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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 12, 2020

Strangers in our Homeland

America is the product of centuries of evolutionary political thought centered on natural human rights. Radical leftists now assault this land its patriots love, turning it into a place they scarcely recognize.

A revolutionary declaration.

Two hundred forty-four years ago the world experienced a singular and unparalleled transformative

It was 1776 and the start of the birthing of the American Union, founded on exacting principles asserted in the Declaration of Independence. These principles were a bold repudiation of the dominant organizing schema of nation-states, principalities, kingdoms, and empires, as they had existed since the dawn of history. It was the American Revolution.

There was, of course, the physical revolution, the revolt that started a year before at Lexington and Concord, when a volunteer militia confronted the crack soldiery of Britain’s world-class seasoned army. That conflict was fought with steel, gunpowder, lead, blood, and bravery. But the real revolution was an idea, articulated in these words: 

 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed......................

 The snake invades the garden

 First it was the soft socialism of progressivism that infiltrated the American consciousness with utopian promises of comfort and wealth for the masses through social engineering and centralized economic control. It was political snake oil, whispering seductively that economic happiness might be attainable without actually having to invest sweat equity to pursue it.

This softened the American psyche, ripening it for attack by the Cultural Marxists, with their nihilistic pseudo-religion, Critical Theory. The proponents of this noxious movement seek to destroy every institution, tradition, and principle that made America successful, and by any means necessary. In today’s tumultuous times, they have established a beachhead, shoving their morally-inverted Brave New World of good is bad, bad is good, legal is abusive, illegal is just, fairness is unfair, and unfairness is reasonable into the minds of the gullible. The malignancy has swept the academic world, the news media, the entertainment industry, the ruling establishment, and the power-crazed Democratic Party.

“America as founded is fundamentally corrupt, racist, and evil,” goes the Big Lie preached by these demagogues and parroted by their throngs of useful idiots. Its system of economic and personal freedom for all must be torn down and rebuilt as a bastion of socialism and radical egalitarianism ............. We have become strangers in a caricature of our homeland.............To Read More....

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