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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, May 6, 2024

It's "The Basics"! Enforce the Laws, and Put People in Jail

 By Rich Kozlovich


Many years ago when the EPA first came into existence the pest control industry went to the EPA and asked them to put on training sessions to make sure everyone understood their regulations.  The EPA said there's no training session as good as a good civil penalty.   Well, that's true of criminal activity also.  Jail, or the very real threat of jail, is a great life lesson, and a very real motivator for civilized behavior. 

Andrea Widburg is one of my favorite writers and recently published this piece, The House shouldn't have passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, saying: 

Like every normal (as in “not leftist”) Jewish person, fear of another Holocaust exists in every cell of my body. They say that psychic trauma can be handed down through DNA, and I don’t doubt it. In the case of the Holocaust (and the millennia of pogroms and Jewish massacres that came before), Jews worry...a lot and always. Those who are philosemitic and who have been paying attention to the antisemitism sweeping academia want to help. But the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which purports to define antisemitism and that just passed in the House, is wrong. The federal government should never be in the business of defining and “grading” ideas.

While all these public antisemitic attacks are distasteful, the fact is these misfits are committing crimes of violence and more.....and it also appears they being funded to do so.   What needs to be done is to arrest them for crimes already on the books before starting a whole new book.  Especially since there's no way of knowing where it will lead.

Thomas Sowell once noted policy decisions that seem like really good ideas at the time so often fail is because there are too many unknowns. And make no mistake, the left will redefine and twist the clear intent of any law that imposes government mandates of society into something warped and twisted.  The twisted use of the 14th Amendment is an example of how these misfits can take perfectly clear and understandable laws and devise new interpretations to twist them to their corrupt ends.
Napoleon once said never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake, and the enemy is making huge errors on a lot of fronts.
These university protests have done more to convince Americans multiculturalism is a plague that will cause.... absolutely cause.... national suicide.  It's now clear there really is a worldwide conspiracy to destroy western civilization, and very wealthy powerful people are behind it.   
Do you doubt that?  
Take a look at Jack Hellner's commentary published today, Why would the public ever trust media outlets who are ‘surprised’ that leftists support both Joe Biden and the destruction of Israel?, where he lists all the vile things the left has done and is doing to society, and who's behind it all, more of which Jack demonstrates in this piece, Why are groups and individuals who support the destruction of America called philanthropies and philanthropists?
So then, who are these protestors?  Leesa K. Donner paints a disturbing picture of who they are, what they are, and what they're up to.  Make no mistake, there really is such a thing as a conspiracy!  The history books are filled with them, and this is part and parcel of an international conspiracy designed to destroy the American identity, the American culture, the American economy, and the Constitution, all of which stands as a bulwark for western civilization and a direct challenge to Marxism.  We really do need to grasp that as a fundamental truth.
These "protestors" need to be arrested, put in jail, kicked out of school and if they're immigrants, they need to be shipped back to the holes they crawled out of, and put a halt to all immigration forever from some countries, especially Muslim controlled nations. reinstitute the McCarran Walters Act of 1952, which prohibited the immigration of Islamists.  Understand this, there really is, An unholy alliance between Leftism and Islamism. 
As a result of all these riots, which they're calling protests, academia is being exposed as a sewer of vile destructive cultural emanations, and there will be no cancellation of these student loans.   Funding for these parasitic institutions will be reevaluated at all levels, demands for the firing of all these academic administrators will be shrill, rightly so, and some need to go to jail.  
See, simple.
Kinda like the  the scientific principle called Occam's razor, meaning the simplest solution is probably the right one.   So, let's try the basics first, then, if that doesn't work, look at creating new laws.  But as always, it's "the basics" that carry the day. 

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