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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

As the last line of defense of the Republic seems to be crumbling…

January 6, 2021 By Jared Peterson

Now that the Georgia Senate seats appear to be unsurprisingly lost, we must ask: how many once reliably conservative states must be flipped before the cretinous Republican Party realizes that you can have cheap imported foreign labor, or you can have a stable universal suffrage republic, but you can't have both?

Perhaps today Senate and House Republicans will realize that the President is America's last line of defense. Perhaps they will realize this is it. Lose Trump and it's game over for a long time. Perhaps, but probably not.............At minimum, every Republican congressman or senator who votes to certify the disputed state Biden electors should be marked for political extinction. And should know that fact when they vote today in joint session............   

Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell and other feeble, treasonous Republicans can be counted on to say that we're doing "better" among third world, rent-seeking immigrants, and, yes, Trump (not the Republican Party) did, ever so slightly. But as the absolute number of cheap labor immigrants grows -- all to make corporate America richer -- a point or two Republican improvement among those immigrants cannot possibly make up for the enormous absolute increase in their total numbers; hence, the absolute vote deficit from this voter cohort grows with each election. And state after once-American state falls to the left.............To Read More....

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