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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 5, 2023

There's No Unity With Islam, Nor is There Any In Islam

  By Rich Kozlovich

I recently read Matti Friedman's commentary Eight Thoughts on Israel’s Political Crisis which appeared on the Tablet Magazine website, and I came away wondering what planet he's living on. It seems to me this piece is classic example of cognitive dissonance, believing two diametrically opposing things at the same time and believing both are correct.

On one hand he recognized the folly of the Oslo Accords and acknowledges the world wide conspiracy against Israel, all promoted by leftists, he then promotes a philosophy of appeasement and weakness, all of which has failed.  He claims:

Benjamin Netanyahu’s radical new government, demonstrate that the political system is unable to offer a way for citizens to make progress together, or any kind of unifying vision that makes sense to a majority of people here.  The feeling in the country at the moment, and not just on the center and left, is that the political system has finally managed to shatter something important in the bond that has always somehow held the country’s parts together, paying (most of our) taxes and (mostly) serving in the army, despite policies that we might have seen as too right wing or too left wing or just ill-considered.

Bibi lacks a "unifying vision"?  Imagine that. He goes on the say:

The winners of this election, the Netanyahu loyalists and sectoral allies who’ve attached themselves to his star, believe themselves to be at war with the losers. “It’s time for the left to get used to the new reality: We don’t care what you think anymore,” one Likud lawmaker tweeted, summing up the general atmosphere. “The left” here includes nearly half of the population that didn’t vote for this coalition, many Israelis who define themselves as right wing, the people who pay most of the country’s taxes and provide most of our soldiers, and a party led by two former army chiefs of staff appointed by Netanyahu. In rhetoric and legislation, the new government is making clear that it’s not out for unity, but for revenge.

Is it revenge Netanyahu's government is seeking, or is it or justice?  The Israeli justice system, media and bureaucracy are filled with corrupt leftists, much like America, and this author apparently thinks crushing them violates his definition of "unity", which of course makes one wonder just how can one have "unity" with people who absolutley hate you and will do anything they can, no matter how corrupt, to destroy you?

I have no doubt he thinks that when Netanyahu defended himself against corrupt prosecutors that was destructive to the creation of national "unity", or at least his vision of "unity", which is my view of disharmony, discord, and stupidity.  So, let's take a look at this lack of "unity" he's so worried about, because while all that may sound great on the surface, it seems to me he has no idea what he's talking about.  I wonder if he ever looked up the definition for "unity" in the dictionary? 

In my article, Anyone But Netanyahu! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?, I note regarding the government Netanyahu is replacing:

Here's the real thrust of this newly formed three party "government".  A commitment to backing a non-Netanyahu government.  And then there's the ten other political factions in Israel, thirteen in all.  Factions, as far as I can tell, there are a bunch of political parties in and out of the Knesset!  But it gets worse.  There are 149 minor political parties in Israel.   

If these two sites are accurate there could be over 200 political parties in Israel.  I recommend following the two links as I can't really make heads or tails of this mess, and I wonder if the Israelis can.   If my assumptions are correct, in a country with only nine million people that means there's a political party for every 45,000 people. 

As in the Canada Free Press, Israel's dysfunctional government cannot survive, and it didn't.  

Now, that's the "unity" government the Netanyahu government is replacing?  Now, all of a sudden this writer is concerned about "unity"?  That's a red herring fallacy if there ever was one.  What part of that is so hard to get?

The left is now, and have always been, the provocateurs, and the enemy of mankind, and it's high time everyone.....and I mean everyone....stopped caring what they think, stop catering to them, stopped appeasing them, and started crushing them, and in Israel, (and unfortunately to a large extent also in America) that includes the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the media and all the leftists in the nation. 

The left is not only absolutely wrong about everything, the . How much history has to play out before everyone grasps that fundamental truth?  How many hundreds of millions must suffer and die before their evil is accepted as absolute and incontestable history? 

Just because with their rhetoric they keep turning themselves into angels of light, doesn't alter the fact in reality they're devils of darkness, and enablers of lies.   To be a leftist is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective, going right back to the French Revolution.  

That's history and that history is incontestable.

Israel can never be true friends with Muslims, and the reason why is simple.   Just like the left, Islam is now and has always been  always been, the provocateurs, and the enemy of mankind, and it's high time everyone understand, Muslims will always hate Jews, and I would think 1400 years of vile Islamic history would be proof of that.  Rape and slavery has been Islam’s true 'cultural exchange' with the west.   

I highly recommend reading Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West by Raymond Ibrahim.  History shows the five real pillars of Islam are greed, envy, lust, hate and violence.  That was true 1400 years ago, and it has remained true up until today, and it will be remain true as long as Islam exists. Everything else is a lie.  

That's history that history is incontestable.   

Any deal with them has to be transitory because as soon as is possible, and advantageous to Muslims, they will not only renege on the deal, they will work to destroy Israel, and that's foundational Islamic teaching for dealing with non-Muslims, and heretics.   That's why Jefferson had to finally attack and defeat Barbary Pirates.  Because that's what works. 

No deal with Muslims will be honored by Muslims.  Which is based on Islamic teaching.  And that includes deals with other Muslim groups since each sect claims all the others are heretics, and Islamic law requires death for heretics.  And he thinks there's a common ground to be found between Islam and Israel?  The only thing they respect is power, and the willingness to use it.  

Islam isn't a religion, it's a criminal, political movement masquerading as a religion.  Ask the Swedes how well things are working with their Muslim immigrant population?   The fact is Islam means submission, and they really mean it!   There can never be any "unity" with Islam, nor is there any "unity" in Islam. Islamic harmony is an illusion.  

And this writer thinks Netanyahu and his "radical" government has a "unity" problem?  Imagine that! Well, that settles it, he definately never looked up the definition for "unity" in the dictionary? 

And as for leftists:  They can't be true friends with anyone either.  There are no boundaries on the left.  Nothing is ever enough and they share the same moral foundation as Islamists.  Hate, greed, envy, lust, violence and the desire to tyrannously control all the lives of everyone around them, and do it violently.  

That's 230 years of history, and that history is also incontestable.  

The fact Tablet Magazine published this foolish piece makes me wonder if any of the rest of them are from this planet.  Why is it so hard for so many to understand, or at the very least, accept Islam will attack Jews, Christians, western civilization in any way that works, including using " Stealth Jihad".

Muslims and their supports refer to Israel as “occupied Palestinian territory” because of the folly of the Oslo Accords which gave the Palestinians autonomy over areas in Israel, and it's long overdue for “Israel to terminate the Oslo Accords", which they can do if they have the backbone. This worldwide effort to embrace "multicultural" posturing and excuse making for the actions of Islamists is absolute suicide for Israel.

These lands are not Palestinian lands, there has never been a nation of Palestine, Jews are not illegal occupiers, and all this multiculturalism clabber as "unity" is suicide. 

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