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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Defining the Federal Government in Two Words. Morally bankrupt!

By Rich Kozlovich 

Morally bankrupt are easily the two words that define the Biden administration, the Democrat party, Republican RINO’s, leftists in general, the media, academia, government bureaucrats, and even those in the commercial arena.  Congress is out of control bankrupting the nation, destroying the foundational Judaic/Christian principles America was founded on, and the Presidency is blatantly criminal.   

I think I can reasonably call that moral bankruptcy.

Laws are meant to prevent crimes, and punish those who ignore those laws. The aim of conservatives is the support of law. All this corruption, violence, rioting, rape, murder, and flaunting of American law by this government, it's officials, and these leftist rented rioters works to destroy the law, and it’s destroying the nation. 

Lawfare has made American justice a farce creating a two-tier justice system of kangaroo third world courts.  Judges, prosecutors, and even law enforcement officers have demonstrated a moral bankruptcy that is so blatant, so corrupt, and so obvious it’s now cannot be denied. America sees it, and America’s afraid. Rightly so.

The failure to deal with this corrupt behavior only creates more corruption until it metastasizes like a cancer spreading through body until the body dies.   That cannot be tolerated!

The challenge is to restore the wellbeing of the nation, and that can only be done in accordance with law, properly applied, and applied equally to all, publicly exposing the crimes being committing, and bringing those criminals to justice, including government officials, and absolutely refusing to accept anything less.  

No one is above the law! That's repeated unendingly by these corrupt prosecutors in order to justify their effort to destroy a Presidential candidate financially, or worse.  No one is above the law is the foundational truth of the nation, a truth the Constitution rests on. That, and only that, creates a nation of laws.  But what we’re seeing are those who are practicing the law of the jungle by ignoring the rule of law, ignoring the rights of others, ignoring justice, twisting the law to suit their own purposes, all while demanding "no one is above the law", while in point of fact, they're now above the law, acting like ravenous wild beasts.

The Constitution is the greatest secular document ever created by mankind, and it was written to guarantee the safety of each and every one of us. We stick to the principles of Constitutional law because it’s the foundation for a free stable society with individual God given rights that are recognized and guaranteed. 

We’re now seeing vicious wolves being turned loose on society, burning down buildings, destroying property, intimidating society, pouncing on Jews, conservatives, Christians, whites, the weak and helpless, and we’re even seeing public officials promoting it.  If we don’t put a stop to that soon there will be no boundaries that won't be crossed? Leftism is a cancerous growth, and it always has been so going back to the French Revolution, and from the beginning of this nation these leftists have consistently hated and plotted against America, which Daniel Greenfield covers in his article, The Left’s Plot Against George Washington.  

If we’re to be a stable society leftism must be crushed in all it's manifestations, and we must stick to the principles of those foundational truths as outlined by America’s founding fathers. Only that can guarantee safety for society. 

Justice is what we seek. Justice is what we long for. The law, correctly and honestly practiced, is the safeguard of justice. We have to believe in the law! We have to believe in the power of law, and the power of believing, and by believing we can make that happen by refusing to accept the twisted reasonings of those who are working to destroy the Constitution, and to publicly challenge them.   To save the law these corrupt wolves must be purged, and done so by the rule of law.

This is a war, and make no mistake, the choices are freedom, or tyranny.  

 “Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.”  Andrew Breitbart


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