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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 13, 2021

Chris Wallace is a Disgrace

By Rich Kozlovich

On September 12, 2021 Yelena Dzhonova posted this article  Fox News host Chris Wallace said GOP reps who made false claims about election fraud cannot appear on his Sunday show saying: 

"........he doesn't invite on lawmakers who've questioned the legitimacy of now President Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 presidential election.  "I have purposefully not had them on, frankly, because I don't want to hear their crap"

He doesn't want to hear their crap?  He says if they come on the show he'll put them through the wringer, yet Wallace, who is as dishonest a journalist as was his dad, is neither looking for truth, nor does he wish to see it.  Like his dad and the rest of those "journalists" at 60 Minutes, they were always looking to promote their narrative of events, as they did with the Alar story.  

If he was an honest journalist he would recognize the evidence of fraud has been overwhelming, and now that Arizona has shown just how massive it was in just Maricopa County, that evidence will continue to grow as more states perform audits.  

Dzhonova is just as guilty of being a left wing hack as Wallace claiming,  there's "no evidence of voter fraud".  Really?  Try this, 

As Jay Valentine states, audits light up the infrastructure!  When the dust finally settles and the show definitively the amount of voter fraud during the 2020 election was massive, orchestrated, organized and deliberate, in what will they do then?  I can say what I would do.  Refuse to talk to Wallace......ever again......... just as Congressman Mo Brooks did with left wing CNN hack reporter Jim Acosta calling him nothing but a liar. 

election fraud occurs cycle after cycle and is even tolerated"....with "glaring irregularities, anomalies, and illegalities," and the media denies it, and defames those fighting it, democracy ceases to exist.

The fact of the matter is to believe Biden was legitimately elected requires believing the unbelievable.  But for intellectually corrupt hacks like Wallace, believing the unbelievable is one of the tenets of the Church of Wokeness, and to do otherwise is leftist heresy.  

Chris Wallace is dishonest and dishonorable, which is how he puts people through the wringer".  Furthermore he's puerile, narcissistic, and unprofessional. Please view my

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