"Treason is an ugly word and an even uglier crime. In simple language treason is the act of betraying one’s country to those who would destroy it and enslave its people. This definition is so simple that leftwing sophisticated journalists sneer at it. To them treason is merely relative with one country’s traitor being another country’s hero. This is the appalling moral and intellectual state of current Western journalism. The moral rot runs so deep that one despairs of living long enough to see any improvement." - Gerard Jackson
By Rich Kozlovich
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Please ask yourself, is this the best shot they can take against Speaker Johnson? This November 1, 2023 article, Hit Piece on Speaker Johnson's Finances Backfires Spectacularly: 'I'm Supposed to Be Angry at This?' , by is telling:
Establishment shill Matt Fuller of the Daily Beast complained, in effect, that new Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson of Louisiana lacks the personal wealth required of a ruling-class oligarch. “Mike Johnson doesn’t have any retirement savings, own a single stock, or have any assets at all,” Fuller posted Wednesday on X, sharing a Daily Beast hit piece entitled, “Does New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Have a Bank Account?” “He has less than $5,000 in his bank account. He’s got a 250-500K mortgage, a home equity loan, and a personal loan. So what’s his retirement plan? To lobby?”
Podcaster Joey Mannarino noted: “So he can relate to the struggles that we’re all out here having? I’m supposed to be angry at this?”
Matt Gaetz: “The Daily Beast is furious that [Johnson] isn’t rich, corrupt or rich from being corrupt. He doesn’t have shady business deals. He doesn’t trade stocks as a congressman. Cry more, I guess?”
- Gaetz Roasts Journalist Who Attacked Speaker Johnson for Living Modestly
- Mike Johnson in His Own Words
Have no doubt, these attacks are just the beginning. He's vowed to continue Biden impeachment inquiry, which might lead to an investigation of both Biden and Obama. He's slammed the FBI for targeting religious Americans saying:
“I’ve made it very clear that, in my view, the evidence shows that, the FBI, for example, in the last couple of years has been weaponized.” “We have the evidence to show it,” he said. “They have, in some cases, targeted people of faith. They’ve targeted conservative Catholics and concerned parents at school board meetings and all the rest. The evidence is very clear that that’s happened.”.............“We have to ensure that the FBI is a trusted institution,” he said. “And right now, it’s not, by large numbers of Americans because of this evidence that they’ve seen.”
Make no mistake, that sends shock waves throughout the federal government along with those who've benefited from the dual justice system we're seeing in action, and the deep state will be doing all they can to destroy him.
If they can't attack him for financial corruption, they are, and will continue, to attack him personally.
Let's start with the basic truth. What they know they ignore because it doesn't fit their narratives, and what they don't know, they make up.
Left Media Says Speaker Johnson, Who Has Four Kids, Is an ‘Incel’ Because He’s Not Homosexual. The leftist media meltdown over Christian conservative Mike Johnson replacing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House of Representatives is intensifying, with Salon.com claiming his ascension is symbolic of "the incel-ization of the modern GOP".
Did you hear the explosions eruting all over the nation? What explosions? The exploding heads of leftists all over America when Johnson said God invented civil government:
The new speaker of the House of Representatives opened up about his Christian faith and how it informs his politics in an interview with The Daily Signal, in which he stressed the importance of treating political opponents with dignity and respect while adhering to fundamental truths. Speaker Mike Johnson discussed the Christian principles of America’s Founding Fathers, the greatest moral threat he perceives to society, double standards in the media when reporting on the religion of Republicans versus Democrats, support for Israel, and more.
His call for "Greater Integrity" in government must have really made their heads explode, especially how graciously he presented it saying:
“I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear: that God is the one who raises up those in authority. He raised up each of you. All of us.” He then referenced certain historical realities that re-affirm the intimate relationship between our history and the understanding that our identity as a country has not been and should not be separated from our closeness to Almighty God. He recounted how the motto “In God We Trust” was placed in the House chamber as a rebuke to communism, which is associated with atheism, and highlighted the Declaration of Independence’s use of “Creator.” He also noted the presence of Moses on the wall of the House chamber. Later, on the Capitol steps he cited Romans 5:3-4 in the Holy Bible, which says, “Suffering produces perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope.’” As an interpretive afterthought, he added, “What we need in this country is more hope.”......
What has to be far more disconcerting to the left is not only is he a good man, he's a smart man. Joe Biden has stated he will veto any legislation to support Israel that's not tied into funding Ukraine. Johnson says he supports funding for Ukraine, but without tying it to aid for Israel, and now he's managed to pass a $14.3 billion Israel aid bill that will fund support for Israel, which won't increase the budget. It's brilliant, because that money will be cut from the IRS. Brilliant, and now that puts Joe Biden and McConnell on the hot seat.
The trouble with being a Republican Speaker of the House is far different then being a Democrat Speaker. The Democrats are in lock step, the Republicans are never in lock step and for a Republican Speaker the job is much like herding cats. However, this demonstrates he understands how the system works and has solutions that are at least thought provoking and can potentially get all the cats in the same room with this novel idea for avoiding government shutdown.
Two things, there's no such thing as a government shut down. The federal government takes in about four trillion dollars a year, and that money keeps coming in whether the budget is passed or not, and the government still keeps writing checks. How painful it is, and who to, depends on the President and how much ink he can generate from the media.
Personally, I think a government shut down is a good thing. As an famous entomologist once said in defense of pesticides: "There's nothing like a good epidemic to get things started."
Finally, while Johnson has some squishy views on race, here are 30 Things to Know About Mike Johnson, and none of that will disturb the moral and the sane. To me it seems clear Johnson is a humble, modest, and amiable man. Mistaking those qualities for weakness is a serious error in judgement.
Matt Gaetz has been vindicated, and if the hysterical, establishment conservatives who bashed him for ousting Kevin McCarthy had any humility, they would be lining up in apology. They were wrong, Gaetz was right. Republicans have a House Speaker whose record far more accurately resembles the conservative base and its principles. Speaker Mike Johnson won’t always be perfect, but thank God he’s not Kevin McCarthy.
Imagine that.
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