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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Baldrick's Cunning Plan

"The welfare of the people is the alibi of tyrants."   -Albert Camus

By Rich Kozlovich

On August 10, 2021 Christopher Chantrill published this piece, Is Our Ruling Class Smart, Dumb, or Really Dumb? asking:
The question that keeps occurring to a confirmed regime opponent like myself in this First Year of the Great Biden Era is this: What is really going on? Is the ruling class executing on a brilliant strategy to transform the political landscape for the next generation? Are they just fumbling along, trying to keep ahead of their wokist crazies? Or are they executing another of Baldrick’s Cunning Plans that will inevitably blow up in their faces?
Since I never watched the "classic British comedy, Blackadder" I was puzzled.  Who's Baldrick and what's his Cunning Plan?  I was expecting to find some lengthy leftist philosophical clabber, but much to my pleasure it wasn't. 
So, who's Baldrick?   He's an enlisted man in the British army who (like leftists everywhere infesting the world's governments) claims to have a "cunning plan", unrevealed, for every new situation. Having  "cunning plans" that are unrevealed solves the problem of being proven wrong, the left is especially good at avoiding that by the way.  In spite of that, he does have one singular goal in life.  Survive WWI!  Considering the mass slaughter of trench warfare and the British and French Generals tactical embrace of wearing out German machine guns with young men bodies to win the war, it was a laudable goal.  

However, I looked up Baldrick's Cunning Plan, and it turns out he did reveal one "cunning plan" to the Blackadder:

  • Blackadder: Baldrick, what are you doing out there?
  • Baldrick: I’m carving something on this bullet, sir.
  • Blackadder: What are you carving?
  • Baldrick: I’m carving “Baldrick”, sir!
  • Blackadder: Why?
  • Baldrick: It’s part of a cunning plan, actually!
  • Blackadder: Of course it is.
  • Baldrick: You know how they say that somewhere there’s a bullet with your name on it?
  • Blackadder: [haltingly] Yyyyyyyyes…?
  • Baldrick: Well, I thought that if I owned the bullet with my name on it, I’ll never get hit by it! Cause I’ll never shoot myself…
  • Blackadder: Oh, shame!
  • Baldrick:… and the chances of there being two bullets with my name are very small indeed!
  • Blackadder: Yes, it’s not the only thing around here that’s “very small indeed”. Your brain, for example. Is so minute, Baldrick, that if a hungry cannibal cracked your head open, there wouldn’t be enough to cover a small water biscuit.

I really think the phrase, "Your brain..... is so minute..... if a hungry cannibal cracked your head open, there wouldn’t be enough to cover a small water biscuit.", is an analogy that applies to the administration's policies and "cunning plans", such as:

Yep, its those terrible middle class deplorables who cling to their guns and Bibles.  You know the ones I mean.  It's all those creepy people who go to work everyday, pay their taxes, try to follow the rules, obey the law who teach and raise their children to do the same who are the "oppressors".  Imagine that, and they think this is a part of a "cunning plan"?

Come on now, are we expected to believe they really think this is smart?  Actually, yes we should, since it's clear they're working to destabilize society, they must believe destabilizing society will get them the power they so cravenly desire.  They must believe its as good an idea as Baldrick's bullet.   

"What's the lesson here?  Tyranny always starts with a little prick.  Obamacare didn't make America healthy.  The vaccines haven't set Americans free.  As Camus potently warned those willing to listen, "The welfare of the people is the alibi of tyrants."  Forget the battle between "makers" and "takers."  For Americans to win back their freedom, it's "slaves" versus "braves" from here on out."

Finally, and here's a really "cunning plan" by social engineering leftists.  Social Security Insurance is going to go broke!  Their solution?  Raise taxes substantially, raise the retirement age past 70, and change the cost of living calculations. But what about the trillions the government has taken  (stolen) out of SSI, and in return gave Social Security Administration a non-redeemable bond?  Shouldn't that be repaid first?   SSI was supposed to be untouchable when it was created, but those kind of promises are part of the "cunning plans" used to strip income from society.  

It's mind boggling how educated, seemingly smart people are willing to believe the unbelievable.  That means they're either ignorant, or stupid.  Ignorance is the natural state because being ignorant means we just don't know, which is fixable by learning.  It's refusing to learn the truth, that makes them stupid.  However, refusing to learn and to continue to believe the unbelievable over and over again, against all evidence to the contrary, isn't stupidity.  It's insanity!

As for the real power brokers behind all this who know better, it's deliberate.  But that doesn't change the fact their "cunning plans" are as flawed as Baldrick's bullet, and their brains wouldn't "cover a small water biscuit."  

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