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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 16, 2020

A. County Transfers up to $14 Million from Cops to Illegal Migrants

Neil Munro

Los Angeles County is cutting $14 million from the police budget to compensate illegal migrants who were held in jails until they could be picked up and deported by federal agents. The October 12 vote by the five-member county board is intended to settle a lawsuit by multiple pro-migration groups, and it is being portrayed as a warning to other cities and counties.

The $14 million payout will go to people – nearly all illegal migrants — who were detained by local cops to help deportations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement {ICE} between 2010 and 2014. The payouts will range from $250 to 425,000, with an average payment of roughly $700. Many of the migrants were successfully deported and may not learn about their promised windfall.

“This is a very significant settlement, and it is hopefully a wake-up call to law enforcement agencies around the country who continue to hold people for ICE,” Jennie Pasquarella, a lawyer with the ACLU of Southern California, told the Washington Post.  The money is being taken from the county’s police budget, reducing police resources to curtail the city’s rising crime. reported October 6:........

Joe Biden’s 2020 plan includes several proposals to expand the inflow of foreign workers and consumers into the United States.

He promises to let mayors import foreign workers for local jobs, let companies import more visa workers for college jobs, expand the inflow of chain-migration migrants, suspend immigration enforcement against illegals, dramatically increase the inflow of poor refugees, and also provide more health care and other aid to arriving migrants............To Read More.....

My Take - So, "This is a very significant settlement, and it is hopefully a wake-up call to law enforcement agencies around the country who continue to hold people for ICE."  

Really?  It sounds more like a testimonial at a competency hearing declaring these officials should be institutionalized.  Then we see what Joe Biden thinks and then the answer is there for the world to see.  They need institutionalized, but not in hospitals.  

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