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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Dishonorable Chris Wallace

Perhaps at one time in his career, Chris Wallace possessed the integrity and impartial judgment needed to communicate the facts of a story honestly

By —— Bio and Archives--October 2, 2020

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There is an abundance of destruction, loss of life, and livelihoods resulting from so many riots burning down major American cities controlled by Democrats. However, white supremacists have not been identified as one of the groups responsible for the carnage. At present, there is no evidence that white supremacist groups are engaged in any high profile collective violence in the country or toward the country.

So why did Presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News ask President Trump to condemn white supremacy?  He could have just as easily and with the same level of relevance asked him to condemn the over hunting of whales in the North Atlantic or the high price of fava beans?

Black Lives Matters and Antifa account for nearly all of the violence tearing through the country. Yet, Wallace made it a point to intimately connect Trump to white supremacist groups even though there is no evidence showing any connection or affiliation between the President and any hate groups, let alone any white supremacist groups............Hence, Wallace’s insinuation is clear that there is some connection between white supremacists and the looting of stores, the shooting of police, and the killing of the innocent........Wallace knowingly perpetuated a dishonest media concocted connection between Trump and white supremacists where, according to all of the available evidence, no such relationship exists.

The irony is that although there has never been any direct or indirect evidence that the President has any affiliation with any white supremacy groups, it was recently argued by Biden’s VP pick, Kamala Harris, that Biden’s school bussing policies were close to being racist. That, along with many of his questionable statements over the years regarding African Americans, should, according to the left, make Biden a prime candidate for white supremacy. Yet, Wallace never requested Biden also to renounce white supremacy during the debate.................To Read More.....

My Take -   My views of Chris Wallace are similar, as I stated in this piece,............. 

Puerile, Narcissistic, and Unprofessional?  Well, he learned at the knees of his father, Mike Wallace, Dan Rather and that whole crew at 60 Minutes.  As for the idea that she wouldn't have dared to tell him and Sam Donaldson what questions to ask: Well if this little snowflake faced Kayleigh McEnany he would have been put in his place, and he would have taken it also!  Big ego, bad attitude, and small intellect.    

As for Sam Donaldson, I have to wonder if he would have asked the stupid questions these press secretaries are facing today. I have no doubt Chris Wallace would have, but the fact is I've never thought he was anything but a clever schemer with little historical background, intelligence or integrity.  And that was from his very early Fox News days. 

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