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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, May 31, 2024

It's Past Time to Disarm the FBI, ATF, and the Rest of the Deep State

By Rich Kozlovich 

For law and order people like myself this goes beyond disturbing. The purpose of an armed police force is to defend the innocent, arrest the guilty, to "serve and protect". What happens when we arm bureaucrats beyond what's reasonable or rational? We get the KGB, and society will serve them.....or else!  And have no doubt, the corruption at the FBI and the DOJ is substantial.

Over the years I've posted and written about this outrageous and highly dangerous trend to arm these bureaucrats.  Senator Grassley wants to know why the EPA needs a "mobile command post", what's it for, and who's using it?

.............under Joe Biden's leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent millions of dollars in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware. The supplies include advanced combat equipment, reconnaissance supplies, guns, ammunition and more. And now a U.S. senator wants to know what's going on.......... Biden's EPA already has spent $2,892,770 on those items, a surge of 143% from what was spent during the entire Trump administration.   Sen. Chuck Grassley......described the EPA’s militarization as 'frightening.'............Since 2006, the report noted, the EPA has purchased $10 million worth of various pieces, including "unmanned aircraft, night vision, and radar equipment."...........


“There was a pretty extreme edge to the regulatory enforcement agents that interacted with my constituents, especially in rural areas,” ........ “I was surprised to find that these regulatory agencies had armed police officers rolling up into my constituents’ properties to enforce their regulations.”.......

The EPA's response:

“Our agents carry weapons as a critically important public safety measure, for the safety of the agents themselves, and for EPA’s ability to effectively enforce environmental laws.”

Well, that's a load of horsepucky.  The ethics of the EPA is abysmal, filled with radical environmental activists.  These activist bureaucrats make up their own laws, called regulations. These are rules the Congress never sees, nor votes on, and they're out of control, totally destroying the rule of law.   An excellent example is the EPA issues new WOTUS rule after Supreme Court slap down.  

This came about over EPA abuses involving the Sackett family, initiated by a EPA bureaucrats in Idaho.  And these are the people we want to be armed to the hilt?  What we need to do is abolish the EPA

Along with the EPA, why is the IRS, the National Institutes of Health, NASA, the Small Business Administration, and more  armed to the hilt?

NASA has it's own militarized SWAT team with "armored vehicles, submachine guns, and breeching shotguns. The Environmental Protection Agency has purchased drones, GPS trackers, radar equipment, and night vision goggles, in addition to stockpiling firearms." Why?

In 2022 Mark Hemingway published this piece, Bureaucrats authorized to pack heat now outnumber ... armed Marines!, saying;

'It's quite shocking how much they try to not have their stuff tracked on any level'.  A report issued last year by the watchdog group Open The Books, “The Militarization of The U.S. Executive Agencies,” found that more than 200,000 federal bureaucrats now have been granted the authority to carry guns and make arrests – more than the 186,000 Americans serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. “One hundred three executive agencies outside of the Department of Defense spent $2.7 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment between fiscal years 2006 and 2019 (inflation adjusted),” notes the report. “Nearly $1 billion ($944.9 million) was spent between fiscal years 2015 and 2019 alone.”..........

The American people are learning by dribs and drabs that the raid on Mar-a-Lago was not only unconstitutional, it was a set-up, an attempt to frame former President Trump for having documents illegally stored there.  The set-up proves the lie. Both the National Archives and the FBI knew said documents, which Trump was legally allowed to have, were carefully stored in a locked storage room.  Many of those boxes were packed and sent there by the National Archives; they likely knew what was in those boxes better than Trump did.  In short, it was a Gestapo-like ploy to both incriminate and humiliate Donald Trump.  As the truth of the raid leaks out (such as the authorization of lethal force)............ it is becoming clearer and clearer that it is the FBI and the National Archives working with the Biden administration that plotted to create a situation by which they could indict Trump.

When the FBI was formed they weren’t armed, and when they were it was to respond to the public’s outrage over bank robbers like John Dillinger who fled in fast cars across state borders. There were many who were opposed because they were concerned about, and warned about, what were seeing right now.  It isn’t just the FBI, now were seeing a lot of mightily armed government bureaucracies. 
McCarthy goes on to state:  "The FBI has long been abusing its power to the point that it has become something like Hitler’s Brownshirts or Stalin’s NKVD who were charged with carrying out the Great Purge."
This article,  The murder of Bryan Malinowski on May 30, 2024 By John Dietrich is profound:
On March 19, the ATF, accompanied by members of the Little Rock Police Department, raided the home of Bryan Malinowski.  Malinowski was the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock.  He had no criminal record and did not even know that he was under investigation.  The announced reason for the raid was to execute a search warrant.  The actual reason was to deliver a message to American gun owners that the ATF has the power to end their lives.  This was an example of premeditated murder.  A week prior to the raid, the ATF had assembled to carry out the raid; this raid was canceled allegedly because Malinowski was not home, and it was necessary for him to be there in order for him to set an example.
At six in the morning they initiated a no know knock search warrant kicking in the door, never announcing who they were and Malinowski reacted the way many people would react to strangers breaking into their home as such an hour.  He shot at them.  They murdered him, and then just like the FBI abused Mark Houck's family, they abused his wife.  The AFT conducts 11,000 of these raid per year, and this is their standard operating procedure, which was "written by the KGB."
"Great Reset. Green New Deal. Build Back Better. New World Order.  Council on Foreign Relations.  The list of secretive global societies and their mission directives for humanity are daunting. Many people who would prefer to be left alone to live their lives free from government interference have an understandable sense of impending doom."
It's time to disarm these people, including the FBI.   Let the Federal Bureau of Investigation investigate, and then let them explain to the U.S. Marshall service or local law enforcement why armed action needs to be taken.  We already know the FBI is corrupt, at least at the leadership level, and how deep that goes is of yet unknown, but if Trump is elected, that's going to change.
We absolutely know the Bureau can't be trusted to obey the law, or concern themselves with the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of American citizens. It's time to Return to Enumerated Powers America.

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