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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

There Are Vaccines, and There Are Not Vaccines

Celebrities can't tell the difference, and someone needs to be held accountable

By Rich Kozlovich

Okay, let's deal with some foundational truths, and one of them is celebrities are idiots. 

We've seen these celebrities hysterical and ignorant demands that everyone get these shots for covid, followed by a lot of virulent name calling and demands those who refuse to get these shots be punished and/or imprisoned.  Because of that insanity people who refused to get these shots, and had serious medical issues, were refused treatment, and they died.  

Who pays for those lives? 

All this for a virus that has a 99.7% recovery rate.   As it turned out these shots that are not vaccines.  These shots don't immunize nor do they prevent transmission, which before this political inspired pandemic was what legally defined what constituted a vaccine.  Now there's evidence these shots make people more susceptible to covid.   These are gene manipulating chemical compounds that have turned out the be deadly, and the negative health impact will be decades in the making. 

Back in the late 50's there was a drug called Thalidomide causing deformities in babies.  Testing showed it was an amazingly safe drug, with multiple applications, except in turned out it wasn't safe for pregnant women.  This triggered a worldwide outrage.  How many children were effected?  Under 15,000 worldwide.  This is our Thalidomide era, only the deaths and negative health consequences from these covid shots are going to be in the millions.  Where's the worldwide outrage?  Who answers for those lives?

But here's the real kicker.

Does anyone besides me think it's amazing these are the same idiots who just a few years ago were demanding we stop vaccinating children with legitimate vaccines because they idiotically claimed these Mumps, Measles, and Rubella (MMR) vaccines caused autism.  I almost hate to post comments about this because I feel like a broken record saying the same things over and over again. 

Real vaccines don’t cause autism.  Real vaccines saved millions of lives.  At the end of WWII the world's population was around two billion people.  There's approximately eight billion now, and make no mistake about it, vaccination played a huge role in saving million of lives, right along with pesticides allowing humanity go produce massive amounts of food.  Both of which these nitwits oppose. 

There was absolutely no science to support this autism nonsense. Every study that has come out has absolutely demonstrated this was a lie.  A lie perpetrated by a corrupt doctor and stupid Hollywood celebrities.

Failure to vaccinate in a society causes disease, heartbreak and unnecessary deaths!  In 2019 the worst measles outbreak in decades swept New York as cases surge in Oregon and Washington, which can only be prevented by vaccination.  

These irrational activists keep making idiotic claims with a stunning lack of consistency.  They've convinced caring parents that they are protecting their precious children when in reality they are removing important shields for good health and life.   And then turned around and insisted their children, who rarely contract covid, get these potentially deadly shots.  

These people have no credibility and clearly no intelligence.  They're actors!  While they can really fake it to make it appear they actually know what they are talking about,  what they're usually doing is merely promoting the leftist meme of the moment.  And society listens to them!

Yesterday they were waiters, waitresses, or parking cars and pumping gas, but now because they sing, act, or dance better than everyday people their opinions on life are sought out.  Remarkable.  Are we to assume that the only way the actual experts are going to be listened to is it they become famous dancers, singers or actors? 

How did we get so brain dead?

Patrice Lewis of Rural Revolution recommended my blog saying:  "One thing about this guy - he doesn't hold back!"  One of her readers posted this comment.  "He doesn't hold back!  Well that's putting it nicely…….. I definitely won't be visiting that blog again. He's just about as abrasive as a sandblaster."

It fascinates me that some are so worried about the sensitivities of those selling death to children.  I absolutely wonder at people’s priorities....and their sanity. I commenting back,  “As for being abrasive; how can someone be gentle with those who are promoting death?"
  • Who will answer for the poor children who become afflicted with measles?
  • Who will answer for the the side effects of that disease?
  • Who will answer for those children who die as a result of the decision by their parents thinking they were protecting their children's health and life? 
What kind of agony must these parents go through?  

What we have here is suicide by success. We have gone so long without serious public health disasters that we have come to believe as a culture that it is our right not to have public health disasters. Well, that isn't the way it works. We created this society by, among other things, vaccinating, applying pesticides, and putting chlorine in our water to save lives and that is exactly what has happened.

It is interesting that those life saving tools are the ones most likely to be attacked by these irrational people.  There has got to be some way to stop them. Where are the ambulance chasing attorneys when you need them? It is my belief that if a few of these people were sued by parents whose children died as a result of not getting vaccinated, then things would change. 

As for this fake pandemic, and these covid shots, there's a lot of people who need to go to prison for what's been done, and Fauci is at the top of the list. 


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