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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Long before Trump, bipartisan group of elder statesmen flagged mail ballot fraud risks

Forgotten 2005 report warned a small amount of fraud could swing close elections, urged voter ID requirements.

By John Solomon  Updated: September 3, 2020 - Updated: March 9, 2021 -

In recent months, the debate over mail-in balloting has evolved into a battle between Team Trump's worries about fraud and the claims of Democrats and their news media allies that such concerns are an unwarranted effort at disenfranchising voters.

It wasn't always this way.

Fifteen years ago this very month, a bipartisan panel of American statesmen and stateswomen — from ex-President Jimmy Carter and ex-Senate leader Tom Daschle on the left to former Secretary of State James Baker and former House Minority Leader Bob Michel on the right — studied the future of U.S. elections and issued strong words of caution that the expansion of mail-in voting that began a few years earlier in Oregon posed real fraud risks, especially in close elections..........To Read More.....

 My Take - I received this via e-mail from one of my correspondents.  Here's their comment:

The Democrats continue weaponizing the federal government against their political opponents - using taxpayer dollars.  Pushing for yet more voter fraud and advocating policies which demolish election integrity. Don't forget that study after study has shown that vote by mail is highly prone to fraud - including by a major bipartisan study in 2005 conducted by notables such as Jimmy Carter, etc.  

That was for absentee voting as it was done at the time, which is far more secure than vote by mail today!!  It's also been proven time and again that photo ID requirements significantly reduce voter fraud, while not in any way actually causing "voter suppression" - in fact, every time a state has implemented voter ID, minority turnout winds up being far higher in the next election, not lower!  

Pretty much every policy the left is pushing for or fighting against has been proven to worsen election integrity - and at this point the only conclusion one can come to is that's their exact purpose - to make cheating easier. While fighting tooth and nail against policies proven to boost election integrity. 

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