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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 5, 2023

McCarthy's Turbulent Thursday

  By Rich Kozlovich

I could go on blathering about the details on how McCarthy has now gone on for six votes and lost all of them, and how Trump still supports him, and how he's agreed to concessions, none of which are the big ones they really want regarding spending and the ability to dump his as Speaker when he reneges on his concessions.  I've dubbed him with a new royal title.  Count Caveat, since every deal he agrees to is ambiguous and filled with caveats that make it possible to renege on agreements.  

I've pointed out the only way he can win is if he stabs the entire Republican party in the back and cuts a deal with the Democrats, and there's apparently been rumors that's what he's doing, and Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez, Marcy Kaptur and others are touting such a deal.  A deal with big concessions about creating a "unity" government, that would give them control of the House and McCarthy as their puppet. 

All the while showing just how little class these juvenile Democrats have by breaking out popcorn as the speaker battle unfolds.  Karl Rove, who just about has a monopoly on being wrong, claims this is an 'unmitigated disaster' for Republicans, which of course means his brand of Republican, and none of them are conservatives.   

McCarthy Wins More Time With House Adjournment:

Chamber will reconvene at noon Thursday, allowing speaker candidates to cut deals On a two-vote margin, the House decided Wednesday night to adjourn until noon Thursday after six votes so far this week have failed to choose the next speaker. This already is the most protracted election for speaker the House has seen in a century—and it's far from clear that another night of negotiations among Republicans will be able to resolve their differences. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who has fallen short in every vote, sought the adjournment to give him more time to lobby for support among GOP members opposed to his candidacy. "I don't think a vote tonight will make a difference," McCarthy said, per the Washington Post, "but a vote in the future will.

"I don't think a vote tonight will make a difference, but a vote in the future will?"  Really?  Interesting statement. What's he know no one else knows?  Then there are these pieces worth viewing: 

And then there's this post:

However, there are two things that are under discussed.  First, Jim Jordan should not be chosen as Speaker, he doesn't want it and the nation needs him to be the Chairman of the Judiciary committee in order to go after the Democrats and the Deep State corruption and crime that's being swept under the rug.  That's his strength and his desire. Even with the restrictions place on him by the Democrats, he humiliated and exposed those he questioned.  What will happen when he's Chairman?

Secondly, demanding the Speaker push certain legislation is a red herring, since no conservative legislation passed by the house will be accepted by Schumer in the Senate, the best the House can do is block spending, even if it means shutting down the government, and as for Biden's claim, "For the first time in 100 years, we can't move", I think we need to ask:  That's a bad thing why? 

Given the current "movement" of the Biden Administration, being caught between gridlock and passing legislation Biden approves of,  gridlock is a good thing. And for the argument this embarrasses the nation:  How can this possibly be more embarrassing to America than watching a drooling moron and a laughing nitwit babble on and becoming the laughing stock on the national and international world stage?  

So, I'm thinking, maybe it doesn't matter if McCarthy becomes speaker.  Since the new Republican Speaker will be toothless anyway.  If they can get him to agree to a "firm" unbending position on no more spending, and appointing committee chairmen who will go after Biden and his corrupt and incompetent myrmidons, that might be the best the nation can hope for, at least from Congress.    The real solution lies in local initiatives, starting with fixing education, ending voter fraud, and that starts with choosing new leadership in each state, and throwing out all the go along to get along crowd. 

Everything is the basics!

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