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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Democrats and Their "Santos Epiphany"!

  By Rich Kozlovich 

Epiphanies, one after another abound these days!  In politics!  Imagine that.  Outgoing Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-NY) called his successor, Rep.-elect George Santos (R-NY), a "con man" amid reports Santos was dishonest about his resume.  

So, what we have here is a lying con artist is replacing a morally bankrupt socialist, who voted in line with everything Biden proposed.....100% of the time!  I'm sorry folks, I think that's an excellent definition of a socialist, all of whom are working diligently to destroy America.    Imagine that, a communist is upset a con man is taking his place.  Is that what we're seeing?  That seems like what I'm seeing.  Are you seeing that?   And....get the Democrats are shocked, shocked I tell you...... to find politicians lie!  Lie I tell you.  Imagine that.  Clearly that must be an epiphany!!!


Now, it's clear this guy has no boundaries when comes to lying, and he has no affection for the truth. He misrepresented himself as Jew-ish, and when New York Jews found that out, they condemned that.  His education and work history are right out of literature, fiction literature, and Democrats with some seriously questionable behavior, like Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., who while sitting on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence was allegedly playing kissy face huggy bear with a Chinese Communist spy, are outraged!  Outraged I tell you, saying "Santos should be banned from taking the oath for Congress."  Apparently Swalwell is now a paragon of virtue!  Another epiphany!

Rep. Ted Lieu, another Democrat from California with some alleged corruption issues insists "McCarthy should call for a vote to expel Santos in the next Congress, assuming that the Republican leader is elected speaker of the House in the new GOP majority".  Another moral epiphany!


Now, there's a whole list of things being found out about him, and I think each and every one of them is true.  Imagine lying about one's background for personal advancement, say like ....well .....Senator Elizabeth Warren!  Commonly referred to as Pocahontas for claiming untruthfully she was Native America, and apparently "checked the Native American box when she 'applied' to Harvard and Penn". but that was okay because:

Regardless of whether Warren’s self-proclaimed Native American background helped her win coveted jobs with UPenn and Harvard, she had some notable accomplishments going for her. For example, she did groundbreaking research while teaching at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law on how the nation’s bankruptcy code was affecting average families.

Remember Senator Blumenthal and his amazing record of service in Vietnam?  No?   That's because he lied, he never served in Vietnam and did everything in his power to make sure he never went to Vietnam.  What do we hear from the left?  Crickets!

Now, let's take Joe Biden.   

After all, there was Senator Joe Biden (D-Del.) and his lies.  And Vice President Joe Biden (D) and his lies.  And finally President Joe Biden (D) and his lies.  Surprisingly — not! — no Democrat outrage, fist-pounding demands that Biden be removed, is unfit for office.  Lies be damned, he was elected.  And re-elected.  And re-elected again.  And again.

 What do we hear from the left?  Crickets.  And the Democrats are not insisting he resign, or even be impeached for his lies.  His press secretaries lie. His appointees lie. Crickets!

Daniel Greenfield says, If George Santos Should Resign, So Should Biden, after all the Democrats have had an epiphany! A truth is everything epiphany! Really!!!  Or maybe?  Daniel notes:

Democrats suddenly claim to care about truth.......... Putting aside the issue of all the Democrats who have lied and were not forced to resign (Biden, Warren, Blumenthal,etc.) ... someone who lies about simple things that can easily be discovered has mental health issues. It's quite a difference between "embellishing" your resume............ and outright lying and making up stories that are so impossible,........The truth is they’re all liars

He goes on to say:
The Supreme Court ruled in the 1960s that they cannot toss out an ELECTED official (Rep. Adam Clayton Powell of Harlem, New York). He will be sworn in and then it will get interesting ... but of course, Democrats can lie, lie and lie and no one asks any of them to resign.

So, truth is only for Republicans?  Of course, Democrats have far more important things to worry about than truth, at least until one of those vile Republicans lie, then the nation is in danger of extinction!  Extinction I tell you!

Welllll, maybe extinction is a bit over blown here when you consider the devastating lies by Fauci and the whole Pandemic mandates crowd regarding vaccinations, masks, social distancing and business shutdowns, not to mention their lies regarding alternative treatments such as Ivermectin, which has been shown to be remarkably effective, all of which really was devastating to the nation and the world.  His avalanche of lies is nothing compared to the tornadoes, hurricanes and, earthquakes of lies these misfits have perpetrated on the world, and they've had no consequences for them....yet. 

In Roger Kimball's article, Lies for Me But Not for Thee, he notes Santos lied about his work history, his mother's death, his personal life, his religion, and in fact, the person he described, based on his lies,  doesn't even exist.  But no one died as a result of his lies.  However, unlike Obama and DeBlasio, he did get his name right.

So, what's the solution?

One more point.  I think this misfit is going to be a RINO, so if they don't sit him, no loss.

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