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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, February 22, 2021

Biden Consequence: Abortions are Healthy! Part II By Rich Kozlovich, Part I Appeared Here.....

Sen. John Thune: Biden Administration ‘Has Given Every Sign It Intends to Pursue a Radically Pro-Abortion Agenda’  - Staff | February 6, 2021 - Sen. John Thune (R.-S.D.) gave a speech on the Senate floor on Thursday in which he warned President Joe Biden that most Americans do not share his “radically pro-abortion agenda.” At one point, addressing his comments directly to Biden, Thune said: “Mr. President, the majority of Americans do not believe in unrestricted abortion.”...........
- Staff | February 5, 2021 - Sen. James Lankford (R.-Okla.) stood on the Senate floor on Jan. 27 in front of an illustration that included ultrasound photos of unborn babies. Then he asked his colleagues a simple question: “Is that a child or not?” “Among our most basic rights in America, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, one of the most basic things that come out of our founding documents is these things are referred to as self-evident,” said Lankford. “Facts are facts, especially when those facts have a face. How can you look at that picture and say, ‘That's not a human child?’..............
Abortion on demand: If mommy wants a dead baby, she gets a dead baby - Mon Feb 8, 2021 - As long as the child is in the womb sometime between conception and crowing, abortion activists believe she’s fair game.   February 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — While the media heaves a huge sigh of relief that Joe Biden is president and abortion is back in favor, they are continuing their tradition of utterly ignoring how ghoulish the abortion industry has become. Gone are the days of abortion as a “necessary evil” (which would, they seem to have noticed, still grant that abortion is an evil). And gone are the days when they opposed late-term abortion and attempted to align their position with the morally ambiguous ebb and flow of public opinion. Now, it is all abortions, throughout all nine months of pregnancy, with no apologies or excuses. If mommy wants a dead baby, she gets a dead baby — because she said so, that’s why. ...............
Connecticut Democrats Again Attempt to Regulate ‘Deceptive’ Pro-Life Pregnancy CentersDr. Susan Berry - Connecticut Democrats are intent on attempting to regulate faith-based pregnancy centers with another bill that essentially accuses the pro-life centers of trying to deceive women about the services they provide. The legislature’s public health committee is holding a public hearing Wednesday on SB 835, An Act Concerning Deceptive Advertising Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers, a measure that pro-life leaders in the state defeated for the last three years.
According to a report at the Hartford Courant, state Sen. Heather Somers (R) a ranking member on the public health committee, said  the legislation,
“is a bill that is providing a solution for a problem that we just don’t have.”“I think we need to consider that with all of the other things that we are going to be doing in this session that are very lengthy and are going to take a lot of time,” ....“No one wants to see women be deceived, but it’s just not happening in the state of Connecticut.”“These centers have helped over 35,000 women in the state of Connecticut, and they take not one dime of money from the state,” 
Somers added............

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