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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, May 10, 2024

Definition Lead to Clarity, and Both Are Sorely Lacking!

By Rich Kozlovich 

One of my 200 rules is:  Definition leads to clarity.  Clarity leads to understanding.  Understanding leads to wisdom.  Wisdom leads to good decision making.  And now you know why there are so many stupid decisions being made, a failure to define things properly.

Let's start with the idea "character counts"!  Recently Paul Ryan just had to tell the world he wasn't voting for Donald Trump because "character" matters.  Okay, so, since he doesn't like Trump's character, the implication he does like Biden's character, the corrupt head of a crime family.

It's really interesting since that's exactly what Cindy McCain said, "character counts", so she's supporting Joe Biden! Imagine that. The implication is that Biden, and the McCain's, were exemplars of good character, while Trump is the prime example of bad character, thus disqualifying him for the Presidency. 

Okay, he's certainly had his character issues, no one can dispute that, but Cindy McCain calling anyone's character into issue is really rich.  Her husband had a lifetime of character issues that were questionable, and using the world questionable is being kind.  It was her husband who was caught in the Keating Five scandal, one of the biggest financial scandals in the country, and the New Phoenix Times reported at the time - McCain was the "guiltiest, most culpable, most reprehensible of the Keating Five", and nothing changed throughout his life, including being real buddies with Joe Biden, the head of the Biden Crime Family.   An empty Senate seat would have done a much better job at representing the people of Arizona, and the nation, than John McCain.  An empty seat can't vote! 

Remember it was Paul Ryan who said Ketanji Brown Jackson was a wonderful pick for the Supreme Court. Well, I followed that story from front to back, and that story was an ugly confirmation of the quality of her intelligence, her understanding of law, and her character.  

And Ryan is a judge of what constitutes character? Remarkable!

Since these people really have a unique perspective on what constitutes "character", perhaps it tells a lot more about their character than those they condemn.  Here's the reality.  These nitwits don't come out and say “I’m in it for me; get used to it, peasant”, and they don't have to.  Their actions show it. 

There's just no end to the lunacy of the left.  We have these misfit students out protesting instead of gong to class, studying, and preparing to productively taking their place in the world, so now they're demanding they get a free pass on their finals, and I approve.  Why?   It was Napoleon who said never interfere with an enemy when he's making a mistake, so, I encourage these "students" to continue down this path.  Guess what?  Their legal careers are already down the toilet.  Now they can become what they're best qualified for.  Career protestors.  Schadenfreude!

I also applaud the academics who encourage and enable them because their mistakes are compounding, and hopefully the end result will be a total destruction of America's academic culture as it's currently configured, full of anti America DEI dimwits and plagiarists who've turned academia into an abscessed canker sore on America's butt.

The end result?  There's going to be a demand to end their funding, absolutely the end of this idiot student loan forgiveness nonsense, and in the long run I hope to see a lot fewer universities in existence, and each and every one of them made into for profit institutions with no government funding of any kind, and the end of the Department of Education. After all, isn't 45 years of failure enough already?

It turns out illegal aliens think they have rights, ergo, they have demands.  "Demands" mind you, and they've given the City of Denver  a list of 13 'demands' for services .  Services for criminals, imagine that.  Remember, they're here illegally, ergo, they're criminals, they're not citizens of the United States and they have no rights.
And do you doubt this has been orchestrated by leftist lunatic lawyers, just like the Columbia Law School protestors?  Well, as P.T. Barnum said: "Never give a sucker an even break", and they know they're dealing with suckers. So.... I don't blame them, I blame these suckers falling for all this leftist claptrap. The people of Denver wanted to be a sanctuary city, so they chose this, and they deserve this! Schadenfreude!

However, I hope they keep it up demanding more, and more, and more because it won't be long before the rest of the nation says.....ENOUGH! And kicks the whole bunch out and forces them over the border into Mexico with the help of the American military declaring this is an invasion of the United States with Mexico being collaborators to the invasion.

When the klaxon sounds on an military instillation that means battle stations, and there's no excuse for not hearing it, or responding to it.   Yet, one of the things that's amazed me for years is how Jews, the smartest people in the world, can be so stupid, especially American Jews.  

Antisemitism is part of the philosophical core of leftism, and has been since the French Revolution. And that's been obvious to the most casual observer, and yet America's Jews refuse to see that and have been part of the backbone of the Democrat party.

Well, stupid has it's consequences, and we're seeing those consequences playing out on America's university campuses, and in the Biden administration.  They're so blatantly antisemitic every Jew in the world should be afraid!  Because if there is no America, there will be no one who will defend Jews or Israel.

And this next election may determine America's continued existence. America's Jews are at that proverbial fork in the road. Which way will they go?

I offer up Ackman the Barbarian as an example. After their attack on his wife he had a DEI epiphany, and you would think he had become enlightened, but nooooo, he still remains a Democrat giving a million dollars to Dem. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, to run against Biden. A politician from a state that's a hot bed of leftist contamination. 

If Ackman the Barbarian is an example, I'm not optimistic.

You know that little voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that.

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