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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Only Crimes Are Political Now

By Daniel Greenfield @ Sultan Knish Blog

On Wednesday, three teens were arrested for riding e-scooters over an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ mural painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. One of the teens was charged with a first degree felony and bail was set at $15,000.

On Saturday, in another Washington thousands of miles away, Hamas supporters rioted near the White House. They threw bottles at a park ranger and vandalized national monuments with graffiti reading “Death to America”. Islamic terrorist supporters waved banners and held up signs in support of Hamas. One man in a Hamas headband brandished a bloody Biden mask.

Two Park Police officers were injured in the pro-Hamas violence, but not one arrest was made.

Not a single arrest for the assault on a federal employee (1-20 years in prison), the vandalism of national monuments (10 years in prison) or the support for a terrorist organization (20 years in prison). If only they had done some donuts on a ’Pride’ mural, they might be in jail now.

But as we already learned during the BLM riots and the subsequent eco-riots and Hamas riots, vandalism and even assaulting law enforcement officers is not a crime when done by the right people for the right reasons. Even assaulting Capitol police officers, which up until now has been the only assault on a law enforcement officer that Democrats would condemn, became a victimless crime when Hamas supporters fought police outside Democrat headquarters forcing the evacuation of members of Congress. One of the men slammed a female police officer against a garage door and punched her in the face only to get 48 hours of community service.

Similarly after weeks of antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only serious arrest made was of Edan On, a Jewish high school student, who had been fighting to protect Jewish students after the university allowed Hamas supporters to occupy part of its grounds. Multiple Jewish students and community members had been attacked while campus cops and the LAPD refused to intervene.

CNN however ran a profile “unmasking” the Jewish protesters with a view to getting them arrested rather than any of the Hamas supporters attacking Jews on campus. The 18-year-old’s name now appears as a headline at USA Today, not a single Hamas supporter does.

I have spoken to Jewish community members who were assaulted at UCLA while police watched and refused to do anything, telling them to go down to the station and file a report.

This is the same L.A. in which BLM activists scored millions in police settlements from the BLM riots. And a place where the mayor is a close personal friend of a BLM leader backing the pro-Hamas riots and the Board of Supervisors paid for the defense of UCLA Hamas supporters.

The pattern is everywhere from BLM to J6, from Trump’s arrests to Biden’s pass. Crimes are not defined by laws, but by ideology. Prosecutorial discretion allows the full weight of the law to be brought against political opponents while political supporters will likely not even be arrested.

The evolving shadow legal doctrine that ties it all together is that actual actions, like vandalism or assault, don’t matter, what does matter is their positive or negative political value. A skid mark on a BLM or Pride mural is an act of hate while vandalizing a statue or memorial for BLM or Islamic terrorists is an act of social justice. A protester punching a Capitol police officer has a negative social impact if he is doing it to support Trump, but a positive social impact if he is doing it to support Hamas. And Hamas supporters attacking Jews are fighting for justice while Jews fighting back against them are oppressive Zionist warmongers who must be stopped.

This ‘right side of history’ doctrine is often phrased in subjective language like ‘hate’ or ‘assault on democracy’. These cannot be quantified because they operate purely in the realm of ideological tests. Much as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart defined pornography as “I know it when I see it”, so too his modern counterparts know who gets a pass and who doesn’t.

What they really know is who shares their politics and who doesn’t. So, increasingly, do juries. A system that could rely on jurors to do their jobs even a mere 5 years ago no longer can. Judges and jurors in ultra-leftist areas have, like career professionals including doctors and lawyers, been told that their duty is not to the law, but to upholding their side of the great ideological war.

Ordinary people, like the teens in Spokane, lack the ideological grounding and unexpectedly discover that what in other circumstances was a minor prank is now suddenly a major crime even while they and their parents watch much more horrific crimes being praised on TV.

What is obviously understood by the Potter Stewarts who prosecute, judge and opine about crimes is confusing to the ordinary citizenry who don’t understand why criminals freely roam the streets while the only crimes that the authorities seem to care about are “threats to democracy”.

The notion of what a crime is has been radically redefined in a matter of years.

At the height of BLM madness, violent offenders were set loose while people could be arrested and tried for new crimes like calling the police on a person of the wrong race. DA Bragg in Manhattan, who prosecuted Trump, came into office with a memo not to prosecute armed robbers. Crimes with clear offenses and punishment were no longer prosecuted, but instead convoluted chains of legal reasoning were used by DA Bragg to criminalize Trump’s opposition.

In Washington D.C., whose city council at one point tried to legalize carjacking, the only people who seem to face serious charges anymore are murderers and Republicans. Murder is more likely to be legalized in D.C. than being a political opponent of the radicals in power.

Political segregation effectively means that half the country no longer enjoys civil rights in places like Washington D.C., Los Angeles and New York City. Attacks on them go unpunished while any offense by them, even in self-defense, will mean the harshest possible prison sentences.

Abuses of power that harken back to the worst days of the early Civil Rights era have become routine. Law enforcement knows whom to arrest and whom not to bother arresting. Cops only intervene when the leftist violence is severe enough that it will reflect badly on them. Faced with individual assaults, they rarely bother intervening, collecting evidence or upholding the law. Even when the assaults lead to serious injury, or as in the case of Paul Kessler, a Jewish man assaulted by a terrorist supporter during a pro-Israel rally in California, death.

Prosecutors, many of them progressives or harboring political ambitions, drop cases against leftists while currying favor with the new establishment by throwing the book at their opponents. Judges, especially in areas where they are elected, are just as bad, and jurors are responding to social pressure to punish political and cultural enemies, and spare their own political allies.

Crimes in free countries primarily punish assaults on property and persons while in totalitarian states they primarily punish crimes against the state. Pro-crime policies effectively decriminalized drug offenses, shoplifting and even some violent assaults because punishing crimes against persons and property was seen as upholding a racist and capitalist system.

But the police were never going to be truly defunded and crime was never going to go away. Instead in the last 5 years, crime has come to be defined as a political and social offense, an act of hate, a threat to democracy and an insult to the values and views of the ruling elite.

America’s justice system is being replaced by kangaroo courts and a banana republic system that selectively arrests, prosecutes and convicts political opponents for opposing the regime.

Whether or not something is a crime does not depend on the law, but on the politics of it. There could hardly be a clearer example of it when the day before Hamas supporters staged their attack near the White House. Steve Bannon joined another Trump adviser, Peter Navarro, in being dispatched to prison for contempt of Congress.

Is contempt of Congress a crime? It depends who is in contempt and who is in Congress.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.
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Leftist Insanity Equals National, Economic, and Cultural Suicide!

“The barbarians are not at the gate. They are inside the gates, and have academic tenure, judicial appointments, government grants, and control of the movies, TV, and other media.” — Thomas Sowell economist, social philosopher, and political commentator 

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK


Good news if you’re illegal/foreign born There’s good news for foreign born (and that includes illegal alien migrant invaders). According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 637,000 foreign-born workers joined the U.S. labor market in the last year. For native-born Americans, the news stinks! The same report shows that 300,000 native-born Americans disappeared from the workforce.

(Press 1 to hear this in Spanish, Press 2 to hear this in Chinese, Press 3 to hear this in Arabic ….) 

Following the release of this data, Heritage Foundation economist E.J. Antoni tweeted: “No wonder Americans view the economy so terribly: they aren’t the ones [with] the jobs; native-born employment is not only millions below pre-pandemic trend, but even below pre-pandemic level, while millions more foreign workers are employed today than Feb ’20, and back to trend.” 

Most Americans are not into mental illness a.k.a. woke pride, but companies shove it down our throats any-way. However, out of respect for cultures that abhor woke pride, many of these same companies won’t promote pride to their Middle East customers. 

At least BMW admitted it in a tweet: This is an established practice at the BMW Group, which also takes into consideration market-specific legal regulations and country-specific cultural aspects You can see how these logos do not change to pride for the Middle East. If these companies—and there are many others—can respect foreign customers who find pride crap abhorrent, why can’t they respect American  customers? 

As to BMW, the company has a long history of placating to different markets. How fast can you say, “BMW and Nazis?” 

In March 2016, when the company celebrated BMW’s first century, BMW apologized for working with the Nazi Third Reich—picture from BMW’s Nazi era. As reported in British Daily Mail: German car giant BMW used its 100th centenary celebrations today to apologize for its Nazi past. The apology and statement of ‘profound regret’ for its role in using forced labor to supply armaments and aero engines to Hitler’s Third Reich was made as it unveiled a vision of its next chapter of car development. It said it was ‘explicitly facing up to this dark chapter of its past’ in the city where the Nazi party had its origins. 

However, this company put safety ahead of profits.  You probably use this item every day and don’t realize that the company that invented this safety feature refused to patent it to allow other companies throughout the world to use it on their merchandise. The corporation wasn’t interested in making money. Their focus was on saving lives. What company put safety ahead of profits?

In 1885, Edward J. Claghorn devised the first U.S.-patented seat belt that went across the lap to help keep occupants from being thrown from cars. You’d think that all car manufacturers would have included the safety feature, but that wasn’t the case. While some states mandated seatbelts, others didn’t. It wasn’t until 1966 that the federal government passed a law requiring all new cars beginning with the 1968 model to include seatbelts. However, at the time there was no law requiring drivers and occupants to use seatbelts. That came later. 

Miss Woke:  

Beauty is in the eye of the wokesters There are thousands of beauty pageants held throughout the United States.   The judges in the Miss Maryland USA pageant ignored all the attractive, intelligent and charming female entrants and selected Bailey Anne Kennedy, a biological male.  Why didn’t the female contestants refuse to be in the pageant with a male?  This is another example where women can do something to stop this insanity, but they don’t.

Are We Now A Radical Socialist Nation?

Unless the rigged trial in New York City is quickly overturned, the answer is yes, we are a radical socialist nation with a two-tiered justice system. Some other recent events that make us wonder if the republic can be saved. 

  • If you’re a woman who would like to be in a locker room with a male, you will be pleased that a 24 Hour Fitness internal memo says members and employees must go by the person’s preferred gender. As if that isn’t enough, the company’s policy is that the American flag and U.S. logos are only allowed to be worn on holidays. However, the BLM and pride symbols can always be worn every day. Facing backlash once the memo became public, 24 Hour Fitness announced that employees could wear American flag pins every day. To share your thoughts with 24 Hour Fitness CEO Karl Sanft: Email -Phone: 800-432-6348 - Write: 1265 Laurel Tree Lane, Ste 200. Carlsbad, CA 92011
  • A 37-page report by Policy Horizons Canada, a Canadian government agency, discussed all current world issues that could directly affect the nation. Included was a hypothetical about what Canada should/should not do if there is a civil war in the United States. From the report: “U.S. ideological divisions, democratic erosion, and domestic unrest escalate, plunging the country into civil war.”  

Some Points to Ponder:  

This is no longer right vs left. It’s good vs. evil. When you are considered an extremist for flying the American flag, you know who America’s enemies truly are.  We're being told that Joe Biden is right on top of his game and he'll always go with his core values.  Okay, and we trust those values why?  Here are some things I'm willing to trust more than Joe Biden. 

A brownie from Snoop Dog, gas station sushi, Casey Anthony running a daycare, cocktails with Bill Cosby, a barbecue with Jeffrey Dahmer, a road trip with Brian Laundrie, and stock advice from Martha Stewart.

Joe Biden says "My policies are working fine"! Well, perhaps his touchstone for being successful is based on when Trump was in office, our car’s gas tank could only hold $35. Now thanks to Joe Biden, it can hold $90. 

Is Critical Thinking a Good or Bad Thing?

This is absolutely NOT an academic tempest in a teapot 

John Droz, Jr. Jun 20, 2024 @ Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues

Most people would probably think that this is a foolish question — how can critical thinking be a bad thing? Let’s back up a bit, and you’ll see the issue…

Point #1 is that — by FAR — the biggest fear of those on the Left is to have critical-thinking citizens. Competent citizens who think for themselves are anathema to the Left in achieving its goals of undermining America.

Instead what the Left wants is submissive citizens. Submissive means citizens who: 1) go along with what is currently politically correct, 2) unquestionably follow the advice of “experts,” 3) accept the consensus view of matters, 4) support the conclusions of computer programs, 5) buy into one-sided “facts”, etc., etc.

The tsunami now overtaking us is artificial intelligence (AI). The applications and implications of AI are literally unfathomable. The number one defense against this reality distortion is Critical Thinking. The Left wants citizens to be easily manipulated by AI, so (again) they are adamantly opposed to Critical Thinking.

Point #2: Critical Thinking is a skill set. Some of this can be learned by those who are keenly observant, but by and large, it needs to be formally taught — just like what is needed to be a quality golfer, an accomplished chef, a productive scientist, etc.

Point #3: the most appropriate K-12 subject area for teaching the specifics of how to be a genuine Critical Thinker, is Science. The reason is that real scientists are instinctively skeptical, so they ask a lot of questions — why? when? how? Asking good questions is an essential element of being a true Critical Thinker.

Point #4: 49 states the accepted K-12 Science standards are the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This was written by a group of progressives, so the phrase “critical thinking” does not appear in the NGSS!

Point #5: worse, the NGSS instead teaches the direct opposite of Critical Thinking: that citizens should be compliant and submissive (see above Point #1).

Point #6:  for the first time a meaningful alternative to the NGSS was just introduced (see 6-18-24 webinar). It’s called the K-12 Franklin Science Standards. Kudos to the National Association of Scholars (NAS) for taking on this yeoman task!

Point #7: regretfully the Franklin Standards do not promote Critical Thinking!

Point #8: on the other hand the Franklin Standards do not propagandize students into compliance — so that’s a very good thing!

Point #9: the reason cited as to why the Franklin Standards do not promote Critical Thinking, is that a few woke extremists have supposedly categorized “Critical Thinking” as being an indicator of oppression by white people!

Point #10: since I never heard that fake connection, I researched it — and could not find it anywhere. The closest I could come up with was here, where it says that “objective, rational, linear thinking” is a white value: similar but not the same.

Point #11: even if Critical Thinking is labeled as a “white value,” does that mean we should abandon it, so we don’t offend someone? NO! (See here.) There are several reasons why:

a) 99±% of teachers, students, scientists, and the public are unaware of this phony claim — so it makes no sense to change doing what's right.

b) Even those who are aware of the perversion of this phrase should not be bullied into abandoning a powerful concept — which is what our enemies want.

c) Once we’ve allowed ourselves to be intimidated, it will not end. For example, the same people who oppose Critical Thinking also oppose the Scientific Method. Do we also go along with eliminating that (as the NGSS has done)?

d) The Left is purposefully causing confusion about Critical Thinking, as that is one of their most proven methods of mind control (see here).

e) Confusion about the meaning can be avoided by carefully defining "Critical Thinking" in the Franklin Standards, or wherever it is taught.

Point #12: when confronted with Leftists objecting to any reasonable terminology, we should politely but firmly hold the line, making no concessions. The Takeaway

Of all the Left’s many attacks being made on America, a strong case can be made that this is the most problematic — as well as the least discussed!

Carefully consider the fact that there are some 4 MILLION US high school graduates every year.

Now consider that most of those graduates will shortly become voting citizens.

How long can America survive when 4± MILLION propagandized, non-critically thinking citizens are added to the voting rolls every year?

For this reason alone, Critical Thinking is extraordinarily essential to be properly taught to our children.

On a more positive note, there are many other rewards for being a Critical Thinker!  This is a powerful list of just some of the MANY fabulous benefits.

The bottom line is that any K-12 education program (particularly Science standards) that does not properly teach Critical Thinking is an abject failure.

Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:

Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

 Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not do, on issues from COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2024 Archives. Please send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time - but why would you?

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Cultural Elite Are in Trouble

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

With our prayers and involvement, we must have hope of saving our republic. Let’s look at some recent wins that show the tide might be turning in the direction of Conservative Judeo-Christian values. However, we need Republican leadership,  which seems to be in short supply.

The Washington Post which has been "The Newspaper of Record for Putting out Crap", is in serious financial trouble, and now employees wonder why it’s in such dire financial straits. 

Maybe the answer is to hire conservative reporters to balance out leftist reporting?

Consider that during a recent employee meeting, new CEO Will Lewis told the staff that over the last few years revenue had plummeted and traffic to the website was down by 50 percent.  In 2023, The Washington Post lost an astounding $77 MILLION. So, what do you think the staff was focused on after hearing these dismal numbers? They were upset that the new management team didn’t check off boxes. They were focused on DEI!  

See! That’s the real reason they’re losing readership.  It's not their content, that’s perfect!  The real reason is there are just too darn many white people in power.  Keep this in mind when you read (and laugh) about future Post layoffs. 

Coach Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers directed his team NOT to get involved with or participate in pride month activities. Tomlin said: “We are here to play football not to participate in social or political moments and it has no place in our group activities.” 

South Carolina Republican Governor Henry McMaster signed the state’s “Help Not Harm” law that will now protect children and teenagers from risky transgender medical procedures. South Carolina children are now protected from hormones, drugs, surgeries and other irreversible “treatments.” If they grow to adults and then want to chop off their penis or breasts, they will be free to destroy their lives. But as children, we will protect them. 

To share your thoughts with Gov. McMaster: Click here to e-mail South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster. -Phone: 803-734-2100 -  Write: 1100 Gervais Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29201 

Has Spain opened the door to national suicide? Spain wasn’t the only European nation that came out supporting the asinine Middle East “two-state solution,” which would result in the destruction of Israel. In the process Spain might have opened the door to destroying its own country! By calling for a two-state solution, Spain clearly stated that it believes there is a “genocide.” 

For instance, its Minister of Defense Margarita Robles, said, “What is happening in Gaza is a real genocide.” Oops! According to the Spanish news website OK Diario, by Spain calling it a genocide, now Spain is "obligated" to allow in all those wonderful, Hamas terrorist-loving Palestinians from Gaza. Thanks to Spain’s 2009 Asylum Law and a 2020 Spanish Supreme Court case ruling that ANYONE fleeing an “extermination” must be granted asylum in Spain. Just think, thousands (maybe millions) of Hamas terrorist-loving Palestinians can now move to Spain and do to that country what they’ve been doing elsewhere in Europe.

But as the reality of who and what these people really are has finally set in, these elitist "leaders" are getting kick back.  Europeans are not only starting to resist, they're working to reverse this insanity.  In Ireland anti-immigration candidates won various races throughout the nation on June 10. This includes Glen Moore of the Irish Freedom Party (IFP) who was elected to the Dublin City Council. 

In the rest of Europe that's becoming the pattern as anti-immigration, pro-conservative candidates won throughout Europe in the EU’s June 9 vote.  Read “Europe’s Left is Rattled” by Rich Kozlovich.

2024 Election: The Insanity Is Unending

"It doesn’t frighten me that Joe Biden is mentally unfit. What frightens me is that millions know this and will still vote for him.” — Robin Itzler  

By Rich Kozlovich

I bought breakfast for a friend and myself this week.  I had a three egg mushroom omelet with three slices of tomato, my friend had an order of toast, and we both had coffee,  I paid 13 dollars and a five dollar tip.   Almost double of what it was four years ago.  But
CNN insists the economy is doing great, and by all measures,
but the Republicans won't give Biden the credit he deserves.  Joe's building bridges and roads.  So why isn't everyone happy?  Prices are high, and all these foolish people think because they can't afford to buy things because prices have skyrocketed over the last three and a half years of Bidenomics that means the economy isn't all that great.   Imagine that.  

And Biden's staff says the media isn't being fair to poor ole Joe.  They're "aggressively pushed back against the videos, calling them disrespectful and “cheap fakes.” “They are done in bad faith,” “false” and “purposely being altered".   Like this one maybe

Now that's creepy, and not one human being on the planet can show how that was "purposely altered", a "cheap fake", "false, "done in bad faith", or "disrespectful".   They just filmed what happened.  That's not disrespect, that's reporting the news on a man who sits behind the most powerful desk in the world and insists he's mentally sharp, insightful, decisive, and qualified for another four year term, and the Hollywood nitwits apparently agree having raised 30 million dollars for Ole Joe.  Now just because Obama had to lead him off that stage isn't important. Because you see while it looks as if he froze, that not what really happened.

According to the media.  He was merely taking in the applause.  Of that's really true, that can leave us with only one conclusion.  Obama was jealous of all that applause Joe Biden was getting and basking in all that glory, so he forced him off stage.   Does that sound like a rational explanation? Do I understand that correctly?  Nah, that's just more media corruption and propaganda.  

"The truth hurts,.....When is confronted with that cold, hard reality, they offer ridiculous claims that anyone who clearly sees Biden acting like a brain-dead dope is part of some media-wide conspiracy,”......“That’s what happens when you have junior staffers and interns running Biden’s campaign strategy for a candidate who can barely walk and talk at the same time...."

Obama is the ultimate hypocrite.  He's trying to claim Biden has it all together, and yet in the past Obama reportedly told Biden to quit the race back in January because it was clear he was unfit.  And we're to believe almost six months later he all better now?

Then we have a host of egocentric nitwits like Chrissy Teigen who is in fear that if Trump is elected he's going to come after her.   Really?  She's that dangerous and that important?  Where do these dimwits get the idea they're so important they're on Trump's radar?  Who cares what they think, what they say, and for the most part what they do, which is generally has the intellectual depth of a puddle of cat urine on a sidewalk, and substantially low on the totem pole for class.  

Well, here's what I'm really upset about.  All these nitwit celebrities who absolutely swore they were going to leave the country if Trump was elected in 2016 and yet failed to keep their promise.  Which was another demonstration of egos out of control and compounded with non existent intelligence.   They apparently believed such a threat would get people to vote against Trump.  Imagine that!  

Well, I hope they start all that again, because that's an excellent reason to vote for Trump, only this time offer them a massive monetary reward for leaving.  Provided they move to one of the following nations.  Iran, Mexico, Haiti, Venezuela, China, N. Korea, Nigeria, South Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Russia.  Then let's watch them protest against the leaders there.   And even better yet, we'll liquidate all their assets and wire transfer all their wealth to the national bank of the nation of their choice.  That should make them feel happy, safe, and comfortable. Don't you think?

Nah, there's a reason why so many celebrities are wanting to leave the leftist paradise called California.   California is the Democrat's huckleberry, and yet it turns out that mess with all the chaos, homelessness, filth in the streets, closed businesses, rampant drug use, crime, violence, illegal immigrant invasion, illegal executive orders, economic incompetence, judicial corruption, and disgust at Newsome's failed administration, corruption and the collapse of all of America's major cities that are being destroyed by Democrats has taken it's toll on them, and they're leaving. Yet all that is exactly what these nitwit celebrities are promoting for the rest of the nation, claiming that  “democracy and our children’s future” are at risk if former President Donald Trump re-takes the White House in November." 

There's a reason why Hollywood is called the "dream factory".  It's a nightmare.   The Nitwit Brigade on parade.


Con Edison Launches Campaign To Deflect Blame For The Coming Energy Disaster

/ @ Manhattan Contrarian

The electric utility for most of New York City is Consolidated Edison, usually shortened to Con Edison, or even Con Ed. When I moved to New York almost 50 years ago, Con Ed was what they call “vertically integrated,” meaning that it was responsible for all aspects of the electricity system, from generation of the power, to high-voltage wholesale distribution, down to delivery to individual homes. That ended in the late 1990s. As part of the deregulation of that era, Con Ed sold off almost all of its generation facilities to independent operators who since then must bid for access to the grid. Today Con Ed is almost entirely in the distribution business, including both wholesale and retail.

Although it no longer generates the power, Con Ed does have competent grid engineers working for it, and it is in a position to have a bird’s-eye view of New York’s so-called energy transition. Clearly, they are very well informed about the looming energy disaster in this state. Also, of all the companies involved in some way in providing electricity in New York City, Con Ed is the main one that has direct contact with most of the ultimate consumers. They are like a sitting duck, waiting to take the blame when everything falls apart.

So, suppose you were Con Ed. What would be your strategy to deal with what you clearly know is an impending catastrophe?

If you found yourself in their position, there would be only one honest and righteous thing to do. You would sound the alarm, as loud as possible. You would shout from the rooftops that this can’t work. You would warn of the danger to human life of a predominantly wind/solar generation system that could fail completely for weeks in the dead of winter.

Instead, sad to say, Con Ed’s strategy is just as you would expect from people of no backbone and no principles. Today, the President of Con Ed, a guy named Matthew Ketschke, had an op-ed in the New York Daily News, titled “NYC’s power must be clean and reliable.” (unfortunately behind pay wall, but I will quote some substantial sections). Rather than leveling with the people, Ketschke goes the route of kowtowing to the political powers of the moment, while attempting to set up a narrative to deflect blame as best he can away from his own company. Oh, and while also preparing to cash in big by building a vast amount of new transmission capacity, with guaranteed return from the ratepayers, that will only exist to serve some near-useless wind and solar generators that will contribute almost nothing to useful electricity.

Before going into some detail, a few words on the Daily News. It was once the largest circulation newspaper in the country, with 2+ million daily subscribers in the 1940s and 50s. Since then it has shrunk continuously, until now it has fewer than 200,000 subscribers. Unlike the New York Post, which is not paywalled, the Daily News is almost entirely paywalled. As a result, I rarely look at it. Its editorials run substantially in line with the latest woke orthodoxy. (For example, today there is an editorial criticizing the Supreme Court’s bump stock case, and another advocating for free transit fares for low income people). However, to its credit, the Daily News has published a number of op-eds recently on both sides of issues of New York’s energy policies.

Here’s how Ketschke starts off:

New York’s energy system is at an inflection point. Energy use is rising — but due to climate change so are temperatures and the frequency of storms. Unfortunately, generators have been slow to meet that increasing demand with the clean energy we need to combat climate change, and now some are questioning the reliability of the power system. But I am here to tell you that New York City doesn’t need to sacrifice reliability to address climate change. We can have both.

I guess genuflecting to the climate change cult is a basic qualification for the job of President of Con Ed. But you could do that and still be honest when politicians are mandating the impossible. Instead, the gist here is that we are doing our part, and the looming problems are someone else’s fault. We can have “reliability” at the same time as we “address climate change” with wind and solar power. It’s just that those evil “generators” (not us!) have been “slow to meet the increasing demand with the clean energy we need.”

But what about the “gap” identified by the New York Independent System Operator, likely to manifest by 2030 or so in the form of insufficient generation to meet demand? Ketschke starts by acknowledging the looming gap:

[T]he NYISO report . . . found that in the coming decade, the buffer between New York’s peak energy use and ability to generate power is going to tighten — threatening reliability. That trend is a concern for those of us responsible for keeping the lights on and the air conditioners running, and a clarion call to move faster on building more sources of energy that are renewable and a system that is more reliable.

But hey, we don’t build generators, just transmission facilities. The generators are someone else’s problem. Rest assured, we are doing our part!:

Con Edison is currently investing more than $2 billion on infrastructure projects to ensure the grid can meet the increased demand for power as buildings and vehicles move away from fossil fuels and become electrified. . . . Con Edison is enhancing its electric delivery system to deliver more clean energy from solar arrays, wind turbines, hydro and other renewable resources to support New York State’s climate goals. The company is investing in energy efficiency programs, new substations, transmission lines to carry renewable energy, incentives for electric vehicle chargers, and other measures to usher in a clean energy future.

But what then about the generating facilities to provide the electricity? Sorry, not our job.:

The good news is that the NYISO report also found that the state is moving in the right direction, even if it’s slower than we want. In the last year, New York has added 452 MW of clean energy resources to the grid. We need that number to be in the 1000’s moving forward, but it’s a good start.

Those other guys just have to step up their game in a big way.

And then Ketscheke wraps up with some more genuflection, followed by kissing the feet and licking the toes of the climate cultists:

Opponents of New York’s clean energy plans would argue that we need to go back and embrace burning fossil fuels to ensure reliability. It’s a head scratching conclusion. . . . [W]e also know that the best long-term option for the state is to address climate change directly through smart investments that mitigate future climate change, while adapting to current reality.  New York needs to build more clean energy resources to allow the retirement of high polluting peaker plants. And we need to invest in research and development to spur new technologies that will help deliver electricity 24/7.

My normal instinct would be to feel some sympathy for the President of Con Edison, who is caught in a difficult to impossible position. He and his company will likely get a big share of the blame for the coming disaster. But between the genuflection to the cult and the profiteering off useless new transmission lines, he completely loses me. Con Ed, if you don’t have the courage to say the obvious truth here, you deserve whatever is coming to you.

When China Wired Money to Joe’s House

By Daniel Greenfield @ Sultan Knish Blog

When Hunter Biden got wire transfers from China, they went to Joe Biden’s address.
In the summer of 2019, while Joe Biden was running for president, the money was rolling into Delaware from Communist China. This was the same Wilmington house where classified documents were lying around while Hunter Biden was living while allegedly spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostitutes: some of them apparently foreign nationals.

On paperwork, Hunter appeared to claim ownership of the house and in 2010, he had begun paying for the upkeep of the house and his veep dad’s bills. By the time Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR, was sending a $250,000 wire payment to Joe Biden’s address, the former vice president and future president had already met with the Chinese investment exec doing business with his family and had written recommendation letters for his kids.

The $250,000 Chinese wire was described as a “loan”. But how was Hunter, by then approaching rock bottom, going to pay it off? Where was the money coming from?

The debt was assumed by Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer who has protected and paid for most of Hunter’s needs, after allegedly meeting him at a Joe Biden fundraiser that same year. A whistleblower alleges that in 2021 the CIA tried to block the IRS from interviewing Morris.

When the Biden clan was getting millions in payments from Chinese interests many of which, like Li, Joe Biden had personal contact with, through a web of shell companies, and then portions of the money were passed along to the future president as “loan repayments”, did he really know nothing about the process that brought the money from China to his wallet?

There are two Joe Bidens.

There is the famous passage from Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report stating that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” The phrasing is crucial. It does not state that Biden has a poor memory, but rather that he presents himself.

And there is the other Joe Biden who was on the receiving end of a complex financial scheme. There is the seeming loving father pained by Hunter’s addiction who also used him for money and had him taking all the legal risks while leaving his only surviving son dangerously exposed.

Politicians and public figures are not one person, but two. Biden is the elderly president with a failing mind, who arranged for an unpopular vice president incapable of replacing him. He is the grieving husband who cheated on his first wife, before her death, with his current wife. He is the loving father who dragged his kids into politics from the moment he staged a photo op in the hospital after they were in the accident that killed their mother, and went right on using them.

Joe Biden had spent much of his later career in politics building relationships with China. He could not however directly take advantage of them. That’s what his family was for. They took the risks, they got a bunch of the money and a percentage was to be reserved for the “Big Guy”.

One Biden claimed to know nothing about it while the other cashed the checks.

Biden’s interactions with his brother and son’s clients had been calculated to create an atmosphere of ambiguity into which foreign businessmen could read corrupt implications, without providing any clear evidence of wrongdoing. But would that have been enough?

The underlying question is why would a series of savvy, influential and successful Chinese business leaders have been sending large payments to the Biden family? Had they been taken in by a clever con, of Joe shaking their hands, chatting with them and seeming to imply a connection with the Biden family enterprises without discussing details, and got nothing for it?

How many Chinese businessmen could have fallen for that scam and for how long? And if nothing came from it then why, over a decade later, is there still a Biden financial link with BHR?

The alternative is that the Chinese money men didn’t get conned, the American people did.

The money wasn’t just coming from any companies, but from, in the words of the House Oversight Committee, “Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party.” They were not suckers and not stupid. In a cutthroat oligarchy where the price of failure is not just debt, but prison and death, Chinese executives are much sharper, less naive and a whole lot less trusting than any of our own.

It is a safe bet that they knew what they were paying for. And they made sure that they got it.

When Joe Biden was out of office, he was at best a speculative investment, but once he was on the path to the White House, his stock was rising and the Chinese money was buying influence.

30% of BHR had been turned over to Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca firm. Hunter stayed on the BHR board until the fall of 2019. After political pressure, it was announced that Hunter Biden had resigned from BHR, but by 2021, Hunter was still “working to unwind his investment” which were apparently turned over to Kevin Morris who still represents Hunter’s interests.

Backed by the state-owned Bank of China, BHR was not run by fools or suckers. And yet throughout all of Hunter’s publicized troubles the relationship continued and still continues at a distance. And that relationship represents a potential open door for the Bidens and China.

As Joe Biden risks becoming a one-term president, he is in much the same situation that he was in 2016, looking at a career dead end and needing ways to monetize his time in the White House.

Now and then, Biden needs Communist China and China needs Joe Biden.

And so through every Chinese hostile act, including hacks, spy balloons and military brinkmanship, Joe Biden has prioritized China’s interests over America’s. Some critics claim that Joe Biden, like a lot of politicians, is a sucker for maintaining a relationship with China at any cost. But is Joe Biden protecting America’s relationship with China or his own relationship?

American presidents are expected to represent national interests, not personal or foreign ones, but when a politician has a $250,000 wire from China made out to his address, personal interests become foreign ones, presidents become puppets, and policy becomes pay-to-play.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine. Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donation.
Thank you for reading.

Juneteenth – Build Pander Back Better (satire)

By Robin M. Itzler

Editor's Note: Robin's publishes a weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

In what was yet another apparent pander to black Americans, in 2021 President Joe Biden declared June 19th a federal holiday following the George Floyd Riots. The day celebrates when the last American slaves learned of their freedom. After signing the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law, it is rumored that Biden asked his chief of staff, “Will this make blacks like me?”

With 2024 being an election year the White House wants to make the most of its pandering. They held a pre-Juneteenth party on June 10, where Biden danced up a storm to exuberantly show his joy for the holiday.

Now Biden is considering adding more federal holidays to the calendar to “Build Pander Back Better.” Some holidays that are under discussion include:

January 4 – World Braille Day: Biden can reach the 66 percent of adults who use some form of vision correction although they never go blind. He would wear a BLM tee shirt as he shouts from the teleprompter, “Blind Lives Matter! Pause.”

February – President’s Day: This is already a federal holiday celebrating two esteemed presidents – George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. But that’s just two of 46!  Biden should insist that each of the other 44 president’s birthdays deserve their own federal holiday. 

February 14 – Valentine’s Day: Think of all the things Biden loves to do: sniff children’s hair, lie about his life, take money from foreign countries, call his wife “doctor,” seek advice from the smartest man he knows, Hunter Biden.

March 17 – Saint Patrick’s Day: Biden can pander to the 31.5 million Americans who claim to be of Irish descent.  Biden can slur his words and speak incoherently, and no one will notice, assuming it was too much green beer.

March 30 – National Take a Walk in the Park Day: Americans can visit local parks to admire all the statues that have been vandalized by Antifa and pro-Hamas thugs including the defaced statue of President George Washington, the father of our country. Perhaps Biden can share how in 1776 he crossed the Delaware with Washington.

April 4 – Tell a Lie Day: Joe Biden does not have to do any prep work for this holiday. He will retell the story of his uncle being eaten by cannibals during World War II.

April 5 – National Deep-Dish Pizza Day: There are nearly 18 million Americans of Italian descent. Biden can talk about the importance of dough in making pizza and the importance of sending dough to Ukraine, so no one learns about his family’s money laundering operations.

May 5 – Cinco de Mayo: Biden can be filmed at a Mexican restaurant saying, “Yo Hispanic! Pausa.” If time permits, he can talk about driving an 18-wheeler while fighting Mexican General Santa Anna at the Alamo.

May 6 – Incontinence Day: If there was any day that Joe Biden would want to recognize, it’s this one. There are about 13 million Americans suffering from some degree of incontinence. That’s a lot of voters completing their ballots between bathroom visits.

June 30 – National Corvette Day: This would be a national observance for any American who has parked their Corvette in the garage near boxes of documents they’ve stolen from their employer.

July 11 – National Pet Photo Day: More than 44 percent of American homes have at least one dog. Biden can hold a special photo ceremony at the White House for all Secret Service agents who have been bitten by one of his German Shepherds.

August 13 – International Left Handers Day: Biden can reach out (with his left hand) to the 10 percent of Americans who are lefties. To avoid confusion, “Dr.” Jill will put a big, blue dot on Joe’s left hand.

September 7 – World Beard Day: Biden can invite trans “women” with beards to the White House. There could be a contest to see which bearded “woman” can best explain what LGBTQQIP2SA++++ stands for. Calvin Klein, which featured a hairy bearded man wearing a bra in an ad, could sponsor the event.

October 31 – Halloween: Without question, this should be a federal holiday to celebrate Americans who masquerade as something they aren’t. For instance, Merrick Garland masquerades as an attorney general who follows the rule of law, Alejandro Mayorkas masquerades as someone who cares about the security of the United States, Kamala Harris masquerades as someone who earned her way up the professional ladder, and Pete Buttigieg masquerades as someone who thinks transportation secretary means building a bike lane.

November 13 – Caregiver Day: According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, 65.7 million Americans were serving as a family caregiver for an ill or disabled relative. Since “Dr.” Jill Biden is viewed by many as First Caregiver, Joe could hold a special ceremony at the Visiting Angels corporate headquarters.

December 18 – International Migrants Day: Any American who has been victimized in a crime by one of the 10 MILLION-PLUS ILLEGAL MIGRANTS that Biden has allowed to waltz unvetted into the United States, can join in the celebration at the southern border. If the American can’t attend because he/she was killed by an illegal migrant, a family member can attend in their place. The event would also be open to Americans who lost their job to an illegal migrant or had their community overtaken by homeless illegal migrant tent cities. Biden can shout (or whisper), “¡Cuanto más major! ¡Votar por Biden! ¡Pausa!” (The more the merrier! Vote for Biden! Pause!)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Even More Evidence for School Choice

What’s happened on school choice this decade is remarkable. There are now statewide plans all across the nation.

And if you peruse the map, you’ll see that several more states may soon join the club.

Why has there been a revolution for school choice?

There are three possible answers.

  1. The evidence is now overwhelming that dumping more money into monopoly government schools doesn’t produce better results. More funding for government schools simply leads to more bureaucracy. It’s a classic case of “throwing good money after bad.”
  2. Families want the freedom to choose the best education for their kids and they have been rejecting politicians who side with the education establishment. Since getting reelected is the main goal of 99.9 percent of politicians, that is encouraging otherwise reluctant state lawmakers to support choice.
  3. Last but not least, private schools (as well as homeschooling) generate better educational outcomes. Children achieve better test scores and other social indicators also improve. And since some state politicians may actually want to do the right thing for the right reason, that is helping to build support for choice.

For today’s column, let’s expand upon the third reason that school choice is booming.

Here are some of the highlights of a new report from Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia.

Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia (CSFP) students’ test scores were compared to students attending School District of Philadelphia (SDP). Fourth and Seventh grade scholarship recipients’ standardized test scores in Math and Reading/ELA were compared to all children attending a public school and those eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program…

CSFP students fare much better at a private school compared to students attending a school in the School District of Philadelphia (SDP). For example, 47% of CSFP 4th grade students score at or above proficiency in Math compared to 23% of SDP students and 17% of low-income SDP students.

The same is true for 7th graders, where 54% of 7th grade CSFP students score at or above proficiency in Math, while only 19% of all SDP and 14% lower-income SDP students score at or above proficiency. …CSFP partner schools outperform SDP district schools in both years, both subjects and at both grade levels.

Over 58% of 7th graders at a CSFP school score at or above proficiency in Reading compared to 38% of 7th graders attending a traditional public school in the district. …

Over half (52%) of 4th graders at a CSFP partner school score at or above proficiency in Math, while only 47% of all students and 31% of lower income students score at or above proficiency attending a school within a 10-minute drive.

Another way to tell that private schools are better is to see which option parents prefer when they actually have a choice.

The evidence from Florida tells you everything you need to know.

P.S. For those who prefer an international perspective, there are very successful school choice systems in Canada, Sweden, Chile, and the Netherlands.

Crime is Not Down, and Christians and Jews Are Under Attack

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note: This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me. If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK


Did you know that the New York City and Los Angeles police departments are among the approximate 40% of law enforcement agencies nationwide NOT sharing their crime data with the FBI? Keep that in mind when the FBI reports that crime is down. 

Also keep in mind George Orwell’s “1984.” 

You might wonder why cities don’t share their crime statistics. They used to. However, the FBI needed a more comprehensive data system and in 2021, introduced its advanced National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). Cities could no longer submit their crime data through the older Summary Reporting System. Many cities stopped sending the FBI crime data as they lacked the technology for the new NIBRS system. 

But the FBI doesn’t make this known when it releases its crime statistics. Many people will erroneously assume the FBI’s data is from most major police departments. In short, if you believe the FBI report that crime is down, you probably also believe that Joe Biden received 81 million votes in 2020 and is mentally fit to be president. 

Even The Epoch Times omitted this important information in their June 11 article.  

(Robin Itzler sent a letter to Siyamak Khorrami, Chief Editor of Epoch Times, about this omission.  While costs may have been the original factor in stopping their reporting, now events are unfolding that makes it even less desirable to report what's going on.)

Christians and Jews Are Under Attack

In New York America is repeating the history of Germany in the 1930s. Today’s Kristallnacht is directed at Christians and Jews, whereas in Germany it was primarily Jews.


The February 2024 edition of Family Research Council’s “Hostility Against Churches” report “identified 436 hostility incidents in 2023 – more than double the number identified in 2022 and more than eight times the number identified in 2018, the first year Family Research Council collected data.”

In New York City, home to 2.8 MILLION Catholics and 1.6 MILLION Jews, consider these recent incidents that occurred solely because of faith. Ask yourself what the MSM response would have been had these attacks happened to mosques and Muslims.

On June 10, Randy Maldonado Avila went into a Brooklyn Catholic Church and using a hammer, destroyed statues of Mother Teresa and Pope John XXIII along with the church’s glass doors. Police arrested Avila, but you would go blind looking for “hate crime” in the indictment for the 12 crimes listed.

What if Avila had done this in a mosque? We all know the answer!


On the evening of June 10 there was another pro-Hamas rally in New York City. And where did they hold this pro-terrorist demonstration? At an exhibit honoring the fallen in the October 7 Hamas murderous rampage. To make certain everyone knew they were rallying FOR terrorism, signs included: “Long live the intifada!” “Long live October 7!” “The Zionists are not Jews & not humans. They are the evil of the world!”

What if a sign read “Muslim are not humans?” We all know the answer!

On June 11, the Director of the Brooklyn Museum along with several Jewish board members had their homes vandalized with disgusting anti-Semitic graffiti.

What if this happened to Muslims? We all know the answer!

Where the hell is New York City Mayor Adams? Why isn’t the mayor standing up for Christians and Jews who are under attack? Adams is probably busy giving out government freebies to illegal alien migrant invaders! 

These attacks against Christians and Jews are happening because of Joe Biden and his Marxist Democrat party. As to the Hamas terrorist supporters in the Big Apple, if they can make it there, they can make it anywhere.