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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Violence, Lies, and Deceit: The Patterns of Leftist Corruption Repeats Forever

By Rich Kozlovich  

In order to justify the treasonous behavior communist agitators and protestors take the position  “If you feel that what you’re doing answers to a higher ideal, it’s not treason.” Unless that's practiced in a communist controlled land. Then it's treason, and they shoot you.

This article is to highlight a (Updated 5/31/24: three article) series by Michael Flores.  

SPECIAL REPORT! The Disney Animator's Strike Of 1941, Part 1  - By Michael Flores May 19, 20 - Historians, labor unions and people who hate Walt Disney have dominated the story of the strike. Now it's time for the truth.

The Disney Animator's Strike Part 2: How It Led To The Blacklist - By Michael Flores May 23, 2024 - The Road To The Blacklist Started With The Disney Strike, but it is not what you've been told............That’s the legend, widely accepted for more than half a century as the truth. Yet, at the time, even the people most directly involved knew better. People called it McCarthyism, but the Hollywood blacklist had nothing to do with Joe McCarthy. ..........To Read More....

The Disney Animator's Strike Part 3: The Hollywood Blacklist Started By The Left! -  By Michael Flores May 31 - Isn't it interesting that Hollywood, historians, the press and academicians forget the left's blacklist of actors? The first use of the word "Blacklist"- in 1945! ............ The first use of the word "Blacklist"- in 1945.  “Stars Face Blacklist” screams the headline. Most people who’ve heard of the blacklist will immediately think of Joe McCarthy in 1954, of witch hunts and ruthless right wing inquisitors. But look again: the headline is from 1945, the earliest known use of the term in Hollywood. It’s the Hollywood Left threatening to boycott non-striking actors—in other words, it’s the opposite of what you’d think. A lot of what people know about that period just isn’t so. Communist writer Lillian Hellman later called it “Scoundrel Time”. But a far better writer, Mary McCarthy, famously said of Hellman, “Every word she ever wrote is a lie, including “and” and “the””.  
So far we have learned how Party-backed union leadership tried to push out workers from other unions, and how those bloody labor wars turned most of Hollywood against them. It was a genuine case of revolt, led by the actors, and it caused a generation of liberals to break with the Reds who presented themselves as friends and allies before and during the war. By 1947 the mutual process of kicking out the infidels was in full swing on both sides of the Red line. Mere lily-livered socialists not up to backing tough new Party policies were expelled. On the anti-Communist side, union members who’d proven themselves faithless to IATSE had some explaining to do. It was not always a gentle process but it was overdue. ..................

This series on Hollywood corruption is really timely. As you read this you will notice the same patterns used by the communists in the forties is identical to what we're seeing playing out by their philosophical progeny right now on the campuses of America's universities, and in cities like Seattle, Portland, etc.

They brought in thugs to reinforce their strikers, they destroyed buildings, and the media embraced them.   I would like to point out it wasn't just the Hollywood unions that were thoroughly infested with communists agents, so too were the newspapers around the nation including, and especially, the New York Times.  

We now know that's absolutely true from the VENONA intercepts.  Stalinist agents infested all the institutions of America; academia, all the labor unions, the news industry, entertainment, and government, including all the agencies created by FDR, which FDR had to know about,  including the OSS, which became the CIA, and those agents moved right over into the CIA, and yes, the Rosenbergs really were guilty.

The information in Michael's series this isn't anything new, at least for those who read history books.  Unfortunately, America has abandoned reading, especially history books, as a result real history is lost in the melee to historical clabber such as is presented by Nikole Hannah-Jones and

Let's get one thing clear, the patterns of leftist behavior is the same forever, and everywhere.  All these radical groups who are rioting and protesting such as BLM, Antifa, Occupy Was Street,  along with those various leftist movers and shakers hidden in the background financing all this vile behavior are all "communists", irrespective of what they're calling themselves.   If it quacks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, it's a duck.  As this Canada Free Press author stated:

The left has become a collection of liars, and the lies can no longer be countenanced.

As for these protestors, including the paid protestors, are pretty much ignorant and stupid.  They scream "river to the Sea, Palestine must be free".  Ask them what river?  What sea?  Mostly, they don't have a clue. 

On May 23, 2024 Harold Witkov gave a apt description of these nitwits comparing these protestors to the 17-year cicadas saying:

  1. They both spend the majority of life underground 
  2. They both make a lot of noise
  3. They both are preoccupied with sex
  4. They both are totally predictable 
  5. They both are considered nuisance pests (though some college varieties can be dangerous)
  6. They both have more than their share of empty shell

One street interviewer shifted the text to "mountain to the sea", and asked a sign carrying protestor, "what mountain"?  Of course, she had no idea, and she had no idea she'd just been hoodwinked.  How ignorant and stupid can people be to be protesting for things they know nothing about?  Answer?  There's no limit to their stupidity, or their ignorance.  Both of which are coupled with arrogance. 

Of course that doesn't apply to communist and/or tyrannically led nations.   They shoot you for that kind of heresy.

The messages show that the US and other nations were targeted in major espionage campaigns by the Soviet Union as early as 1942. Among those identified are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White (the second-highest official in the Treasury Department), Lauchlin Currie[31] (a personal aide to Franklin Roosevelt), and Maurice Halperin[32] (a section head in the Office of Strategic Services).

Recommended reading: Stalin's Secret Agents by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein and American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character by Diana West

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