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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, May 11, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum (Everything is to be questioned)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries.

By Rich Kozlovich

This has been another dazzling week of corruption and cowardice.  It's been so bad we're now seeing it being exposed even the main stream media acknowledges that.  These lawfare attacks against Trump have been backfiring with the public, and on a scale that must have these leftist nitwit strategists stunned, and now, these prosecutors and judges are being challenged and attacked for their blatantly twisted reasoning and misuse of American justice. 

They've turned the foundational rules of law into kangaroo courts reminiscent of third world dictators.  Only in America, there's a penalty to be paid for that.  Before this story plays out, someone's gong to jail, and it's not going to be Trump, except possibly over this corrupt, and I think illegal gag order imposed on Trump by a blatantly partisan and corrupt judge, Juan Merchan.  

Trump says he's prepared to go to jail over this to defend the Constitution if necessary.  Well, I think Merchan thought he was so clever with this gag order ruse, but this is coming back to haunt him.  If he puts Trump in jail over this, it's really going to hit the fan.  If Trump is elected, I'm expecting to see a nationwide RICO investigation into all these prosecutors and judges since it's clear there's been a lot of communications between them and the White House, i.e., a criminal conspiracy to silence a presidential contender, and illegally influence a national election.  

What I'm really enjoying is seeing the media attacking these misfit demonstrators on America's college campuses, and the totally unfit administrations and professors of these institutions, who for the most part all seem to be radical Marxists, DEI hires and plagiarists, like Harvard's Claudine Gay, who are turning out morons as graduates, and a lot of them are going to find this is going to come back to haunt them when they go job hunting.  No one wants trouble makers and cry baby snow flakes as employees, especially since they're probably not going to be qualified anyway since these "elite" institutions dropped their standards in order to graduate DEI students who not that many years ago wouldn't have been there in the first place.  But neither would these administrators or professor either.

Also, this issue involving Speaker Johnson and Marjorie Taylor Greene isn't over.  While on the surface it appears she's lost in her challenge of his Speakership, but that was understood right from the beginning of this challenge.  And I have no doubt she understood that, and I also think she understood that was merely the first volley, sending a warning message to all the RINO's in Congress and those coming into the Congress.  The party's over.  And when the last volley is shot, Johnson will be gone, and she will be one of the most influential members of the Republican House because she's fearless, she thrives on confrontation, she's unconcerned about being attacked, she unconcerned about being liked, she challenges the media, and she's just Ulysses S. Grant, she fights.  That scares the bejeebers out of the invertebrates in the go along to get along crowd.  

I've nine commentaries of my own, thirty two really outstanding commentaries by others, and three permanent links.  I've added The John Boyd Legion of Honor as a permanent link, which is updated regularly. There are entirely too many unsung heroes out there, and this is my effort to fix that. 

So, let's start with these two pieces from the Buckeye Institute:

  1. Buckeye Institute Press Release
  2. Buckeye Institute and Net Zero
My Commentaries
  1. Defining the Federal Government in Two Words. Morally bankrupt!
  2. Definition Lead to Clarity, and Both Are Sorely Lacking!
  3. Has the Sleeping Giant Finally Awakened?
  4. There Are Vaccines, and There Are Not Vaccines
  5. What Does The Militarization of China Mean?
  6. In Balance With Nature
  7. It's "The Basics"! Enforce the Laws, and Put People in Jail
  8. The Antibiotic Conundrum
  9. Chevron Doctrine is Activist Insanity

  1. Mike Johnson Survives Ousting – But What Did It Cost? By Mark Angelides
  2. Add DACA Healthcare to Your Monthly Bills By Leesa K. Donner
  3. College Protesters: Who are they? By Leesa K. Donner
  4. The Biden Buyout of Democrat Defectors By Tim Donner
  5. Bowing to Hamas and Biden Demands Would Be Suicidal By Paul Driessen
  6. Addressing Student Behavior Issues in K-12 Public Schools By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Wind Turbine Related Radiation By John Droz, Jr.
  8. Nuclear Power Radiation — Part 2 By John Droz, Jr.
  9. The Left’s Plot Against George Washington By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Biden to Trade Nukes to Terrorists for Election Day Bribes By Daniel Greenfield
  11. They're Not Just Brainwashing Kids. They're Taking Them to the Polls  By Daniel Greenfield
  12. Smuggled Gold Bars, Bloody Foreign Money and the Selling of Joe Biden  By Daniel Greenfield
  13. CAIR Asks Prosecutors to Lock Up Journalists Exposing Hamas Supporters  By Daniel Greenfield
  14. GOP Targets Non-Citizen Voting, While Dems Say It Isn’t an Issue By James Fite
  15. Conservative Leaders Need a Plan to Kill the Climate Scare Before it Destroys our Nation By Tom Harris
  16. The UN Climate Body does not Back Climate Alarmist Claims By Tom Harris
  17. Is The Tide Turning to Freedom? By Robin Itzler
  18. The 2024 Election As I See It! By Robin Itzler
  19. Making Parade Lemonade Out of Lemons, Trump-Style By Robin Itzler
  20. Kristi Noem Has A Bit of a Judgement Problem By Robin Itzler
  21. 2024 Election: Resistance is Now or Never! By Robin Itzler
  22. The Campus Kill-The-Jews Riots: Paid Professional Agitators Funded By Democratic Party Big Wigs, Or Well-Meaning Kids? By Francis Menton
  23. The Climate Cult Reacts As Its Political Position Begins To Slip By Francis Menton
  24. Renaissance for Argentina? By Dan Mitchell
  25. Gun Control Epiphanies By Dan Mitchell
  26. Social Security’s $61.7 Trillion Problem By Dan Mitchell
  27. United Kingdom Vs. Poland By Dan Mitchell
  28. Dishonest Pimping for a Global Wealth-Tax Cartel By Dan Mitchell
  29. The Adverse Economic Consequences of Big-Government Populism
  30. By Dan Mitchell
  31. We Are the Board of Directors of The United States! By John Porter via Robin Itzler’s Patriot Neighbors
  32. Op-ed calls out nonsense rhetoric of Toledo-area leaders By Adam Sharp

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor 
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