This is Part II of what will be a weekly series, and possibly later a monthly series, at least until she becomes.........President Harris!
Whooooeeee, that gives me hives just saying it.
Part I was from my Kamala Harris file, which went back to 2018, and clearly showed Harris has some issues. First, she's vicious and she's not that bright. Furthermore, those posts clearly outline a continuing and sordid tale of
corruption, hypocrisy and incompetence. Are we to expect that to change after she's President?
Enjoy, Refer, and Remember!
- "Harris-Biden" Administration operating on pure fantasy - By A. Dru KristenevMarch 24, 2021 -When reality rears its ugly head not everyone is able to recognize its features, mistaking a cunning grin for a compassionate smile. The “compassion” of a non-response at the southern border has fantasy written all over it. Harking back a few years, the first article of mine published by Canada Free Press was entitled “Obama’s no strategy IS his strategy” which referred to the rapid growth of the terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Considering that Biden’s cabinet is rife with Obama cast-offs, is it any surprise that the southern border crisis isn’t being handled any differently?............
- VP Harris slated for 'one-on-one' with Bill Clinton to discuss 'empowering women and girls' - Breck Dumas March 23, 2021 - Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to sit down with former President Bill Clinton for a "one-on-one conversation" at a Clinton Foundation event this week, where the two will discuss "empowering women and girls."...........Twitter users had a field day with the news. Most expressed that it is laughable to ask Clinton's authority on the topic of empowering women and girls, given his famous philandering, numerous accusations of sexual assault, and close previous relationship with the late convicted sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein..............
- One person joked that "Monica Lewinsky and Ghislane Maxwell will be calling in via zoom" for the panel. Someone else joked that next on the schedule would be "Harvey Weinstein discussing women in the workplace," and another said it would be "followed by Anthony Weiner to discuss youth outreach." Yet another suggested, "Refreshments to be supplied by the Cosby foundation."
- VP Harris scheduled to speak at event with ties to anti Semitic former Women’s March leader - March 24, 2021 by Patriot Editor - Vice President Kamala Harris is set to speak at a summit with ties to disgraced former leader of the Women’s March Tamika Mallory, who faced criticism for praising controversial anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan which caused her to step down from the 2019 Women’s March after facing backlash. Harris will be a featured speaker at the Black Women’s Roundtable, which is part of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, and which Mallory is a member of. The Black Women’s Roundtable is scheduled for March 24-28. Mallory faced a host of backlash after saying the controversial Farrakhan was the “greatest of all time because of what he’s done in black communities.” Mallory was also seen attending an event where Farrakhan triumphed that “the powerful Jew is my enemy.”.............
- Beijing Parrots Kamala Harris’s Comments About Racism in America - March 23, 2021 Patrick Goodenough - Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent words about racism in America
received a fresh airing at a press conference at the Chinese foreign
ministry on Monday, with a ministry spokeswoman declaring that Harris
“was telling the truth about the United States.” A reporter with Global Times,
a Chinese Communist Party paper, quoted some of Harris’ words at Emory
University in Atlanta, Ga. on Friday, when the vice president said,
“Racism is real in America, and it has always been. Xenophobia is real
in America, and always has been. Sexism, too.”...........
- VP Harris Laughs When Asked About Plans to Visit Southern Border - By Catherine Smith -Vice President Kamala Harris started laughing when asked Monday if she would be visiting the border where a humanitarian and security crisis is unfolding as tens of thousands of Central American migrants have crossed in recent weeks, The New York Post reported. ‘Do you have any plans to visit the border?’ a reporter asked, while on the tarmac in Jacksonville, Florida. “Not today,” responded Harris, before laughing. “But I have before, and I’m sure I will again.”.....
- Report: White House directs all agencies to refer to 'Biden-Harris administration' - March 23, 2021 By Thomas Lifson - It begins. Faster than anyone anticipated. As Joe Biden falls 3 times in a light breeze boarding Air Force One, the latest sign of dementia he presents, and as his first-ever press conference looms this Thursday, the public is being prepared for a transition of power to Kamala Harris. The gay conservative site Outspoken reports that it has received leaked emails revealing the following:.............
- Kamala Harris exposed as a phony, once again over weed - By Monica Showalter March 20, 2021 - Pot has always been a fool-killer for phonies like Kamala Harris, our purported vice president. Here comes another blow from that reefer madness... For Harris, this puts the spotlight on all her hypocrisies on the matter once again.................
- Kamala Harris badmouths America - By Andrea Widburg March 20, 2021 - The other day, Biden again referred to Kamala Harris as "President Harris." Whether that was a Freudian slip or preparation for his resignation, Biden was right. When we watch him fall repeatedly going upstairs or hear him babble incoherently whether on or off the TelePrompter, we know that Joe's sell-by date is coming soon. When he finally shuffles out of the White House, Kamala Harris will become the President of the United States — and, as Harris showed again at Emory University, she openly hates this country...........Harris has a flat, Fran Drescher voice and a naggy personality. She lapses into manic laughter whenever she's asked a question she can't answer — and there are a lot of those. Watch her mindless, cackling attempt to avoid addressing the fact that she was the running mate of a man whom she had accused of sexual assault:............Kamala's statements are not informed by knowledge or intelligence. They came from a place of ignorance and loathing, all of which is focused on the country she'll soon lead..............
- President Cackle - By Theodore Roosevelt Malloch
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