By Rich Kozlovich
The term herding cats is used to describe something that's not only difficult to do, but carries an unpleasant connotation, kinda like herding lawyers. Well, that's what Speaker Mike Johnson is facing. I've often said the Republican party is called the stupid party because they earned it not having a shared vision.
The Mitt Romney's and John McCain's were the darlings of the party 20 years ago, and now they're anathema. Why? Real conservatives are being elected to the Congress, and the cage rattling they're causing give the impression the Republicans are in a mess, and they are, temporarily, but they're getting results that were long over due.
A friend sent me an e-mail quoting Will Rogers who in the late 1920's or early 30's once said, “I’m not a member of any organized political party…. I’m a Democrat.” He said he felt that now applied to Republicans, and so too did Dick Yarbrough who posted this article, What would Will Rogers think of today’s Republicans? saying:
There is no question that if ol’ Will was around today, he would probably be a Republican. The Grand Old Party gives new meaning to the term disorganized.
The Republican party is going through a transitional restructuring, and while Republican ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory is legendary, giving the impression, and rightly so, they're in complete disarray, the Democrats have walked in lockstep for years. That was an illusion. I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.
Other than the obvious party structures of Congress, it's actually made up of two distinct groups. Those who think America needs saving, and those who don't. Among the latter is a strong force who wish for America's destruction.
As the Speaker battle raged in Congress, and the Israel/Hamas War erupted with all the horrors of ancient barbarian brutality, the uniparty, which many recognized for years, has been exposed to the point that even the most casual observer can see who and what they are.
It should also be clear to the most casual observer America is facing a seriously catastrophic economic crisis with massive spending, borrowing, inflation, devaluation of the dollar, and a movement to abandon the dollar internationally.
We're seeing unbelievable and disastrous cultural changes that leftists in every one of America's institutions are promoting in order to replace the value system that created America and Western Civilization, the "proven traditional Judeo-Christian values with Godless secular-socialistic utopian ideals that have failed throughout history."
Political insanity that promotes the abandonment of defense measures that has worked forever in favor of DEI and gender initiatives. We can't keep our planes in the air, but hey, at least the Defense Department has it's pronouns right. After all, what's more important, fixing submarines and air planes or providing for abortions and sex change operations for military personnel? At least that's the priorities of Biden and his misfit cabal of incompetents. The same misfits who claim the only real national defense worry is climate change.
Since according to them climate change (the second greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated on humanity since evolution, and the covid scare mongering running a close third) is our only real national fear, they've decided to destroy America's ability to fuel itself and generate sufficient electricity to run our businesses or ever our homes. Which will destroy America's economy!
And so, what do we see? Biden demands the nation stop using fossil fueled vehicles in favor of electric vehicles, which are an unending disaster. Therefore, if we can't supply sufficient electricity for our homes and businesses with all these alternative energy schemes, all of which are failing, then I think it wise to ask: How can they supply sufficient energy to charge all these electric vehicles? The answer? They can't!
The nation has allowed these misfits to totally ignore and violate American laws on immigration, and no one is being charged with a crime, or even dismissed from government for doing it. Why? Because the crime stoppers are the criminals, and this is a classic example of corrupt world of the double standards in which these Washington elitists and insiders reside, and make no mistake, that's a very small tip of the iceberg.
What has been exposed by all this is so many of the so-called conservatives are in reality, CINO's, Conservatives in Name Only, like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, and my favorite CINO is John Kasich, who claimed while as governor of Ohio he had the right to define conservationism as he saw fit. In his case if his brand of conservationism was a river, it would run right through the middle of Western Europe.
In reality, of all the 535 members of the Congress in both houses, there are less than 125 who could really qualify as conservatives, all of whom truly believe the nation is in crisis. But they have little power in stopping this cascading insanity of economic, political, and cultural disaster being pushed on the nation.
This battle for Speaker of the House has threatened the status quo, and we're seeing leadership of both parties, and lobbyists, all of whom have wallowed at the feeding trough of government largess to the nation's detriment, all of whom are supported by a corrupt media insisting to end the status quo, a corrupt status quo, would be a disaster for the nation, and will destroy "our democracy". Which is really interesting since both "Corrupt Hillary" and Nance Pelosi are two of the biggest mouths spouting that corrupt nonsense.
Powerful forces will be in play to prevent any efforts to nix all this corruption. Matt Gaetz was vilified for his efforts to oust Speaker McCarthy, many saying the time wasn't right, which of course is a logical fallacy because for these nitwits, the time is never right. But now, he's the hero!
Will it matter? When the nation's voting public still ends up supporting insane leftists, and their insane positions, as was done yesterday in Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, one has to think, it might not matter.
Who knows, perhaps Joe Biden will follow Volodymyr Zelenskyy and decide he should suspend the 2024 election, since "this might not be the right time for an election". And since it's been shown the law enforcers of the federal government are the law breakers, who can prevent that? Answer? The outrage of the American people, and something that's coming to the fore, and the Democrat party isn't prepared to deal with it, intellectually, morally, or philosophically. The Israel/HAMAS War is exposing them for who they really are.
Going back to Will Rogers statement about the Democrat party not being organized, one has to realize the Democrat party has always been made up of divergent, and often conflicting groups. Big labor versus those supporting illegal immigration. Environmentalists versus industrialists. Race hustlers who create disadvantages for other ethnic groups. All their DEI programs are totally destructive to many of their constituents, and yet they've managed to win elections because of the massive amounts of money being poured into campaigns by ultra rich destructive leftists, and blatant election fraud. But not all is well.
Going back to Will Rogers statement about the Democrat party not being organized, one has to realize the Democrat party has always been made up of divergent, and often conflicting groups. Big labor versus those supporting illegal immigration. Environmentalists versus industrialists. Race hustlers who create disadvantages for other ethnic groups. All their DEI programs are totally destructive to many of their constituents, and yet they've managed to win elections because of the massive amounts of money being poured into campaigns by ultra rich destructive leftists, and blatant election fraud. But not all is well.
Kurt Schlichter posted this piece yesterday, Think the GOP Has Problems? Meet the Democrats!, saying:
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The Republicans keep putting on a clown show they're calling the GOP Presidential debates, and look like a bunch of incompetent clowns, when in fact, none of them have a tinker's dam's chance to be chosen as the Republican candidate.
“RNC ‘debate’ audience chanting TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP tells you everything you need to know folks. It’s over folks but the swamp grifters and consultants are going to milk their billionaire funded Super PACs to the last cent. Because the swamp cares about money and power not America.”
It will be Trump, and instead of getting behind him and created a tidal wave of national support, they denigrate him and the entire conservative base of the party. But that will end after 2024 for the Republicans, and the two top contenders among those original seven dwarfs, DeSantis and Haley, will see the end of their political lives.
The Democrat leadership and it's base are in fact leftist lunatics filled with with hate, envy, greed, and violence, who will continue to destroy any semblance of sanity in their party, or the nation. What they have to offer is being demonstrated in America's major cities. Total collapse of civilized society.
That's history, and that history is incontestable!
- I published this in 2019: They're called "The Infantile Left" For a Reason!
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