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Sunday, October 4, 2020

FOX is dying

By —— Bio and Archives--October 3, 2020

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On 22 March 2019, an article entitled “Deep State Propaganda Has Come To Live At Fox News” posted here. Then, on 27 March 2019, a piece entitled “Is FOX Falling?” followed-up here

For over a year, the Canada Free Press has watched a gradual shift underway at FOX News.      One indication of that shift came in November 2019 when Catherine Herridge left as FOX’s Chief Intelligence Correspondent and moved to CBS News. She’d been a FOX star. Her clear, succinct, factual reporting was exceptional. No spin. No drama. Just news. In losing Herridge, FOX, also, lost her sources.

Signs of decline at FOX appeared back in June 2017, when, according to the New York Times, its “fair and balanced” slogan was officially dropped. The unofficial slogan seemed to become “diverse and inclusive,” when former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile – the leaker of CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton – became a featured FOX commentator. 

Then, in early July 2019, FOX’s afternoon news anchor, Shepard Smith, left the network and later joined CNBC as an evening news anchor.  At FOX, Shep had been a serial NeverTrumper. But it appears he was neither interested in “fair and balanced” nor “diverse and inclusive” as a reporting strategy.  Shep found a simpatico home at an all-liberal network............ 

Things changed during the First Presidential Debate of this silly season when Chris Wallace came out of the closet in a redux of Cathy Crowley’s performance in one of the Romney vs. Obama Presidential debates. (See here.)...................

That trend is not yet apparent in its ratings. For now, they remain high when compared to the competition. But then, the Drudge Report had a 40% higher rating last year than it has today, now that it has turned decidedly Left and faces competition from several, fresh, aggregate-news, websites, led by the gaining on Drudge, veteran-run Whatfinger..............

Today, FOX has no conservative competition. That may change in the next calendar year. Without its evening line-up of Carlson-Hannity-Ingraham, it’s ratings would likely take a nose dive. .............To Read More.....


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