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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Election 2024 As I See It

By Robin Itzler 

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK 

RFK, Jr. will be on most state ballots! 

On the THIRD-PARTY side, a key reason third-party candidates have difficultly being seriously considered is because they fail to qualify for each state’s ballot. It’s not due to lack of desire, but it’s an expensive process of gathering thousands of signatures from registered voters in EACH state.

However, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s team has wisely figured out how to get around that costly and time-consuming task. If they are nominated by a party that already has ballot access in each state, he can be on the ballot. For example, Kennedy will be on Michigan’s ballot as the Natural Law Party candidate while in California he will appear as the American Independent Party candidate.

Not all state’s independent parties are supporting Kennedy. In Colorado, the Unity Party went with Cornel West.

When you hear that RFK takes votes from Republicans, consider it’s Never Trumper RINOs. People who would never vote for Donald Trump. Most likely, the liberal RFK (who has a few conservative leaning views) will take votes from Biden.

On the DEMOCRAT side, former Bill Clinton strategist James Carville is going bonkers because nothing seems to be working to bring down Donald Trump. Many Democrats believe a “Trump Guilty” headline might do it, but the reality is that beyond the MSDNC and CNN viewers, most people know it’s a biased trial in a city that overwhelmingly votes blue. Moreover, when innocent New Yorkers are being raped, injured and killed, they ask why their (Soros-funded) District Attorney Alvin Bragg is focusing on an accounting error from years ago? The shock would be a mistrial or Trump found not guilty.

On the REPUBLICAN side, a new group is forming. The NEVER BIDENS … these are former Biden supporters who have had it with Joey’s pro-Hamas positions. In “Rise of the Never Bidens”, Eli Lake writes in The Free Press:

Cliff Asness, a Republican donor who says he “spent well over seven figures” to support Trump’s primary opponent Nikki Haley, told The Free Press that “My ‘Never Again’ is trumping my ‘Never Trump’ these days.”

Billionaire entertainment mogul and major Democratic donor Haim Saban wrote of Biden’s policy switch in an email to two senior White House advisers last week: “Let’s not forget that there are more Jewish voters who care about Israel than Muslim voters that care about Hamas.”

Presidential Debates

Some thoughts about the upcoming presidential debates:

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) had already scheduled three debates (September 17, October 1 and October 9). The CPD has coordinated presidential debates since 1988. It’s reported the Biden camp believed that by agreeing to debates with multiple restrictions (hosted by left-leaning CNN, no audience, no live mic when one candidate is speaking, etc.), Donald Trump would not agree. That way, Biden could show he agreed to a debate, but Trump did not. Reports are that the Biden camp was surprised when Trump IMMEDIATELY responded yes.

Watch Joe Biden’s 13-SECOND video accepting the debate. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13 SECONDS. You will see MULTIPLE slices. The man cannot even speak coherently for 13 seconds; imagine how many takes they needed. Except for raging crazy people suffering from TDS, even the expected guilty verdict in Trump’s lawfare trial is being ignored.

Americans who do not intimately follow politics have always ASSUMED that the left-leaning Commission on Presidential Debates is “fair.” Thus, it was always difficult for a Republican to claim “bias.” However, that disappears with left-leaning CNN. Trump wins no matter how the debate goes:

If Trump doesn’t do well (and let’s remember, he performed poorly in the FIRST 2020 debate by shouting and repeatedly talking over Biden), many will claim it had much to do with CNN’s left-leaning bias. If Trump does well (and handles himself as he did in the SECOND 2020 debate), a win on CNN with two extremely anti-Trump moderators, is an even bigger win.

The big question now is will Biden take a drug test BEFORE the debate?

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