it would be the State Republican legislatures that would have to correct the mistakes. Whether they do that or not, I don't think their hesitation to do any corrections would supersede a decision by a court holding in Quo Warranto that President Trump is the de jure office holder, and that de facto usurper Biden is to be removed.

I agree that if fraud is proven and enough votes are to be cast out which give Trump a margin of victory, Biden should be removed. I see a firestorm of media outrage, Pelosi/schumer resolutions. leftist riots, democratic lawyering and scheming. There is just no way Trump is going to be reinstated. Unless the military backs it. Perhaps this is why Biden is purging the military


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