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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 2, 2023

Cindy McCain Believes Character Counts! Remarkable!

By Rich Kozlovich

Cindy McCain says character counts, and has recently come out talking about the importance of having a President with "character", so she's supporting Joe Biden! Imagine that. 

The implication is that Biden, and the McCain's, were exemplars of good character, while Trump is the prime example of bad character, thus disqualifying him for the Presidency. Okay, he's certainly had his character issues, no one can dispute that, but Cindy McCain calling anyone's character into issue is really rich, so, let's explore this.

One of the things I've never weighed in on was all the talk about how John McCain conducted himself while a prisoner of war, and for two reasons. First, the reports were all conflicting. Some prisoners called him a hero, and others said otherwise. Secondly, I find it difficult to judge prisoners of war for what they might have done. Unless there's very real and incontrovertible proof of vile and treasonous behavior by a prisoner, the idea that those sitting comfortably in their easy chairs have the right to judge men who suffered as POW's, and were made to suffer horribly at times, just isn't right.

So, in spite of the contempt I've felt for McCain, I've never taken a condemnatory stand on that. Especially since there were plenty of legitimate reasons to despise McCain. But one thing bothered me about all that. Why was it necessary to seal his military records? Permanently? And as I understand it this was done by sealing all the records of POW's, including those left behind.

John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn't return home.  Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents.  Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books...............
He browbeat expert witnesses who came with information about unreturned POWs.  Family members who have personally faced McCain and pressed him to end the secrecy also have been treated to his legendary temper.  He has screamed at them, insulted them, brought women to tears.  Mostly his responses to them have been versions of: How dare you question my patriotism?  In 1996, he roughly pushed aside a group of POW family members who had waited outside a hearing room to appeal to him, including a mother in a wheelchair.

Yet Cindy McCain had the nerve to tell the world her dead husband would have been disappointed at the Republican base, who he called "crazies" and "whacko birds", for supporting Donald Trump.  This is a man who secretly pressed the IRS, to go after conservative groups, "including then-director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner", in order to financially ruin these conservative groups with audits and even arrests.  

Yes, character counts, and that is true testimony to John McCain's character.  All of which must bring her character into question.  Why?  Here's the back story on the character of John McCain, Cindy McCain, and the character of the man she supports for President, Joe Biden.  

On September 29, 2023,  published this article, Biden Takes Credit for Encouraging McCain to Cheat on His Disabled Wife, saying:

This is the exciting new decency is it? Biden gave his latest “everyone who disagrees with me is a threat to democracy” speech in Arizona to “honor the legacy of Senator John McCain”.

Biden then goes on to explain how he "was actually encouraging McCain to cheat on his wife who was sick and had lost her looks."  He went on to explain how McCain's first wife had an automobile accident that just about destroyed her body.   Surgeons were "forced to cut away huge sections of shattered bone, taking with it her tall, willowy figure. She was confined to a wheelchair and was forced to use a catheter."

Yet Biden, knowing all this, "sent in his wife to help get Cindy and John together. What kind of man sends in his wife to encourage another man to cheat on his disabled wife? A Joe Biden."

Greenfield cuts to the chase saying:

All of this may be ancient history, but it matters because Cindy McCain is now acting like the guardian of some sort of legacy of decency within the GOP, when she’s actually a homewrecker who colluded with Biden. Biden and Cindy McCain aren’t the guardians of decency, but the most indecent people around............Biden and McCain did have something in common. They both cheated on their wives and lied about it.  So you can see why Jill and Cindy get along so well.

It's always amazed me how John McCain and John Glenn managed to keep their seats in the Senate after the Keating Five scandal.  Glenn and McCain, both career military, both tarnished icons, with John Glenn retiring as a very wealthy man.   I can remember reading many years ago Glenn was, after retiring from the military, worth $400,000.  Then, after 8 years in the Senate he was one of the richest men in the Senate.  How did that happen? 

As for McCain, he has been largely self-serving and contemptible, as the New Phoenix Times reported at the time McCain was the "guiltiest, most culpable, most reprehensible of the Keating Five".  Nothing changed!  McCain had been irresponsible and spoiled his whole pre-POW life, and totally contemptible in his post-POW political life.  

What I can't help but wonder about is why anyone cares what Cindy McCain, or the rest of the McCain family thinks.  But, then again, this is Arizona, the state that kept electing McCain, who was a nasty vindictive man right to the very end.  A man who over and over again betrayed every conservative principle he ran on, his fellow Republicans, and America, and yet Cindy McCain and Joe Biden think Trump lacks the character to be President.   

Imagine that!

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