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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, May 24, 2024

Life is Filled With Inconsistencies

By Rich Kozlovich 

I think we all kind of marvel at pattern of irrational, illogical, and even destructive inconsistencies which are embraced by so many.  When you get old, you're unendingly amazed how these patterns repeat over and over again.  Let's start with:

Why are Jews Democrats?  

Antisemitism is a core principle of all leftist movements.  That's history, and that history is incontestable.   I've thought about this a lot over the years.  Well, I’ve told this story before, but I think it’s worth repeating. Not having that little voice in my head that keeps me from saying the things I shouldn’t say, I got into serious discussions with my customers over the years…and lost some of them as customers.

I would ask my Jewish customers why they lived conservative lives, worked hard, educated children, and raised them with those values preparing their children to do the same, yet they were supporters of far left politicians with views antithetical to all that?

One Jewish couple became friends as the years went by, and the wife said she was a conservative in her mind and a liberal in her heart. I told her to vote with her mind. She voted for Trump in 2016. Her friends were shocked wondering why in the world she would listen to a bug man?  Answer?  She has passed now, but she and her husband had integrity, and were truly class acts.  

Well, I believe I have the answer as to why America's Jews are dedicated Democrat voters.  Jews have a tradition that goes back centuries called “tikkun olam” meaning “world repair”, and is synonymous with a responsibility to “fix” the world’s social problems. Given their treatment at the beginning of the nation’s history, we have to recognize who gave them support at the time, albeit not everywhere, and as a result, support for Democrats became a historical cultural social paradigm, and culture is king.   

I did get clarification on that from Gary Jacobson, which I thought was insightful saying:

Tikkun olam is a minor line in a prayer that stands for bring G-d’s teachings to the world. It has been appropriated and exploited by leftist Jews, rarely observant ones, to cloak their political and social leanings with divine validation. You are correct about the phenomenon, but recognize it as a rationalization rather than a historical religious command or “mitzvah”.

Perhaps America’s Jews should thank Joe Biden, because you can’t reason someone out of a position they’ve not been reasoned into.  But reality can. And Joe Biden is giving America’s, and Israel’s Jews, a huge antibiotic dose of reality. Let’s hope it takes…permanently. 

Term Limits

We have term limits here in Ohio, and none of the lamentations from lobbyists or those who were opposed to them have emerged.   I was heavily involved in my industry's affairs for many years here in Ohio dealing with government affairs, and had meetings, and dinners with many of them.   As in any group, some were very real and down to earth, but a large number of them have big egos and bad attitudes, and that's promoted by the system. 

When they all go to indoctrination after being elected they're all told "You're Special", and they believe it.  That's especially true among those who were, believe it or not, in their 20's. If they were there for decades, they would have been unbearable, which is what we had here for many years. 

It took eleven years to turn out the Constitution, and they had the advantage of seeing what the states were doing, and many of them were practicing true democracy, and it was a mess.  In Pennsylvania they even elected their officers for the militia, so seeing what a disaster that was, they created a complicated staggered system for the House and Senate, and divided the power between the three branches. The big mistake they made was not including term limits for the Congress with recall provisions for both the House and Senate, and term limits for the judiciary. 

Leftist Friends

I no longer have leftist friends! I've manage to offend them beyond any possible commonality.  As time went by I found their stupidity beyond my level tolerance, or a desire for their association.  That happens when we get old.  We're running out of time, and what time we  have left we don't want to waste it with idiots.   So, I did my best to crush their arguments, and did it with a smile,deliberately, politely, factually, and with resolution.   Nothing crushes their ego, or outrages the arrogant and the ignorant more, and then, we never have to talk again.  That's the real victory.  The blessed silence of the nitwit brigade.

Logic is Seriously Wanting

Ask people what a logical fallacy is and they're clueless. Yet the understanding of logical fallacies is foundational to understanding what we see going on in reality.  I've defined truth in this manner:

"Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality.  Everything we're told has a historical context, and everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we're seeing going on in reality. If what's presented to us fails in either category, it's wrong, and all that's left to do is to develop the intellectual response to explain why it's wrong."

We cannot develop a valid intellectual response without understanding logical fallacies.  There are approximately 140 of them.   I've spent a lot of time studying them, but actually, there are less than 25 that we really need to know. I do wish they would start logic courses in junior high, and continue through high school. A lot of rhetoric could be brought to a screeching halt if they did.   I offer Nancy Pelosi's embarrassment at the Oxford Union as an example.  They're brutally uncensored there, and dealing with that group isn't like dealing with a compliant and docile media in America.  

Economic Stupidity

Here in Cleveland we have casinos, and we also have a lot of poor mouthing. Yet, the casinos are doing better every year. How can that be if everyone is so poor and needs all this government assistance?  If the casinos are doing well that means society is not, because that was money thrown down the toilet that could have been spent usefully. Money spent at casinos is a no return on investment scam.  

I used to tell people that Las Vegas was going broke, and of course they were shocked and asked how I knew that.  I would say, well that's easy, I've never met anyone who went to Las Vegas and lost money.  They all claim they either won, or broke even.  Well, we know Las Vegas is rolling in money, so they lost money, and that was money thrown down a rat hole.

Academia Needs Purged

I've been a history buff for all of my life, and since just about everything fascinates me, I've been well read. I foolishly went through much of my life thinking, "since I know these things, everyone must know these things".  That was really dumb.  

How is it possible so many have been so ignorant about what's been happening to higher education in America?   So much has been written about the corrupt contamination of academic thinking and values going back to the late 19th century. I feel their total embrace of the junk science of the Theory of Evolution was foundational to that, which I've brilliantly debunked here.

When the radicals from of what was commonly called the Frankfurt School fled Hitler they were warmly accepted by American academia.  Why?  Because the ground was already fertile for the corruption they introduced to destroy America. Much of what we're seeing today is a legacy of the corruption of those young minds.

Again, Culture is King, and this can only be fixed by surgery.   There needs to be serious economic amputations in order to create a whole new academic culture, along with sane national leadership.

The problem that remains and requires unending vigilance is that leftism is like rust, it never sleeps. Leftists need to feel the consequences for what they've wrought. People need to be fired, charged with crimes, and sent to jail, and that should start at the top of the political food chain.

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